Monday 21 January 2019

T sTands for CelesTial Treats:

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you a great, new week. It's still very cold and frosty, but sunny here, and weather which would usually see me outside taking lots of frosty photos. But as I had a nasty cold I stayed home and rested, and had to be content with the sun and moon photos I could take from my balcony or windows. Just now the sky is beautiful and the sun will be rising in a few minutes, always a magical time for me.

Our 'Mail-art' challenge at Tag Tuesday is still running, and has another week to go, so hope to see YOU there. I made another tag, a digital one, which was made using a journal spread done at the weekend, so I'll start with the journal spread. I grabbed lots of fave stamps - including my beloved Mary Poppins - and stamped them onto tissue, before pasting them onto my prepared background made with gesso, water-colours and wax crayons. This way I could get MP looking in 2 different directions just by reversing the tissue. The Victorian lady in the middle is an old stamp from Paper Artsy, as is the Paris stamp on the right. I added postage stamps and did some random stamping with mail-art stamps. Elizabeth asked today on her blog if stamping is going out of fashion - I don't know. Sometimes I have very shaky hands, (which is a side effect from my medication and NOT from hitting the bottle), and then I can't stamp well, but I always have a certain amount of background stamps on the go to use when I make journal pages:

I then digitally cut out the Victorian lady in my graphics programme. The background and tag were also cut digitally from my journal page and I added a few elements from Serif to complete the tag:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, which always begins Monday evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T-Gang. A lot of cafes and pubs here have a rack with free postcards which can be taken, and my friend H always keeps me supplied with generous amounts of them. I thought this one is very suitable for TSFT, and I will gladly send it to one of the T-Ladies. Please let me know in a comment if you would like it. If there are more names than one I will pull a name out of my hat:

These photos were taken at the cafe-bakery with my friend N:

Sunday was a real sun day, but started off cold and frosty:

The sky, before and during the sunrise, was very beautiful:

The moon was up while the sky still had the afterglow of sunset, and although I didn't get to see the lunar eclipse, it was still wonderful:

The wild geese on their way home to the lakes:

As it grew darker, the moon was large and very bright:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val, this is such a lovely post, full of beauty. Your journal page is fantastic, and the tag you made from it, too, what a great idea. I don't understand how you do it, but it has turned out really well. The photos are wonderful, I hope you wrapped up well before going outside to take those photos, but as I know you, you probably didn't! Thanks for sharing, they are gorgeous. Have a wonderful start to your week, and look after yourself, please! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie wow i am loving the journal page and the tag ,it very quaint love it,well done my friend and thankyou for sharing your amazing flowers xx

  3. Hello dear Valerie!
    Oh,i love your journal page and the tag that you made! So beautifully made !!!Well done!!
    Mary Poppins Is my favorite from my childhood! Your wonderful pictures are so splendid!
    Like the spectacular sunrise with the beautiful colors in the sky! Great moons shots!
    I especially like the the photo with the flying geese!!!Thank you for sharing this beauty!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week! Have a good recovery soon! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much dear Dimi! Mary Poppins was such a wonderful character.

  4. You always have a post of interest and beauty and I love all of this here today/tonight. Loving that gorgeous sunrise and the colours are just spectacular..big hugs..xx

  5. Wonderful journal spread with beautiful things added to it. Love 'Mail connects faces and places'. Great tag as well it has so many wonderful ideas.

    Amazing photographs of the skies with so many different colours. Especially admire the moon ones. Nice to know we share the same moon each night.

    Have a very happy tea day. The cake and coffee look fantastic and so good to get a bonus postcard as well.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Lovely pages, your tea looks delicious. Beautiful moon shots too.

  7. Your journal spread is such a delight. I love the stamped images and colors you chose. I also like the sentiment that mail connects faces and places. As always your sky photos are impressive. I saw geese flying in a line across the sky last week. Your pastry looks like a golden moon. I'd rather have a bite of that instead of green cheese. I like the script on the postcard and I'd be happy if you'd put my name in the hat. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks a lot. The pastry was indeed a dream. Your name is waiting impatiently in my hat....

  8. Love your journal pages and the message. I adore mail- but I usually just get bills. :) MP is a favorite of mine too.

    Wow- your sunrise and sunset pictures are fabulous. Such a beautiful, showy sun. And your moon pictures- just blew me away. I love the moon with the birds and trees. Such fantastic shots. Thanks for sharing these!

