Saturday 11 August 2018

Happy Weekend

Hi Everybody!

I've been enjoying some cooler air here. It will probably get warm again in the next days, but one thing at a time - I just want this to last!

Some colourful ladies drawn with water-colours:

I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, tape it up

Some of the trees are looking really like autumn already:

Thursday was very cloudy, storms chased the clouds and the hot air away:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A lovely bunch of colourful and fun ladies love them. Yes the season is changing quickly and I can feel our spring here already, today it's already 23 celsius, so beautiful day..xx

    1. We have the same temperature here on this early morning!

  2. wunderschöne seiten mit den farbenfrohen ladys,deine bilder sind wider traumhaft,hier hat es heute mal ein bißchen geregnet.
    ein schönes we,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  3. I love your colourful ladies, they look so happy and playful, great idea. Lovely photos as always, you got some beautiful cloud shots. Have a nice weekend and get some rest! Hugs, Sarah

  4. You have created MAGIC with your watercolor ladies. They are awesome.

    As always, you have the BEST photos of sunrises and scenes around your area. It is too bad the trees are wilting from the heat. I know YOU know the feeling!

    1. Indeed! I am still exhausted from all those weeks of not sleeping in the heat.

  5. Your lovely, colorful ladies look they're enjoying the cool breeze. Your sky photos are awesome

  6. beautiful colorful ladies, your photos are always the most beautiful, the trees do look a bit wilted,,its the same here,, I hope you will soon find relief,, I'm not wishing for winter but I'm tired of this heat,

  7. Your colorful ladies just make me happy. Your photos do as well. Great shots.

  8. Lovely colourful ladies.

    Yes, I think Autumn is getting nearer! The trees are turning and Autumnal colours slowly coming to the fore.
    Your photographs are again lovely to see.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. Glad it cooled down, a bit of relief. Beautiful watercolour ladies and lovely photos.

  10. I love your colourful ladies Valerie, they look so happy and free. I'm enjoying the cooler weather at the moment too! Have a lovely weekend, Sue xx

  11. Your ladies do look colourful and so happy, it is a joyful page.
    Lovely photos, it is a little cooler, summer style heat, we still have to have all our windows open.
    Happy rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I think your ladies are dancing because of the cooler weather. Great page Valerie. And those photos show how dry it is. Wow-but it also tells us fall is coming sooner than we want. Happy rest of your weekend and enjoy the weather while it lasts. Hugs-Erika

  13. With those gorgeous rainbow colors...your beautiful ladies seem to be doing their Happy Dance 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶

    Love the cloud shots in your photo...beautiful!!!

    Hugs ❤

  14. Glad you are having some cooler days Valerie, we are too with many rain showers. I can hear those night time critters almost dancing in the puddles hee hee! Love your painted ladies they remind me of Jane Davenport and the way she expresses movement of the body.
    Fabulous treat for us all.
    Sunday Hugs Tracey x

  15. Hi Valerie you make such beautiful journal pages,well done my friend and i love your pics ,i enjoyed them very much xx

  16. I am loving the colour people you are creating recently and these three ladies certainly look like a fun trio.

    Looks a bit cooler Valerie but the stormy clouds are quite something. All the photographs show exactly what you described-very poetic I thought.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I painted these to keep myself occupied during the hot weather

  17. Beautiful ladies! The colours are so bright and cheery - perfect 😁. I hope it is cooler now after the rain and storms - Happy Weekend! Hugs J 😊 x

  18. Lovely ladies Valerie !! They looks very happy, and full of goodness, the colours are wonderful.So beautiful birds, stars and hearts!! Thank you very much for sharing those amazing photographs with us, they are great!
    Here, around 36 º C today, another hot day!
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugsss, Caty

  19. I love your colourful ladies, and great photos Valerie!
    Alison xx

  20. Love the happy ladies.
    And OMGosh those glorious sky pics. I 'borrowed' the last one:)

  21. Beautiful pages! so colorful! Thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! barbara

  22. Gorgeous artsy ladies and great photos - the ones of the clouds are my favourite.
    Have a wonderful week...
    Gill x

  23. The colorful ladies sure look like they're having fun and enjoying life! Great work! Hugs...RO

  24. Your bold ladies are such fun. And I especially love that lovely last cloud photo!

  25. Hi Valerie! Your colorful ladies are so amazing! I could look at your work of art forever and see different things each time! Also, I love your beautiful, stunning photos of the clouds. It has been raining for days here, but we are still in the midst of a heat wave. My hope is that we dry out a little and we get cooler weather. I am so happy that you are enjoying cooler temperatures! I want to thank you for always stopping by my blog, too! HUGS!!!

  26. Such a vibrant painting! Great phrase too.

    Love all the sky photos- each so different from each other.

    I love autumn- but I am not quite ready for fall yet. I'm trying to soak up every last day of summer first. :) Enjoy the cooler temperatures while they are here!

  27. I love your happy page - those ladies look wonderful! great photos - yes we have brown trees too! The sky pics look amazing! Chrisx

  28. I love your colourful ladies! So pretty! I am so happy it's cooler for you! It does look like Autumn, where you are! Love the photos! Big Hugs!

  29. Your painted ladies are so much fun! They look like they are having a blast walking a runway! Your fall photos are very pretty! I'm excited for it to come too! And the blues! wow!

  30. What a fun post, Valerie your ladies are glamorous and sassy. Nice photo scenery. Awesome skies
    Have a great weekend

    much love...

  31. wow those are some beautiful cloud photos Valerie! No cool down here yet-looking forward to a break in the humidity!


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