Monday 17 September 2018

T stands for a blasT from the pasT

Hi Everybody!

Have a great week! The week started off bright and sunny here with a wonderful sunrise - always a good start to each and every day. At Tag Tuesday we are still following Wilma's wonderful 'peace' theme to remember the terrible events of 9.11.2001. I'm sad that so few people have joined in up till now, but the challenge is running for another week, so you still have time. My tag has been made using a photo of a winter sunrise as seen from my balcony. The words are from a Beatles' song, and the blackbird is one that often visits my balcony-garden:

Today is also Elizabeth's  T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.

On Saturday G and I visited a large park at the other end of town - I will show pics of what we saw there another time - and of course, we started with a drink. I had cappuccino:

G had a Latte, and drew a palm-tree in the foam:

Two weeks back when we were in Abtsküche, we were able to visit the Heimat (Home) Museum  - stocked with items used by the people of the village in past days:

 There were lots of items pertaining to food, drink and kitchens etc:

What a sensible way to sell oil and vinegar - bring your own bottles!

I was pleased to see lots of blue-white china with the 'onion-pattern', like I have here at home:

'A clever woman keeps busy cooking her husband's favourite food':

A good way to keep a check on what you need to buy:

A biscuit mould in cat form, I am sure some ladies would love this!

'My' crockery again:

 And a peep into an old fashioned hairdressing-salon:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie love your tag it's a ripper,and I always love your pics,hope you have a wonderful week my friend xx

  2. Valerie, your tag is gorgeous! Your crow adds the perfect touch. To me crows are great to have around :)
    Such a beautiful museum...inside and outside. A true treasure house. I love that cupboard filled with nostalgia 🍂🎃🍁👻

    Hugs xxx

    1. Thanks Jan. We have lots of crows around here, I sometimes get woken up by their calls.

  3. Hi Val, love your peace tag, the photo you used for it is exactly right. The museum you visited looks most interesting, I always enjoy looking at things like that. Have a wonderful week, hugs, Sarah

  4. Lovely tag. Fun to look back to see how people used to live and what they used. I love all the blue and white ware. I thought the banner pic was your china hutch! The embroidered cloth made me laugh. Not happening here. :-D Love the kitty cookie mold, too.

    1. My hutch is too untidy to show! I think a good housewife should know the number of the takeaway!

  5. Love your tag crow Valerie! And I so love that Beatles song! You did a Fab job with your digital and photo!
    What a neat museum you visited! So many cool and interesting artifacts to see- thanks so much for sharing with us!
    Have a beautiful week!

  6. Lovely peace tag and the drinks look delicious! Interesting photos of the museum, thanks for sharing!

  7. What a beautiful tag Valerie, I didn't know the quote was from a Beatles song. The museum looks brilliant - I've been to one on a similar theme and it's weird when you see things that you have or that you remember from childhood - I don't feel old enough to be in a museum (well not all the time) Have a fun week, Sue xx

    1. I know that feeling, I still use a lot of those things! The quote is from "blackbird", one of my fave Beatles' songs

  8. Hello dear Valerie!
    Such a lovely tag! Love the picture that you used! Gorgeous sunrise and amazing colors!
    I really enjoyed your visit at the Home Museum! Every looks so beautifully and interesting!
    Love your header! Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week! Hugs!

  9. I love museums like this that have everyday items and surroundings from past times. Fascinating! And I like the idea of using my own bottle for oil. It'd save recycling the glass bottles.

  10. A lovely tag using your own photographs along with those lovely words.
    Great photos from the museum and how nice to see 'your' china on display.
    Have a great week.
    Avril xx

  11. Your peace tag is beautiful Valerie! X

  12. Your tag looks beautiful Valerie, I love how you used your own background photo as well.
    The museum looks a great destination, I would love to have seen it for real, but the photos you shared are fantastic. I can imagine your surprise seeing some of your own china on display.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Love love your tag Valerie, it´s amazing and so beautiful your photograph, love this little bird, we have some here too. This museum is wonderful !! So interesting to see all those fabulous pieces. I ´ve got an old oil lamp, from my grandfather, and an old iron from my grandmother, my treasures.
    I wish you a very nice Tuesday, big hugs, Caty

  14. What a lovely peace tag, Valerie. It is beautiful and even more special because you used your own background photo.

    I have ALWAYS admired your beautiful blue and white onion pattern dishes. To know there are more out there and they are vintage makes them even more special. I adore the photos from the museum today. They are stunning, and show that antiques are everywhere. We in the states tend to think our antiques are unique, but they are just a part of a larger set of those that have been saved over time around the world. Your cappuccino and G's latte (WOW on that palm) were perfect for T this Tuesday, too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You can still buy onion pattern China in some stores, but I usually look for replacements in flea markets and thrift stores.

