Friday 20 June 2014

Houses or homes?

Hi everybody!
The weekend is nearly here, and I am sure all those of you who work all week will be feeling happy to greet the weekend.
I can't write too much just now, I have a splint on my thumb, which is very painful, and the splint keeps making mistakes while I am typing!

Some weeks back when my old printer was getting really cranky, it printed out some images much too large, and they were extremely distorted. But I still somehow liked this one, so used it as a background for a journal page, which I am linking to AJJ - houses, and Mix it Monthly, home. I drew the houses with a stencil, and added more colour to the background with oil pastels and prismalos. The strong lady is one of a whole pile I made last year and put away for future use. I found them yesterday by chance, and have let one of them hold up the row of houses. It is simple, but I think, quite effective.

I am also linking to PPF and Paper Saturdays.

Here are a few more impressions from my walk this afternoon, flowers found along the wayside or in people's front gardens. and one of my fave paths between the lakes.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love how you have used a 'waste' print to make something gorgeous! Love the photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful photos and your mixed art is lovely.

  3. oohh was für eine tolle seite,und schöne bilder wieder,klasse.
    ich war heute schwimmen und bin jetzt total kaputt,puuh.
    wünsch dir ein schönes WE :-)

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Mach dir 'nen ruhigen Abend und erhole Dich!

  4. Wieder so schöne Blumenbilder - die Kletterhortensie ist ja mein persönlicher Liebling!

    Schönes Wochenende und gute Besserung für den Daumen.

  5. Gute Besserung für Deinen Daumen.. Deine Häuserseite ist erstklassig schön Valerie... der Spruch ist genial dazu, wie sie die Häuserreihe trägt! Tolle Blumenbilder Valerie!
    Schönes Wochenende!
    Danke sagt AJJ-Susi♥♥♥

  6. I love how you were able to use the distorted print as a background to your home journal page. I also love your flower shots, especially the one that has a ring of white flowers around a lavender center. Blessings!

  7. Like how you mixed your images to make a great piece of art. And who doesn't want to walk in those surroundings?! Happy PPF

  8. Gosh, Valerie, this is terrific, love your strong lady holding up all the houses, of course she could. The page is not so simple and very effective.
    Love the flowers and the walk along the lane, which I want to do now, especially as it is next to a lake.

    1. Glad you like it - it is a wonderful place to walk, and just round the corner, so even better!

  9. Fantastic idea to use the distorted print in your art. You transformed it into something truly fabulous. Your photographs are gorgeous.

  10. Wonderful colors, exquisite flowers! Nice pictures! Magnificent!

  11. Hach, blauen Himmel hätte ich heute auch gerne gehabt. Von Sommer ist hier grad nichts zu sehen. Und deine Blumenfotos lachen mich auch wieder an :) Deine Journalseite ist klasse, der Hintergrund macht sich prima, gut, dass du den Fehldruck nicht entsorgt hast. Gute Besserung für deinen Daumen und ein schönes Wochenende :)

  12. Gorgeous work, Valerie. Love the hollyhock photo. Would you allow me the opportunity to paint from that photo?

  13. Ooh Valerie, I can see a spooky man's face in your picture, I hope Mrs Strong sees him off! Beautiful flower photos, everything looks so lush! Xx

  14. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and such lovely pics too.
    Hope your poor thumb is better soon and sorry to hear it's sp painful.
    Fliss xx

  15. Poor you with a splint on your finger.
    Great use of the strong woman, holding up the row of houses.
    Look after yourself.

  16. You are amazing. This is so cool. I love all the details. I would walk every day if I lived where you do. Beautiful.

  17. Love how you used the strong lady and the shadow image looks fantastic. What happened to your finger, I hope you don't have to wear the splint for too long.
    take care, Yvonne xx

  18. Love your Houses and Homes - the saying is so true. Nice walk today - beautiful flowers aren't they! hugs, Donna

  19. Ah yes, love is the power that makes the ordinary magical. thanks for sharing your beautiful house/home art and for taking us on a walk with you. Lovely!