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. Wonderful photos Valerie and fabulous pages, have a good week.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Mary Poppins certainly did think outside the box! :) That pastry looks perfect, yummmm. Your photos are so much better than the ones I get, though I did what I could to get a few shots of the eclipse. I need cell phone photography lessons lol I love your moon shots and the geese. Happy T Day

  11. I didn't get to see the Lunar Eclipse either :( We had clouds but my friend who lives just a few mile from me did get some shots as the clouds parted there.
    Love all of the art today and your photos are amazing as always ♥
    Happy T Day!!!

  12. I hope you over your cold soon Valerie. They are not fun to have. And that moon photo with the birds is amazing. I saw some of the eclipse and I tried to take photos but it was brutally cold outside so the couple I took were pretty blurry as I had a hard time standing still. ANd lastly your journal page is great. I have a tag I am going to post shortly and I have been having fun with my stamp stamps. Glad you Tag Tuesday ladies picked this challenge as it is nice to get them out. Have a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  13. As always, both your art and your photos really make me smile. My big wish of the day is that your cold subsides quickly and you're back on top of things soon.

  14. Its a fantastic mail art journal spread and all the stamps you added look super. I think emails have taken over from letter writing, but it is always good when the postman or lady calls and pops some mail through the letter box.
    Wonderful photos of the moon, did see any of the red moon in the early hours of the morning or like me were you safely tucked up in bed.
    Your Coffee and cake looks delicious and it is a super postcard you are sharing.
    many of us would love that to arrive in the mail.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your art journal pages look fantastic. And Happy T-Day! I also really enjoyed looking through your photos. I haven't taken any sunrise or sunset photos in a long time. Yours are great, as are your moon photos. Last night I got a few photos of the Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon but they didn't come out too good. But it was fantastic to see it in person. (I had to stay up late, to see it at 12:12am my local time.)

  16. Fabulous tag Valerie..I love the mix of postmarks and stamps...xx

  17. fab art Valerie- love the images and all the postage stamps!! Would love that postcard! I was lucky to see some of Pollock's art in my home town during a special exhibit. Your cappuccino always looks SO good. And the sky views- spectacular my friend! Happy T day!

  18. Fantastic art Valerie, your style amazes clever and tasteful.
    Sorry to hear your not feeling well, this time of the year is really tough on the northern hemisphere. A strange, nasty flu bug is circulating here. I did get to see the blood moon last night, and it was awesome. Wonderful photography! I would love to have a post card from your area.........I'm still hoarding the gift you sent me two years ago...LOL! I do pull it out from time to time and share with my friends, but it's a look...don't touch share LOL!!
    Happy T-day, hope you get to feeling better real soon, I missed the photos of the river!!

  19. Hope you'll be 100% real soon. Great pages. And of course your photos always have me oohing and aahing.
    Happy T day!

  20. Sorry I am late visiting. For some reason, I didn't see your blog post when I refreshed to see my sidebar. In fact, I was waiting to see your latest post so I could ask how your trip to the hospital went. I certainly hope they learn something soon.

    I had a light bulb moment when I read about stamping on tissue paper to get reversed images. That was brilliant and shows you are a true stamper, unlike me. It was great to see how you thought outside the box and made such a special and meaningful spread.

    Lucky you. Our coffee shops don't give out freebies, and they certainly don't give the darling little cookies you often get when you are at your cafe in town. That iced donut looks out of this world and now I am going to be hungry all night. Thanks for sharing your coffee drinks and donut with us for T this Tuesday.

    Your moon shots are great. I was out last night, but between the fog and the clouds, the moon wasn't visible.

    Your hands may be shaky, but your stamping still looks wonderful. Seems you are always including stamps in your journal pages and altered books.

