Sunday 22 September 2013

Happy mail and some photos.

Hi everybody!
I got a wonderful surprise in the post this week, a parcel from Debbie (Craftymoose) in America.
It was totally unexpected, as she didn't say anything, so I hurried into the kitchen, cleared some space on the table and started to unpack. It was full of wonderful goodies - some hand-made pieces from Debbie, and lots of embellishments for crafting. THANK YOU!!

She made this wonderful pen, which has been wrapped with silk thread, and has one of her beautiful beaded flowers on it:

And these beads are not made from paper, but from clay - so beautiful! I will have fun with them!

And this baeutiful ATC accompanied the parcel

Here is a collage of all the other things - tassels,  flowers, lace, ribbon, yarn, fibres, leather strips, studs, beads, little wooden pieces, a doily and embellishments:

This was a great kindness, Debbie, thanks a bunch, and it did so much to cheer me up. 

I have been doing a lot of walking thses past days, and have a few photos from my walks to share.

This is more or less opposite where I live - perhaps they should add a 'keep out' sign?

Horses in the old moat

Keeping watch

Doors and courtyards - I love all the different textures of the stones and bricks and cobbles

The leaning tower - I wonder if Rapunzel lives up there?

The wall on the right belongs to the hospital:

Stylish living behind bars:

And a wonderful, brass bell-pull

 Hope you enjoyed this little walk!
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful happy mail Valerie :) and love the photo's
    Von ♥

  2. You have got some gorgeous goodies, enjoy! Love the photos, it s a very pretty place. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely goodies Valerie and great pics. Love the bell pull and the pretty flower boxes. Have a nice day, it's glorious sunshine here today, think we're going to plant up some spring bulbs. Xx

    1. The bell-pull belongs to the 'Schiffchen', a very exclusive and expensive restaurant here - and no, I don't eat there!

  4. Hi
    What a bounty of beautiful gifts from your friend, you will have fun.
    The sun is shining here today.
    Yesterday was a nightmare of a day, lots of finger pointing towards AOL. I cannot believe the disgraceful level of Customer Service, they certainly stooped to an all time low. I am unable to retrieve e-mail or addresses so I no longer have your e-mail Valerie.
    I set up hotmail

    If you don't mind taking the trouble to send me an e-mail then I can take note of your e-mail address for future.
    Oh the trials of modern living!

  5. Wonderful gifts from a lovely friend. Your photos are delightful, I enjoyed them all.

  6. Wonderful 'happy mail' Valerie and great photos from your walk.
    Avril xx

  7. Debbie sent you some beautiful things, so sweet of her! Lovely pictures from your walk too, great photos. ~Diane

  8. wirklich tolle Post Valerie und die Fotos sind beeindruckend.. lustig die Tü!
    Deine Karte im unteren post ist eine Augenweide!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt von

  9. Lovely photos Val, and great gifts from your friend, have fun! Hugs, Barb

  10. How kind Of Debbie, Bloggers are so generous and what a lovely surprise in your mailbox.

    Love all the old architecture ,stones,bricks, all except the door all by itself. Hahahahahah too funny.
    Hugs Lynn

  11. Thanks for the walk, that was fun. I particularly like the tower.

  12. Boy you did have some happy mail and those clay beads are very special! Valerie I always love your pictures. So very different from where I live and so beautiful!

  13. Wonderful photos. everywhere looks so clean. Do the folk opposite actually use the free standing door? Super happy mail as well.
    Yvonne x

    1. Today I saw a man coming out of it - I will keep watching what happens there!

  14. You are so very welcome, my friend! Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy your art and photos. The iron work is gorgeous!

  15. What a wonderful gift to receive, and it sounds just the thing to cheer you up. All your photos are wonderful, the idea of horses in an old moat, and all the 'through the archway' pictures. You live in a most interesting area for photography, and I can see what you mean about all the different textures, which you have captured perfectly. I think my favourite is the bell-pull (?) in the last photograph. Someone keeps it beautifully polished!

  16. Really beautiful package! Enjoyed my walk with you so much - such a beautiful little place. hugs, Donna

  17. Ok, so the door without a fence made me fall off my chair laughing, so funny =). What were they thinking =)
    Lovely little stroll and great package.
    xx Monique

  18. I always love the pictures you share with us! What a nice thing for Debbie to do and you will have such fun with the goodies! Hope you have a fabulous week. Hugs!

  19. So many wonderful photos.. Looks like a beautiful place for a walk.. Looks like you got some wonderful Happy Mail..


  20. Valerie, surprises are the best and you certainly received some lovely items to use in your art. The photos shared today are fantastic. Loved the one with the gate but no fence and the different textures on many of the photos make them really spectacular. A great walk for all of us!


  21. That was a fun and most beautiful walk Valerie, there's so much beauty around us, all we have to do is really look! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  22. The buildings are amazing... thanks for taking us along. Love that bell pull, especially. Hope all is well. Sorry for my absence but I am like the dog chasing her tail at the moment. Very glad to visit tonight and catch up with all your beautiful new creations.

  23. Da hst du ja ein tolles Päckchen bekommen, Valerie!
    Und deine Fotos sind klasse! Besonders sprechen mich die Torbögen an. Ich finde, das hat so etwas Einladendes. Danke, dass du uns mitnimmst auf deine Spaziergänge!

  24. Da hst du ja ein tolles Päckchen bekommen, Valerie!
    Und deine Fotos sind klasse! Besonders sprechen mich die Torbögen an. Ich finde, das hat so etwas Einladendes. Danke, dass du uns mitnimmst auf deine Spaziergänge!

  25. Da hst du ja ein tolles Päckchen bekommen, Valerie!
    Und deine Fotos sind klasse! Besonders sprechen mich die Torbögen an. Ich finde, das hat so etwas Einladendes. Danke, dass du uns mitnimmst auf deine Spaziergänge!


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