Thursday 10 January 2019

Winter walks and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had rather a lot of doctor's appointments this week, so it didn't leave too much time for art and/or blogging, but I think we have to take life as it comes, even if it's a bit inconvenient and sometimes gets in the way of our plans.

I have another tag for Tag Tuesday, new beginnings- The background was hand painted, stamped and textured, and reminds me of the mostly grey skies we have been having. The figures are part of a set from Mischief Circus, and are showing some good advice. The background is new, the images are 'old':

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

I have 2 journal pages using the same images ( yes, I like these figures, so have used them a lot. Cutting out figures while watching TV is my knitting):

And some photos of wintry walks along the Rhine and through our little town:

Saint Swidbert is the patron Saint here:

I always love the shadows:

Some of the barges are very long:

I zoomed in the bridge:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val! This is a wonderful post, so full of lively art and great photos, it's evident you have enjoyed yourself putting this together. I caught a flash of sunrise this morning, but it was gone by the time I had time to look properly! Love those little art dolls, so pretty. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Love your tag and your beautiful pages!
    The figures of the dolls are so pretty! Great artwork!!!
    I really enjoyed your gorgeous pictures from your walk at your town!
    Like the tower and the Rhine shots ! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely day! Hugs!

  3. Nice photos from your walk. I am having walk withdrawals because we still have so much ice. And now new snow and COLD. Winter is here I guess but I am glad I can walk through your photos. :) And nice art. I like those ladies and the pages/tag you made with them. that's good advice for sure. Hope you get for some more nice walks. and Make good art too. hugs-Erika

  4. I love those colourful little figures in your art pieces, and the cat too. Wonderful photos.

  5. All the best with the Dr Appointments, best wishes for your health.

    The tag,and pages are lovely. I enjoyed your town photos today.

  6. I'm really impressed with your tag and your dolls. They are wonderful and so well fussy cut, too.

    Beautiful photos from around town and the river. Keep forgetting to tell you I like your new blog banner, too.

  7. These are fab Valerie, I love the bright happy colours. Good luck with all your doctors appointments, it's not fun is it xx

  8. Wow I love this Valerie. You are such a star.

  9. I hope all appointments are routing and bring you good news -- or no news, which is often the best in the doctoring world. Meanwhile, I love the tag and pages, the happy style and wonderful colors. And the shadow of the lamp post on the wall in that photo.

  10. Those are inspiring quotes! I hope your doctor visits went well. I'm googling your saint :) and enjoying your river views. It looks chilly!

  11. I love these pieces and their messages. We need to hear them regularly.
    Your town is so picturesque and beautiful.
    Hope today is filled with good health and energy.

  12. I hope all your appointments went well this week! What amazing artwork, I love your beautiful and colourful ladies and the quotes are so inspirational 😀. Your little cat is adorable too! Another lovely walk, I always enjoy joining you along the Rhine and seeing your pretty little town! Enjoy the rest of your week and happy weekend! J 😊 x

  13. Hi Valerie! I love your beautiful art work. It's so cool that cutting out the beautiful figures while watching TV is your knitting! I love the tag and the art journal pages that you made, and especially like the quotes that you used. You are so talented!!! And the photos are absolutely beautiful and very interesting. Yes, I love the shadows at this time of the year, too. And I want to tell you that I always love visiting your blog, my friend. I hope all of your doctor's appointments went well, too. HUGS!

  14. Oh I do love your ladies! Great fun!!!

  15. Hi Valerie wow love those tags they are awesome and boy your journal pages look fantastic,you are very clever my friend,well done xx

  16. The doll images look fantastic on your tag and the pages. Your added words are good to read as well.
    I hope you appointments went okay and went well.
    Lovely photos of the Rhine, it looked a much nicer day than we had had here.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Such fun journal pages and tags. Even though you used some of the same figures and thoughts, I like how all the pages look a bit different. I especially love the kitty. I think it's a kitty. If not, it's a kitty to me. :-D Looks cold along the river. We've had grey skies too. I like how the iron lamppost shadow looks so lacy. Hope all is well with you. Oh, and I don't think I thanked you for the electronic greeting cards. Thank you for thinking of me.

  18. LOVELY photos, Valerie.
    I am in lllllllllllove with your tag!!!!!!!!!!! This is sooooooooo beautiful. I did not know the Mischief Circus shop. Be sure that I will google search it.
    Hugs, my talented friend.

