Saturday 16 March 2019

May the road rise up to meet you

Hi Everybody!

First of all I would like to wish a very happy St Patrick's day tomorrow to all wearers of the green who are celebrating. This Irish blessing is one of my faves:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

(Image free from Graphics Fairy)

For Tag Tuesday I made a hybrid tag for Wilma's hares and rabbits challenge  using images from Mr Whiskers collage sheet and  Gecko Galz:

Wild, wet and windy weather is always enjoyed by the water birds:

Sorry, shorter post than usual, my fingers are extremely painful and I have problems typing.

Have a great weekend,
take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy St Patrick's Day, Valerie!

    I'm hopping over from MagicLoveCrow to say thank you for entering the giveaway. Best of luck!

    And oh, I do love your hybrid tag for Tag Tuesday. I'll sure stick around to see what other beautiful things you create here. :)

    1. Thanks Khaya, I will visit your blog later, too!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Just a quickie before we all go out. Love the tag, and the Irish blessing is beautiful. Great photos, as always. We're off to my mum's now! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie oh i do love your tags you make the most amazing ones,well done my friend and thankyou for sharing your lovely bird pics xx

  4. Absolutely stunning makes Valerie and a Happy St Patrick's Day to you for tomorrow xx

    Annie xx

    1. Thanks Annie, you have a great weekend, too!

  5. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Sweet tags. The bird photos are awesome. The heron seems to enjoy the water rushing over his feet. Hope your hands are feeling better.

  6. Oh Valerie, hope your fingers improve. Beautiful hybrid tags and photos. Glad somebody enjoys wet windy weather.

  7. Wonderful artwork and photos. I love that Irish saying.

  8. Oh I do love that tag Valerie. For this challenge you have lots of Alice in Wonderland tags but they are fun to see. (And to make for most likely too). Nice seeing all the birds out enjoying the weather also. Our herons haven't come this far north yet, but every day we are getting closer. Hope your weekend is going well. Hugs-Erika

  9. Loving the whole spring vibes on your blog lately Valerie, really lovely and motivating for the spring, exciting. x

  10. What a so Gorgeous tag Valerie !! Love the rabbits, they are fabulous. Love the so wonderful photographs of the little birds you have shared with us, thanks so much.
    I hope your fingers are better today, and I wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  11. I hope your fingers are feeling better and I hope you get some sunshine! Sunshine will help warm you. :) Though- those birds all look very happy in the grey and wet weather. Such gorgeous pictures!

    Beautiful tag. :)

    Have w wonderful weekend!

  12. Rough water! But the birds don't seem to mind. I hope your fingers feel better later.

  13. Fabulous tag Valerie, love the little '?' you added.
    Very wet and windy here too, but at least the birds don't seem to mind.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend and the fingers get less painful.
    Avril xx

  14. So good to see a St Patrick's greeting and your beautiful rabbit tag

    Amazing bird photographs as always. Thank for sharing those

    Hoping your fingers soon improve it sounds so painful

    Take care. Higs Chrissie xx

  15. Kiss me I'm Irish!!!!
    Love your Peter!!!

  16. A wonderful rabbits tag and great photos with the birds.
    Its a lovely Irish Blessing , Happy St Patricks Day to you Valerie.
    I hope your fingers will feel less painful soon, I can understand how you must feel not being able to use them at times.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Love all of your bird/duck photographs, the water looks so fast moving where the heron is standing.

    I do hope your fingers will be less painful soon.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS Happy St Patricks Day to all who celebrate.

  18. i love the st patrick's day greeting! somehow i didn't manage to make any this year. your rabbit tag is absolutely gorgeous! xo

  19. Hello Dear Valerie, that is a beautiful greeting/blessing. The rabbit/bunny tags is lovely.
    Those Herons always make for delightful photos as do the seagulls and ducks. They're happy little visitors, content to play around the water and on the rocks.
    Do take care and don't overtire your fingers/hands... all the very best :D) xx

  20. How cool is this post, so interesting and love it all...gotta go get washing off before the rain hits again.x

  21. Just coming by on my weekly visit...
    I have never had much time for St Paddy's day, here in Scotland no one pays any attention to it, but I do love your blessing and that tag is wonderful! As is your blog header :o)
    Super photos too, wow, that water certainly looks wild.... We have been having ghastly weather here too, with snow yesterday for the first time this year. But thank goodness it's gone again. Anyway, happy Sunday and have a good week!

    1. I don't celebrate it either, but I know that a lot of others, do! Hope your weather is soon better!

  22. Wonderful art and photos Valerie, & I love your bunny header! We have a rabbit at animal rescue called Ed, who looks exactly like that. He's an 'Old English' breed I think, and he's gorgeous!
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

    1. We used to have rabbits when I was small and I loved them! They are such gentle animals.

  23. Please take care of your fingers!
    Your tag is so cute!!
    Amazing photos! Love the rushing water and the birds! Big Hugs!

  24. Seeing your heron makes me long for Harry! I hope he returns soon.

    Love the art today!

  25. What fun art in this post!! Love that Heron!! Chrisx


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