Tuesday 10 June 2014

Stormy Weather

Hi everybody!

We had a really awful storm here yesterday evening, the worst one in many, many years. The sky went black in a few seconds, and I went onto the balcony, as usual to take some photos. I got 2, but the wind started blowing so hard I could hardly stand, and I could hear trees snapping and cracking. The wind here was blowing at  a speed of 145 km per hour. (Sorry about the bad quality of the pics, the weather was to blame....)

 For more than an hour it never stopped thundering and flashing; it was like someone was flicking a light switch all the time. In between there were enormous lightning flashes and thunder crashes, it really was scary. I am not easily scared, but I was shaking. Things like that make you feel very helpless. The rain was extremely heavy, too, mixed with hail-stones. The airport, which is near here, had to close down, and started flying again late in the evening and well into the night. I got woken up just after 5am by another storm, but it was not as bad as the night before. The Fire Brigade has been busy all day, trying to clear roads and chopping up fallen trees and branches. Many houses have been damaged by falling trees, and some roofs were ripped off by the wind. All roads leading in all directions were blocked completely or partially, there were no trams or trains because of damage to the lines or the overhead cables. I have never seen so many cars on the roads here, they all needed a lot of patience to get anywhere. I went out this morning to look at the damage, and take photos, and when I got back I heard on the radio that the whole town had been declared a 'no-go' area, and we were all advised to stay home. It will take days before all the fallen trees are cleared away.  Schools were closed, and a lot of people had to take a day off work, as they couldn't get anywhere. In North Rhine Westphalia 6 people died.  In our town a group of people trying to get home took shelter in a garden-house, and were crushed when a tree fell on it - 3 died, and others were badly injured. A cyclist was killed on the other side of the Rhine when a tree fell on him. I really feel devastated. But I would like to praise the Fire Brigade, Police, Ambulance men and other helpers, who really risked their lives helping others. I heard on the news that all in all they had 17000  emergencies. And we are expecting more storms this evening and/or in the night, and then the storm front will move on to other areas in Germany. I just hope that no more people will lose their lives.

All streets were littered with leaves, branches, bird's nests etc, and people were all busy clearing away and sweeping.

This is the little lane I go down to get to the Rhine, and it was totally blocked today.

I was intending to show some things I made for various challenges today, but it is hard to just get down to 'business as usual', so they will have to keep till tomorrow. 

Have a good day you all, take care, stay safe, and thanks for coming by!


  1. I am so glad you stayed safe, it sounds awful. Take care, and keep away from trees if you can! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh my goodness Valerie! It sounds horrendous and very scary so I'm glad to hear you're OK. I am sorry to hear that so many people lost their lives and hope the next lot of storms aren't as bad.
    Thinking of you and do stay safe.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. A dramatic photo and it's awful to hear that so many died. Hopefully you were inside.
    Take care, Valerie,

  4. HUgs Valerie, sorry to hear about the storm and damage and those who were hurt and killed..very sad!
    Glad you are ok..stay safe and know I am thinking of you!
    Take care and hope your world is filled with sparkles again!

  5. Wow Valerie, what a horrible storm! That is so sad that those poor people were killed by this storm! I hope as it passes through other parts of Germany that no more lives are lost! Please be careful and watch the weather reports before you go for your walks, this is horrible to think you could have been out in this! Take care and stay dry. Big hugs, ~Diane

  6. Oh my goodness Valerie. How awful and yes, very scary. So sorry about the deaths and other injuries, but am happy you are safe. Those are dark pictures and fit the post perfectly. Take care of yourself and thanks for stopping by my SOC post. You are appreciated, now give me some jam. hehehe.

  7. None of this was covered on the BBC news which I watched this evening.
    Mother Nature can be so ferocious at times. I hope you manage to stay safe and well Valerie.
    We had thunderstorms today but nothing remotely near the scale of what you endured.
    Take good care.

  8. What terrible destruction Valerie. Climates are changing everywhere and not always for the better. Hope you stay safe and the worst of the storm is over. Thinking of You. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Oh my goodness, Valerie, this made my hair stand on end.
    Your photos as always are amazing and bring us right into the scene.
    Hope you have a good night and calmer tomorrow.

  10. Oh my that must have been so frightening!! such a lot of devastation - it makes you feel humble in the presence of nature as well as sad for those that were killed or injured. Glad to hear you are safe though. Hugs, Cindy

  11. So much destruction and sadness, you feel for those who were caught up in the storms. The photos you took were powerful to look at. Please stay safe and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Oh my goodness, how awful. Thank goodness storms like that are very rare. Like you, I quite enjoy a storm but when they are this severe they can be very frightening. It sounds like the community are pulling together to get things cleared. Take good care!! Xx

  13. Oh no, how awful!! That really sounds like a terrible thing to have happened!!! What devastation and how terrible for those close to the ones that died. Keeping my fingers crossed for you all and that no more storms of that magnitude will hit you, - stay safe!!! Sending big hugs!