  20. Beautiful! So much depth in your layers! Love the floral pics - gorgeous! Happy PPF!

  21. your painting of the houses is so pretty and the sentiment is so true! love the pics too!

  22. Fabulous page, Valerie, and great idea to use the distorted print. Love the strong lady and the quote, is so true. Amazing flowers, too.
    Hugs, Mar

  23. reat page. I love architecture themed pages, and your saying is so true. And beautiful summery views and flowers. Hope your thumb feels better soon.

  24. What a fabulous and imaginative piece. You are a very creative and talented lady.

  25. Hi Valerie. Sorry I can't see all the pix but I'm sure they are all wonderful. My regular computer and now my laptop are giving me problems. Your flowers are amazing, love the ones I saw. nThanks.

  26. Lovely mixed media house painting, and such lovely flowers!

  27. Terrific page and the house images are wonderful--love the strong woman holding them up :)

    Great photographs Valerie and just love the pink hollyhocks- I recall my dad growing some when I was about 6 years old--he wasn't really a gardener so it was treat to see any flowers in our garden then.

    Thanks for sharing the wonders you find each day.

    Love Chrissie x

  28. Lovely work, love the hollyhocks and what a beautiful area you live in.

  29. You created a great art piece fron old materials. Love the woman and the house, too. I 've noticed that it's worth look at old material - you can often gess to do something nice from them.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. We have here the cool weather but it's not raining.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Valerie!

  30. Oh dear, poor thumb :( I hope it gets better very soon. I guess a splint and a keyboard are frustrations equivalent of a plaster and a mobile phone's keypad, haha.
    I love your page with the ghost of a man and the lovely goddess. The quote is so lovely Valerie.
    The photo's from your walk are as pretty as ever :o)

  31. Lovely journal page and such a cool quote. Poor thumb--get better soon!

  32. Hi kindred...fantastic art..lovely quotes, very heartwarming! gorgeous photo journey...I am so lovetsrck by the pink of my fave flowers! Beautiful....
    Hope your thumb feels all sparkling and new very soon!!

  33. I love the quote you've used and thank you so much for sharing all those beautiful flowers!

  34. Very interesting journal page from bad printing job. Love it. Also love your flowers. Very pretty.

  35. Clever, clever, clever! You can take most things and turn them into something creative for a journal page. Sorry about your thumb; that makes life difficult for a few days. Take care. Love the beautiful flowers and the greenery that is so healthy looking.


  36. It does make a beautiful background for such a magical piece! The flowers are gorgeous and that wold be one of my favorite paths to walk also .

  37. Just popping in to say hi -- I really like your piece -- and what a wonderful sentiment.
    Sandy xx

  38. I love seeing recycled work. I'm a big fan of not throwing art stuff away (ask my kids). and your quote is perfect. Also, what beautiful flowers you have!

  39. Hi Valerie, hope your thumb is better soon. Love the way you used the background for your page. Love the verse. Gorgeous flower photos from your walk.
    Have a nice Sunday.

  40. The digital distortion made a perfect background for your houses and your quote is so true.....Adore that hollyhock...xox

  41. Klasse Stash in Schönheit verwandelt! Und wie Du die zwei Challenges zusammengebracht hast, ist klasse! Der Spruch ist so klasse und Deine Seite setzt ihn perfekt in Szene! Danke fürs Mitmachen wieder bei Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny
    PS die gelbe Blume (die zweite=) ist eine Nachtkerze und ihre Blüten gehen nachts warmen Nächten kann man sie aufpoppen hören, sehr cool....Ihre Blütenblätter sind ein gesundes Naschwerk! Achtung keine Insekten mitessen :)

  42. Your distorted print is gorgeous, it always amazes me that you can take anything and turn it into art! Beautiful and most unusual flowers too. ~Diane


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