Monday 28 January 2019

T stands for HearTs-HearTs-HearTs

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good and better than mine. I spent my time either in bed or resting in my armchair, tucked up under a blanket. I still have a bad cold, cough and sore throat, and my fingers are playing up, hurting and refusing to pick things up for me, which is very annoying. It can only get better!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday and this time our wonderful and talented Michele is hosting, and has chosen 'Hearts-hearts-hearts' as her theme, which gives us all a good opportunity to make some tags to show our loved ones that we care about them. As always, tags of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link your lovely creations. Michele has 3 gorgeous, inspirational tags on the TT blog to get you going. I made a large tag (12") using part of a painting made many years ago, which has been chopped up to recycle. I sewed it onto a black background, and added lots of hearts in red and gold, a die-cut piece with notes and a quote which reads 'Dance to the rhythm of your heart'. The original painting showed strange creatures, a cross between women and birds, dancing across the page, and you can see one of them here:

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, love is in the air

And here I would like to welcome all the nice ladies of the T-Gang as it's time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party:

And last but not least, some photos taken here when it snowed last week:

St Swidbert with a snow cape:

My hyacinths are still growing, so I needed to bind the blue ones to give them some support:

Can you see what I used?!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. If misery loves company, I feel like I'm getting a cold too. We can sit in a comfy chair with a favorite blankie and sip hot beverages. I hope you're feeling better. Your tag is very fanciful and a good reminder I need to make some Valentines. Too cold outside on your walk. Better to stay inside with the Spring fragrance of your beautiful hyacinths. I love the paint brush doing double duty. Hope you can enjoy your beloved coffee with some treats. Starve a fever. Feed a cold. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks, but I hope your cold doesn't get to bad. Although blankie and hot drinks are good!

  2. Hi Val, sorry you are still feeling poorly, and hope that this time you are really looking after yourself! Loved the sight of your paintbrush holding up the flowers! The tag is great, love your dancing bird-lady. Great photos of KW, too, the scenes with the lanterns and snow remind me of Narnia! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wow to the heart tag the colours are stunning and the coffee one is just right for T Day

    Nice to see the snow pictures but pleased we haven't any settling so far. Lots of lovely hyacinths and the blue ones look lovely tied up so I will look on my laptop tomorrow to see what you used.

    Sorry to hear you are still poorly and your poor hands must be hurting with the cold weather

    Have a happy T Day

    Love and hugs Chrissie xxx

  4. I'm sorry your cold is hanging on but hope you see the end of it soon. I love your dancing figure tag. The colors are wonderful, and the music and heart embellishments are perfect. I'm going to learn how to sew on my ATCs, because I like how it looks when other people use stitching in their art. I drink both tea and coffee but got a big kick out of that poem lol. The lamp posts in the snow remind me of Narnia :) and your hyacinths know that where you are it won't always be winter ;)

    Happy T Tuesday

    1. One of the reasons I moved here was because it reminded me of Narnia! And I hope spring will soon be here

    2. Narnian winter _with_ Christmas :) I definitely see the attraction.

  5. So sorry you are still not feeling well-a bad cold is just the worse ever.
    Loving your tags especially for T and I loved and enjoyed all of your snow photos-awesome photography-hugs
    Happy T Kathy

  6. ooohh das tut mir leid das du dich nicht so gut fühlst,ich hoffe es geht bald besser.
    mir gehts auch nicht so gut,habe jetzt die zweite woche bestrahlung und habe schon üble nebenwirkungen,kann nicht gut schlucken,die augen sind dick und brennen und die haut ist gerötet und man fühlt sich schlapp.
    dein phantasie tag ist toll,und die schneebilder und ruinen sind super.
    einen schönen abend dir,und gute besserung.

    hugs jenny

    1. Danke Jeanette, ich hoffe die Nebenwirkungen werden bald erträglicher.

  7. It is a fantastic large tag and so romantic with the hearts you added.
    The coffee related tag is brilliant with the poem you added. I guess you know I would have to be having tea not coffee.
    Beautiful photos of the snowy walk as well. I'm certain you have the hyacinths propped up with a paint brush, I've been know to use a ruler to do that same thing.
    Please look after yourself and I hope you feel better soon.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Sorry you are not feeling any better Valerie, these colds have been such stinkers this year! I love your romantic tag, and your ode to coffee - it makes me feel the same way. I hope your week gets better, Sue xx

  9. Hope you are now feeling better, Valerie. Perhaps making your tag made you feel brighter - it is so colourful, spirited and happy. I enjoy seeing your snow photos as we are sweltering in a heat wave here in NSW.