  21. wow,deine seiten sind fabelhaft und wunderschön die postage stamp dazu.
    wunderschöne bilder vom mond hast du gemacht und dein kuchen mit zuckerglasur war bestimmt lecker,das ist ein favorit bei kuchen von mir,ich mag alles mit zuckerglasur.
    gestern hatte ich die erste bestrahhlung,das war sehr unangenehm,heute kommt die zweite.
    bete bitte für mich das alles gut wird.
    einen schönen tag dir noch.

    hugs jenny

    1. You are always in my thoughts Jenny, and I lit a candle for you at the Basilica here.

  22. Mail connects Faces and Places.. I do love that Valerie, the Victorian lady reminds me of Mary Poppins. I always think a little shake when stamping adds so much more character. I'd love to be on the Valerie mailing list but i'm not a T Day Lady, just a peeper :))
    Fabulous page, postcard and photography again, I also hope you wrapped up whilst taking those pics.
    Warm Hugs as I catch up after a week away Tracey xx

    1. I will put you on the list, too, everybody is welcome!

  23. That coffee and donut looks quite inviting right now, and your scenic pics are so lovely. I enjoy your artwork, and reminds me of Mary Poppins. I love to see people stamping because there are so many inventive ideas. Happy Tuesday and Hugs...RO

  24. Great photos, and wonderful artwork Valerie!
    Hope your cold is gone soon,
    Alison xox

  25. Your spread, which I assume you stamped prior to reading Dianne and Elizabeth's question, sort of answers the question. I love coincidences like that and I love your heavily stamped journal spread.

    Beautiful photos. The birds flying in front of the moon is really special.

    Hope you're feeling better soon, Valerie.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, I did indeed make the spread beforehand. That was very serendipitous when the birds flew in front of the moon.

  26. I love your art-as always, hope your cold is not keeping you down too much. and wow your sky photos are so amazing!! loving the birds and the moon-excellent
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  27. Beautiful pages and beautiful photos too. Hope you feel better soon. If stamping is going out of fashion I'll be happy to be unfashionable! Love my stamps!


  28. Your journal spread looks fun with all the various stamps. I love the Mary Poppins stamps. My daughter is going through a MP phase right now and she wants to watch it everyday! And I also love the victorian lady stamp.
    Your donut and hot drink look like the perfect way to warm up on the frosty days that we are having.
    Happy Tea Day,

  29. Clever work with the tissue paper stamping to get those lovely symmetrical Mary Poppinses (is that the plural of Mary Poppins?!). The sunrise and sunset photos are truly glorious, and oh how magnificent the moon is.
    Alison x

  30. What a great Mary Poppins page. I too like the way you worked with the tissue paper. Very clever.
    Your cup of coffee and glazed donut look scrumptious (although I am not a great fan of donuts really).
    I hope you are feeling a bit better and that your cold is passing. You were going to the hospital the other day, but you don't mention it. Was it postponed because of your cold?
    The free postcard is lovely. Yes, I would love it. You know I have a thing for postcards. Please put my name in the hat.
    Your sunset/rise photos are beautiful. As are the full moon photos, especially the ones with the birds. I didnb't get to photograph the lunar eclipse as it would be over Spain between 4 and 5 this morning. Well, I don't do mornings, lol.
    Happy T-Day.

  31. Such beautiful pages! The Victorian lady is fantastic 😁. Wow, that sunrise is spectacular and I love your frosty scenes - brrrr! The cake from the bakery looks delicious too! Wishing you a Happy T Day and a wonderful week! J 😊 x

  32. What a fab Mary Poppins piece Valerie, I always forget about tissue paper for reverse stamping. Beautiful photographs today, but it does look a bit chilly! Have a fun week, Sue xx

  33. Love your journal spread especially the Mary Poppins page! What a great idea to create a digi tag! Your photos are brilliant- love your sunsets and moons! I was up because of a call of nature at around 3.30 am - took a few photos and went back to bed to warm up! I was pretty certain that I would wake again before the eclipse around 5.15 and looked out just as the last sliver of light disappeared - I stayed watching and opened the bedroom window a couple of times to try to get a photo then got back into bed and slept soundly til past 8.00! Hubby came and looked at the eclipse briefly and went back to bed!!!! Coffee and cake?.....yum...Happy T Day! Chrisx

  34. Such fabulous photographs, I've scrolled up and down quite a few times admiring them.
    Hope your cold soon goes …

    All the best Jan

  35. Great photos, Valerie. I love the geese and the bright moon!!!!!!!!
    As for your pages, they are always beautiful, original and really inspiring. Lovely tag, too.
    I would love if you send me the free postcard, please count me in.
    Hugs, my friend.

  36. marvelous journal art and tag Valerie! and such lovely photos. but please do get well from your cold! xo

  37. Great mail art pages. I have that Mary Poppins image. I wanted to thank you for the input about scheduling posts on my blog. I will try it this next time, and see if it works! Happy belated T Day!


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