  15. Hi Valerie! Love your super tag! A very interesting museum, and your crockery is beautiful.
    I apologise for being such an infrequent visitor.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. what a beautiful tag created from one of your lovely photos Valerie! And thanks so much for taking us along your tour of the Home Museum- I loved seeing all the nostalgic items- many of which I had not seen before. Happy T day!

  17. That picture looks perfect on your tag. A beautiful scene. What a very interesting home museum. I love the mold and that gadget to keep track of items needed.
    And that cappuccino looks delicious!
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. Your tag is so beautiful-and I loved the museum photos very much. I love seeing all those vintage kitchen items Happy T

  19. Great tag and the journey into the blast from the past..hugs.x

  20. Love your latest tag. I am still trying to find some art time it's been very limited lately. And what a cool place to visit. They have such a cool collection of household items. I love the cookie mold-that's something I think would be a great collection. But keeping the wife busy cooking for the husband. Hmmm. I like to cook for my husband but no wonder why woman's lib came along. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

  21. Great tag, Valerie. I love your photo background.
    The cookie cat mold and the blue chinas are awesome. Happy T day, my friend.

  22. Such a beautiful tag! That winter sunrise is so special, the colours are amazing 😁. I enjoyed visiting the museum with you too and your new header is great! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  23. Your tag is beautiful Valerie ,such a lovely sentiment. Love your photos of the museum too


  24. What a great tour Valerie. AND a great new header. Just beautiful! Speaking of beautiful your tag is just lovely.. i like the dark silhouette of the trees against the sunset. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  25. Such a stunning digital tag, so beautiful! and I always love Beatles song lyrics...very fun visit with your shop photos. Loved seeing all the beautiful dishes and old tins. Happy T day!

  26. Bringing your own bottle for oil and vinegar...brilliant.

  27. Lovely tag, Valerie. Your sunrise aand sunset photos are always beautiful.

    The Heimat Museum is fascinating. So many clever and nostagic things to see. I'd like to have a shoppng list like that.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  28. Gorgeous tag! So beautifully done. That is a great looking latte, especially with the hand drawn Palm tree. Your hubby did that? He is quite talented. Thank you for the trip through the museum. I enjoyed that kitchen, and all those intersting gadgets, and love all the tins of things. Very intersting vintage beauty salon, too.
    Perfect Tea Day post! Have a great week!

    1. Not my hubby, a buddy! That was really a great museum.

  29. Oh, if I went to that museum, I don't think I would ever want to leave. It looks wonderful!

    I love your onion pattern so much. The big coffee pots look just beautiful there. I wonder do they still make it?

  30. Oh, it all looks so beautiful! So wonderful.

  31. Your tag is perfect for the occasion. I took my time looking at your kitchen related photo's. I really like seeing all the items one might have used.

  32. I love blue and white china too, Val.
    Hugs received and returned.

  33. I truly love your art piece! It's gorgeous! I love the crow and I love the saying! So beautiful!!!
    What a great place to go to! I would love to go to that museum! So much fun!
    That foam on top of your coffee looks so good! LOL!
    Big Hugs!

  34. Just love your tag.

    Your coffee looks good, I'm sure you enjoyed it :)

    All the best Jan

  35. I am so intrigued by the museum pieces - what a treasure trove of domestic history! And your tag is just beautiful - the colours and beauty of the sunrise just create peace within. Thank you Valerie.

  36. Your tag is just lovely. The colors, message, crow- I love it all! A beautiful song quote for sure. :)

    Wow! That museum is choked full of items. So much to see and take in. Thanks for sharing. :)

  37. What a beautiful tag! A lovely peaceful scene! I loved seeing in the Heimat Museum - I love looking back at old kitchens especially! Hugs, Chrisx


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