  10. Stunning new header, Valerie. I love the font with crown.

    Sorry to hear you still have that nasty cold. Is it the cold that makes your fingers uncooperative? If so, I hope you can get warm soon.

    Very cute poem about coffee. Did you write it? That makes a lovely tag for T.

    I hope you get well & warm soon. Your bulb flowers in front of the frosty window are just the thing to warm the heart. (It's a paint brush - lol).

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks. I wrote the coffee poem a few years ago.

  11. Oh, dear! Still fighting the bug? :(
    The coffee poem really made me laugh, and the use of your paint brush made me smile.
    Your tag is awesome!
    Hope you get to feeling better real soon!
    Happy T-day

  12. So sorry about the nasty virus and the cold winter weather. It's a double whammy. Love the new header and the tags today. The heart one is really cool and has a nice abstraction that makes it fascinating to look at. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs-Erika

  13. tried to comment from my iPad but it just goes away and doesn't say published or comment moderation or anything. My comment just disappears after I hit publish.
    Your snow photos are beautiful! I also wanted to tell you I did what you said and pushed publish, and my post was scheduled and actually posted! Thank you! Happy T Day!

  14. you poor dear... sending you get well wishes from afar. Your art is splendid as always though! Lovely photos, and it looks like for tomorrow I will have some of the snowy scenes as well-though it doesn't make me happy at all:(. Stay warm and happy T day!

  15. Its rough when you feel so bad that you do virtually nothing. UGH! I love the stitching around your tag.The black really finishes it off nicely.
    Feel better!
    Happy T day!

  16. So sorry to hear that you are under the weather and that your hands are bothering you.
    Your tags are lovely. And who doesn't love photos of snow covered stones.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Oh sweet friend, I'm sorry you are feeling good! But I am SO excited to see your pictures - I love snow! So beautiful and soft and you captured the wonder of it :) Your tags are just gorgeous - I love the colors! Take care and happy tea day to you!

  18. Post full of beauty and colour and the most amazing snow pics....I am loving these but do wish you would feel much better, hugs to you..xx

  19. Lovely snowy photos and beautiful hyacinths, and I love the gyrating figure on your recycled tag!
    Hope you're feeling much better now Valerie.
    Alison xxx

  20. Oh dear, I'm sorry you are still feeling rough. Luckily this year (sofar) I have been spared. I hope it passes soon for you and that you will be feeling your good old self in no time.
    Your card has arrived!! I post my blog at night but now it's morning and the postman has been. Thank you so much! I love it! I will feature it next week.
    I really enjoyed your walk through the snwo. From a cosy chair by the fire the snow looks wonderful. I probably wouldn't have gone out myself in that cold weather. I love the lamp posts, straight out of Narnia!
    And your tag is gorgeous. And the hyacinths are growing well. I can almost smell them!
    Hope you feel better soon,

    1. Glad your card has arrived. And you are right - snow looks good fom a warm place by the fire!

  21. Those hearts are perfect to get us in the mood for upcoming Valentine's Day, and the pictures of snow I always love so much! I love my coffee, but tea is my friend too, and I love trying new flavors. Feel better soon, and sending some healing hugs your way! RO

  22. Ein wundervolles Tag und so schöne Fotos wieder, liebe Valerie

  23. Great mix of artwork and photos. The snow scenes you took look great, especially that ruins site, which looks like a fun place to explore. I'm sorry to hear you're sick. Hopefully your flowers will add some cheer as you recover. Happy T-Day!

  24. I hope you are feeling better soon! Your tags are wonderful and I smiled at the words on your coffee tag 😉. The winter scenes are fabulous, so pretty with all the snowy white and those hyacinths look amazing, I bet they smell so sweet! Take care and wishing you well! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  25. A great tag Valerie and I love the coffee related one with your poem.
    Gorgeous snowy photos, we've just had sleet although they keep promising snow, but we'll see.
    Hope your cold doesn't last too long and you feel better soon.
    Avril xx

  26. I have now learnt that one cannot do comments on an ipad, so I apologise for all those occasions that I appear not to have commented (I always do) and from now on I will use my desk top computer even if it means being a day late as we are always away on Tuesdays.