  14. How awful, and so sudden! I am glad you are okay.

  15. einfach nur schrecklich Valerie!
    Wir sind so hilflos dagegen.. und wenn wir es einmal hautnah miterleben müssen prägt es uns ganz besonders.. ich weiss das, weil wir doch hier in Kirchberg vor 2 Jahren im August einen argen Wirbelsturm hatten...
    pass auf Dich auf liebe Valerie!
    Wir haben auch schon Angst bei uns soll zumindest heute auch schon der Regen eintrudeln.. und womöglich bringt er auch solche schrecklichen Stürme und Unwetter mit sich ....

    Take care of you Valerie!

  16. Bei euch hat es wirklich ganz arg gedeutet- ich habe es im TV verfolgt. Bei uns ist es zum Glück bei einem leichten Gewitter geblieben aber einige Kilometer weiter sind Golfball- bis Tennisball große Hagelkörner herunter gekommen und haben viel Schaden angerichtet.
    Wir Menschen müssen daraus lernen die Natur zu schonen und nicht gedankenlos und aus Profitgier auszubeuten und zu zerstören.
    Ich hoffe ihr bleibt von weiteren Unwettern verschont- pass gut auf dich auf- liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  17. Beei euch ware wirklich schlimmes Unwetter,ich habe es im TV auch verfolgt,einfach schlimm,ich bin so froh das dir nichts passiert ist.
    es tut mir auch leid für die opfer die dabei ums leben gekommen sind,ganz,ganz schlimm.
    hier hat es zum glück nur etwas gewittert,mit hagelkönern,aber nicht so schlimm wie bei euch.
    ich kann mich da auch nur den worten von dagmar anschließen,der mensch muss endlich lernen das man mit der natur nicht gedankenlos umgeht.
    ich hoffe auch das ihr von weitern unwettern verschont bleibt,pass gut auf dich auf.

    knuddel Jeannette

  18. I didn't see these before I emailed you Valerie. They show the scale of the damage and it all looks so frightening. So pleased you stayed safe but sorry your lovely area is so affected by it all.

    Take care

    Love and a hug Chrissie x

  19. Gracious me!! I am so glad you are safe Valerie, but so sorry that people lost their lives in the storm. We had dark skies and dreadful rain with thunder & lightening, but no wind thank heavens. The emergency services are always amazing.
    Stay safe Valerie. ((hugs))

  20. that was a violent storm, I'm so sorry to hear lives were lost, your beautiful area, what a tragedy! Keep safe,

  21. What a horrendous storm - I'm so sorry for the loss of life and damage and so glad that you're safe.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. I am glad you are safe! Storms like that are extremely scary, especially when they come on quickly and people have no warning to protect themselves. Property can always be fixed. My healing thoughts are on those who lost their lives and their families.

  23. Nothing like nature to make you shake in your boots. Terrible that lives were lost and so much damage occurred. Stay safe tonight. Hope this will be the last and no one else gets hurt o4 heaven forbid, more lives lost. Take it easy today and look after yourself. I'm sure you are shaken to the core. hugs, Donna

  24. Oh my gosh, Valerie. What a horrible storm. I would have been in tears and shaking too. I'm so afraid of lightning. I'm glad you were safe as so many suffered damage to their homes and property. I feel very sad that lives were lost also. Thanks for the photos which bring the extensive damage to a reality. Take a day and do something relaxing.

    Warm bear hugs today!

  25. How awful..... so sad.

    Glad you are ok.

    Karen x

  26. Anscheinend muß die Natur und doch immer wieder mal zeigen, daß der Mensch nicht so allmächtig ist wie er immer tut.
    Deine dunklen Fotos sehen wirklich sehr bedrohlich aus und es ist gut, daß Dir nichts passiert ist.
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  27. Hi Valerie, I am so sorry to read of your terrible storm and the loss of life. Your pics show the disaster the high winds caused. Please take care and stay inside in case power lines are down where you walk.
    Sending you hugs and so glad you are okay.

  28. I'm glad that you're safe, but so sorry that people lost their lives in those terrible storms.
    Take care, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  29. That was a real violent storm, I'm happy you are safe and well, those storms are so frightening.
    I hope the weather improves and stays sunny your way now,

  30. Ich bin froh, dass dir nichts passiert ist. Euch in NRW hat es ja wirklich arg getroffen, die Bilder im TV haben mich sehr betroffen gemacht und ich war dankbar, dass wir verschont geblieben sind. Ich mag Gewitter überhaupt nicht gerne und würde jedesmal am liebsten ganz tief unter einer Decke verkriechen.

  31. Oh Sugar, I did not look at this yesterday. So sad. I would have been scared too. Not much one can say except I am so sorry for the loss of life and the downed trees. I hate to see beautiful old trees like this fall.
    Sandy xx

  32. Your photos are unbelievable Valerie, it's hard to imagine that nature can do this. There was no mention of it at all here. Take care xx


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