  19. Happy journal pages and tag. Winter walks are good here but I struggle the summer ones with heat and humidity..xx

  20. Morning Valerie, I hope all is well with you after those appointments? I've had one of those weeks with limited time to be online. Your post is full of colour and character. Great sentiments and pretty faces. You've expressed you limited time by being so social within your art works. Fab Tag & journals, full of areas to discover.
    Always love how you show us up close the marvellous craftmanship of the architecture around.
    Happy PPF and wishing you much more time to craft this weekend. Hugs Tracey xx

  21. What a lovely post! Your art: amazing.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  22. Hope all is well Valerie. Love all your art play with the figures! And of course, your photos along the Rhine always have me wanting to see these lovely sights myself:) Happy PPF!

  23. Lovely tags and journal pages. From your photos, it looks a lovely place to live. I did a river cruise along the Rhine a few years ago.

    1. Thanks Linda. Those cruises are great, I love watching them chug by.

  24. What creative tag and journal pages ~ so colorful and creative ~ and thanks for the beautiful photo walk along the Rhine ~ a delight ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. Thanks for your lovely photos and inspiration heads. HAPPY PPF.


  26. Your artwork is particularly uplifting and self-affirming today. I think we all need to see quotes like that every once in a while, don't you? Sometimes, we forget...

    As always, your photos are a delight. You have a knack for seeing the artistic side to the world around you... and then you share it with us. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  27. Really love all your pieces! Isn't it the worst when life gets in the way of art, especially Dr visits! Hope this week is a little better for you. Happy PPF!

  28. I hope your Dr's appointments went well.

    I've enjoyed your photographs of your wintry walk along the Rhine, it's nice to get out and about for a walk.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  29. Such fun pieces! Love all the women! Great photos!

  30. Medical appointment aren't no phone and hope all is well.
    But it looks like had some time for creative.
    Coffee is on

  31. Wonderful tag and pages Valerie and great advice for us to follow.

    Doctor's appointments take up lots of time but if they help it is time well spent. I say that having spent lots of time this week at the dentist and opticians :(

    Amazing photographs as always The one where you zoomed into the bridge stands out for today.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  32. That statue is magnificent.
    Hope your day is filled with energy and productivity.

  33. Thank you for sharing this european feel of your town! I love seeing those novelish pictures and trees! So good!

    1. Thanks, this is a pretty and peaceful place to live.

  34. Sometimes life is busier than we would like- but I am glad you were still able to get some artwork done and take a walk. The walk looked nice- though I imagine it was pretty cool. Your artwork looks fabulous. I love the messages! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  35. The background on your tag looks fabulous and those figures are really cool and work so well on your journal pages too.
    I think we are sharing the same grey skies, longing for sunshine.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Avril xx

  36. wow val,das sind ganz ganz großartige seiten,sehr schön zusammengestellt mit den figuren und den worten.
    tolle bilder hast du wider gemacht,so eine große autobrücke haben wir hier auch.
    einen schönen sonntag,liebe valerie.
    morgen muss ich ins kh,da wird die abschirmung fürs gesicht gemacht,damit nicht zuviel strahlen in den augen gehen,es ist auch noch genau zwischen die augen.
    das ganze dauert 40 min.,drück mir mal die daumen das ich das packe.

    hugs jenny

    1. I will be thinking about you, Jenny, you will manage it, I am sure.

  37. Fabulous pieces all of them Valerie, I can totally see why you like those faces/figures and some of the words are just brilliant too!

    Hope the hospital visits went ok....
    All the best and happy Sunday! xx

  38. Great images, Valerie - the little figures have such wisdom and your photos are superb.

  39. Wow Valerie !!! Love your amazing tag and those stamps are fabulous. The journal pages are so inspiring and I love the words x I have had a very busy time too and something had to give, although I was creating right up until Christmas but had no time for photographs and editing etc.

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  40. Love what you have created Valerie, bright and beautiful and do love those faces...hugs Lozzy x hope you feeling ok xx

  41. It's clear how much you love these bold figures and I love what you've been doing with them. The bright colours are amazing - and the best for me is the first piece with those bold rainbow brights against the stormy grey skies - such a fabulous contrast. Thanks for another lovely day out with the photos too!
    Alison x

  42. Cutting out figures while watching TV is your knitting? I Like that, Valerie. I also love the Mischief Circus figures that appear on so many of your pieces today. Best of luck with the doctor appointments. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Eileen

  43. Hi, Valerie. This is a wonderful post. I love your artwork; so bright and colourful. Always enjoy your photographs. You have a great eye for photography. Hope you are feeling better soon. It's no fun having problems with one's fingers; I know only too well what it's like. Have a great 2019. Will be catching up real soon.

  44. I'm sorry about all the doctor appointments! I hope everything is well!
    Thank you for this post! I LOVE these art pieces! Means the world to me! I know in my life, I didn't realize how much I didn't know me and didn't love me!
    Amazing photos! Those boats are gorgeous! I love how you capture everything!
    Big Hugs!

  45. Don't care all things brown around water pics, love those pics. Your statements are right on. . .Blessings, Janet


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