    1. Sharon said that, too. I wonder why? I have an Android tablet and it's no problem commenting.

  27. your tag has such movement and joy! i hope you are soon moving about and feeling joyful yourself -- get well soon! xo

  28. Sorry to read that you have been poorly - snuggle up and stay warm! Your tag has surely brightened my day - it looks full of joy! Oh! and the coffee tag is perfect - for me and for T Day!! I love seeing the photos of your area in the snow too! I can almost smell those Hyacinths - mine are being very slow, perhaps I need to move them somewhere warmer!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a Happy T day! Chrisx

  29. Your tag is absolutely amazing, Valerie. I love abstract art and this one is really stunning. I have not seen snow in Greece yet this year, so thank you so much for sharing these great photos. As for your hyacints, I just LOVE them!!!!!!!!! Happy T day, my dear friend.

  30. Modern Art auf einem Tag, das gefällt mir richtig gut. Klasse gemacht und so schöne
    Farben. Klasse auch wieder die Winterphotos.
    Aber das mit deiner Erkältung klingt nicht gut. Wünsche dir Gute Besserung. Paß gut auf dich auf. Diese Viren sind hartnäckig dieses Jahr, da ist nicht mit zu spaßen. Man muß Geduld haben.
    Alles Gute für dich.
    Liebe Grüße

  31. More great shots. Love your hyacinths and your pieces.
    I'm so very sorry you are feeling puny.
    Take special care.

  32. Oh Valerie I really hope you are feeling better soon, what a horrid weekend you must have had, but that snow sure does look pretty. We have had nothing but a sprinkling and sleet (so far) and a couple of power cuts which is part of my delay in getting here.
    You coffee rhyme made me laugh.... I best double up on my Cafe au Lait then :))
    Wishing you all the best and keep warm!! You sweet hearts tag is both clever and inspiring.
    Healing Hugs Tracey xx

  33. Beautiful tags and cold photos, so sorry you are not well.

  34. Thank you for joining T yesterday. I'm so pleased you showed up, even though I was unavailable. Please check my Wednesday post I still haven't written to see where I have been. Thanks, too, for your visits and kind comments while I was away. I'll be back soon to visit and see what I have missed. For now, just be aware, I am so grateful for your visit and continued support of T Tuesday, dear Valerie.

  35. So sorry to read you are not feeling too well, hope you feel better soon.
    I loved the coffee tag it's brilliant, and the poem was too.

    All the best Jan

  36. There's such movement and spontaneity in your dancing bird-woman - and the hearts which swirl around her show how much she loves life. It sounds as though you're not loving life very much because of feeling so ill - so thank you for still sharing all your great photos. St Swidbert looks very smart in his snow-trimmed cape, and the path with the lampposts looks very romantic. Take good care of yourself.
    Alison x

  37. What beautiful flowers you have! I love the movement in your piece, the colors are very sweet too. I very much hope you feel better soon.

  38. I am SO sorry I'm so far behind visiting. I tried to catch up with people as I could. You have no idea how far behind I am. I sometimes spend an hour reading one blogger's blog to catch up.

    As promised, I am finally back and hope you are feeling better. I hope your cold doesn't last long, but from the sound of things, I believe you are still suffering. Somehow, I have caught something, but it could be because I am so worn out.

    I love how you used an old art piece and turned it into a tag. What a great way to recycle.

    Your fabulous poem had me laughing. I remember it from before and loved it then, too. I feel the exact same way.

    Your snow photos are fabulous. I especially like how you tied up your hyacinths. I even got a chuckle. Like at my place, nothing goes to waste at your house, either. Thanks again for joining me for T on Tuesday.

  39. Please get better my friend! I am so sorry with everything you are going through with your health! Thinking of you!
    Great tag you made, with recycling your art! So pretty!
    Love your coffee tag too! LOL!
    Your snowy pictures are very magical to me! Love them!
    Big Hugs!

  40. Love your gorgeous tag! The colors and texture are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  41. Loving the design of your tag Valerie...
    Stunning photography as always with all your other pictures...xx


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