Wednesday 2 January 2019

New Beginnings and 2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed your new year celebrations, and are now fit and ready to tackle the year ahead. I spent the evening reading - I re-read 'A Tale of Two Cities', which I always enjoy, and then binged on some more Agatha Christie films,  such fun. The first day of the year here was dull, mild and cloudy, just like yesterday was, so it was good weather to do some crafting. I was planning on clearing off my work-table, but I need more energy for that. I have not made any resolutions, as I either forget them or don't keep them, or perhaps a bit of both, and as we all know, the slippery slope to hell is paved with good intentions....

For my 'new beginnings' challenge at Tag Tuesday, I made a tag using my beloved Mr Umbrella Man. The 2 cards used for the background were recycled from old envelopes. I stamped the top one with some old Paper Artsy stamps, I am not so fond of the ones they are producing these days. I used peacock-feather distress oxide. To make Mr U.M. something new I let it rain  -  not men, but flowers . The sentiment is also from my new packet of quotes. I stitched it all together, having fun racing the machine around the tag.

Today is also Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd challenge, where we re-show works made in the past. These are both A3 mixed media and very textured pieces made in 2014. I wasn't very happy with them, so didn't try it again:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

The photos are also from the beginning of January 2014 - my fascination with skies and birds has not changed:

 This is one of the Rhine-ravens - a big colony of them live in the castle ruins and go fishing in the river to find food - clever!

The seagulls are always very active and cooperative when I have some food for them in my pocket:

And the ducks were hungry, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow, that's a lovely tag. Most impressive, especially that stamped background. I like how you recycled the background, too. Of course, I LOVE it any time you sew your art.

    Personally, I like the two pieces you shared with us for your second look. You draw SO well. I love the flowers, but I'm mesmerized by the texture. Is that gauze?

    Thanks for sharing your still fabulous photos of old and your two art pieces with us as your second look on the 2nd.

    1. I used an old roll of gauze bandage which I pasted on with mod podge. It was just an experiment to re-use the gauze and see what it was like working on it.

  2. frohes neues jahr,meine liebe und nur die besten wünsche für 2019!
    dankeschön für die tolle neujahrsmail,habe mich total gefreut Bussi*
    deine schönen vasen mit den blumen sind wunderschön und erinnern mich an den frühling,tolle bilder von den enten und möwen hast du gemacht und dein tag ist megaklasse.
    einen schönen mittwoch,heute ist die planung für die strahlentherapie,ich hoffe ich schaffe das.

    hugs jenny

    1. Danke Jenny! Bleib positiv und glaube fest daran dass dieBeandlung dir hilft! Ich denke immer an dich!

  3. Good morning Val. Lovely post today. Great to see those vases of flowers, something we all need in these cold winter days. It's got really cold over night, too. Love the idea of it raining flowers for Mr U.M. - you always have very uplifting and positive ideas. Have a great day, enjoy your shopping with W! Hugs, Sarah

  4. I reread A Tale of 2 Cities last year and I really enjoyed it. And I love the tag. Wouldn't it be cool if we hd flower rain instead of snow? Especially in January. And I love seeing the second look backs. I really like the background texture one the first one. That makes a really interesting effect. Happy Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

  5. Such a fantastic tag! I know that I say this often but I will say again, "you are an amazing and talented artist and photographer!
    I love how you used gauze in your second look pieces. I think they are lovely.
    Always love your photos.
    I want to be a crow so I can live in one of those castle ruins :)


  6. I think I like your "seconds" better than you do! The texture works for me and I love the colors. And it's good to see silhouette man back!

    Aren't the Agatha adaptations wonderful? It doesn't matter whether I'm watching Poirot or Marple, a long form or an hour or two mini-series. They are always very solid and such fun.

    1. Yes, the films are great and always fun to watch.

  7. I'm re-reading some old favorites, too :) Any book worth reading is worth re-reading, I think. I enjoy film/TV adaptations of the mystery books. There's a new Poirot expected in February on Amazon Prime and a new film from Branagh later in the year. I'm looking forward to those. I'm liking those textured pieces and am now thinking I need to see if I have any gauze ;) The colors show up the dimensions. We have crows here but not ravens. They fascinate me!

    1. I often re-read old faves and it's like meeting up with old friends

  8. good morning, awesome tag, and I love your textured pieces especially the first one. sounds like a perfect start to the new year-reading and watching favorite films.
    enjoyed all the photos
    Happy second on the 2nd Kathy

  9. I do love to see your photos of the birds Valerie, and your artwork is beautiful!
    Alison xx

  10. Lovely art work I do like Mr Umbrella Man.

    Aren't skies wonderful, loved seeing your older photographs as well as newer ones.

    Enjoy the rest of the week.

    All the best Jan

    1. I have always been fascinated by the skies, sun, moon and stars.

  11. I rather like the lilies in the blue vase and you've created an interesting texture.
    The first photo of the bird, the trees and the sky is magnificent. Is that the moon or the setting sun, whatever, it is a marvellous effect.
    Happy 2nd on the Second and Happy New Year!

  12. Hello Valerie - what a great post and fab photos.
    My favourite was the very beautiful pink lillies? in the vase - such lovely textures.
    Wishing you a happy New Year and hope its a healthy one with lots of creative arty fun.
    Gill xx

  13. The tag is great, the texture in the flower picture is fantastic. I really appreciate the sky/bird photos - lets me have a peek into the area you live in.

  14. Lovely photos again today Valerie, you are really lucky to get such good evening or morning sky shots.
    It is always good to see MR U it is a fantastic tag.
    I really liked your pages for the 2nd on the 2nd, the tulips looked beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Hello Valerie... and a Happy New Year to you!
    I agree with you about resolutions lol :D)
    Lovely to see your pages and the close ups too - they're always good and to see your inventiveness is very inspiring.
    So enjoyable to see your photos of the birds, skies and water. Cheers and here's to a beautiful year of visiting in blogland xx

  16. I love the Mr. UM tag, it's so perky and pretty. I enjoyed the pieces too and of course, the pics of the bird:)

    Have a healthy, happy, productive day.

  17. Happy New Year Valerie! Nice tag and I love your mixed media flowers. I enjoyed your photos today.

  18. Happy New Year My Friend! Sending you many blessings! I love your tag!! It's excellent! You must have a large folder, with all your old photos! They are amazing! I always love your sky photos! Love seeing the ravens too! I enjoyed your mixed media art pieces too! Big Hugs!

  19. Beautiful display and so love the gorgeous colours and photos, back now to catch up..
    Happy New Year and sending lots of health and happiness your way.xx

  20. A fab tag to start off the New Year Valerie, he's always a winning combination is Mr. U.M. Those fabric textured pages are a delight to see and i'm glad you have brought them out once again for me to see. Your always so generous with your posts and I love my visits as I know there is always something for me to get my teeth into. Thank you for the great posts, pictures and blogging friendship here's to much more within this New Year. Happy 2019.. let it be full of creativity.
    Warmest of Hugs Tracey x

    1. and of course Happy PPF Valerie. Never need an excuse to pop back over and scroll through those pics and projects.
      Have a fabulous weekend xx

  21. Happy New Year Valerie! I hope 2019 is all you wish for, filled with fun and creativity!

  22. Ein tolles Tag und supertolle Journalseiten. Deine Fotos sind - wie immer - eine Augenweide.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein glückliches und gesundes 2019

  23. Love your take on using Mr U.M. and personally I love your second showings of art, especially the fabric one.
    Wishing You a Very Happy New Year,
    Avril xx

  24. Brilliant pieces Valerie! I always love to see Mr U.M. and he look fantastic against the Peacock Feathers D.O. Your mixed media piece is fab too - I love the texture. I hope you have a very happy and healthy 2019, Sue xx

  25. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" was one of my mother's favorites, Valerie. I haven't heard it in quite a while (grin).

    Lovely tag. I can never get enough of Mr. U.M. He's so versatile.

    I quite like the first blue vase with all the texture.

    Hugs, Eileen

    1. My great auntie always quoted it to keep me on the right way!

  26. Love your tag Valerie- Mr UM looks as though he is enjoying the flowers! Your second look flowers are also beautiful!
    I need to clear a lot - not just from my desk(although at the moment it isn't too bad) - but from my craft room! I am keeping far too many things for those 'just in case' moments!!!
    Love the photos, especially the raven! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. I really like your pieces that you didn't care for. I think we are always our worst critics.
    That blue on the last photo of the ducks just pops doesn't it.

    Have a productive day and pleasant evening.


  28. Popping in again to celebrate Paint Party Friday with you Valerie. In my earlier comment I hadn't mentioned how much I loved that linen-look texture you achieved in your vase painting - it's stunning and gives a very pleasing feeling to look at it. How beautiful to have a scarf made with it on.
    A great New Year's header too - cheers xx :D)

  29. i love your tag and the textured piece is very cool. beautiful photos! xo

  30. great post you did here, love your pieces and nature photos to

  31. Hello dear Valerie!
    Like your beautiful tag and the mixed media pieces! Excellent work indeed!
    Wonderful pictures with the birds! Great captures of the Ravens and the flying seagulls!
    I hope you enjoyed your holidays! Wishing you a happy new year with health and happiness! Hugs!

  32. HAPPY NEW YEAR, dear lady!

    I love your umbrella man. It's such a strong image, you can do just about anything with him.

    As always, your sky and bird pics are fabulous. As you know, I'm a real sucker for both. The silhouette-like pictures of the birds and barren trees against the golden sky are stunning.

  33. I'm loving your Mr. Umbrella Man tag, the background is perfect and the way you incorporated the flowers as rain is amazing 😁. I like to a few goals for the year rather than resolutions which works for me as they always seem to get achieved 😉. Wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊 x

  34. Your tag is gorgeous! The flower paintings have beauty in their forms. What lovely birds too!

  35. You are off to a wonderfully creative year. I really love the flowers. Your photos are excellent as well.

  36. Beautiful mixed media art work and wonderful sky and feathered friends photos!

    Happy New Year,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  37. Sounds like you had a lovely time, I need to re-read that sometime too. I love all your works, but particularly the tag! Happy PPF!

  38. Wowwww!!! this gorgeous tag and mixed media art work...
    I must so, you are so skilled at photography and these pictures are just captured incredibly...enjoyed all of them...
    Wishing you a very happy new year... xoxoxo

    Dr Monika Shukla

  39. More lovely colours to ring in the New Year... and I know where the inspiration for that amazing tulip painting comes from! Fabulous artwork and photography, as always.
    Alison x

  40. i am so glad to see beautiful information today,Amazing Job


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