Thursday 19 September 2013

Autumn Weather

Hi everybody!
This weather this week is showing us that it is definitely autumn, with cold winds, rain, and morning mist, but also sunny intervals where it was possible to go for a walk. I love walking along the Rhine with the wind blowing in my face and the sound of the gulls in my ears, and so I have walked a lot and enjoyed the signs of autumn - berries on the trees and bushes, fallen leaves layered over the ground, and acorns and chestnuts falling. I love the textures and colours.

So it is no wonder that my journal page this week is about autumn. I couldn't paint much, as my hand is still sore, but the stitches come out on Friday  and then it should be easier.

I made 'Lady Autumn'. The first layer of leaves has been painted with acrylics in shades of brown, red and green , and then I added some of my die-cut and painted ones.

  This was a fun make! I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin, and to Artful Times - scraps, as I have made the leaves from scrap paper.
I am also linking to AJJ - less is more. I am not sure that this is completely less is more, but there are some white areas, and for someone with tendencies to always add a little bit more, this is definitely less - well, more or less.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Stunning photographs Valerie.

    Your art work on the journal page is terrific and the John Donne quote is from one of my favourite poems, it fits beautifully with your piece.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  2. Wonderful journal page, and love the photos -do you remember that line in 'abide with me'- 'death and decay in all around I see'. Good work as always. Hugs, Sarah

  3. What an amazing page. You are so creative. And yes this does look like you had a lot of fun with it.


  4. Stunning photos as is your autumn lady! This must be your favourite season.

  5. Wow,wundervolle herbstseiten,so herbstlich schön,aber auch dein tag ist große klasse.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Beautiful photos!!!Beautiful page!!!Such beautiful work!!!Sorry I have not been commenting,having computer issues!Have a good day!!!

  7. Love your autumnal face Valerie and gorgeous pics, the trees are on,y beginning to turn here. Xx (good luck for tomorrow) xx

  8. wundervolle Herbstimpressionen und eine wunderbare Herbstseite ist das! Klaro passt das zu Less is more..

    lieben Dank Valerie
    Happy PPF morgen!

    xxx Susi

  9. Lady Autumn is incredible and quite the stunner! Love how you put this together! Lovely pictures and we also are having very cool mornings at the moment! Hugs!

  10. terrific photos Valerie and love your innovative mixed media piece, Annette x

  11. Great journal art. Love the autumn colors. :)

  12. She is gorgeous! Love the beautiful poem you paired her with too! ~Diane

  13. Fabulous photos Valerie no wonder you were inspired to make a great journal page hope your hand is soon better


  14. Super Autumn photos, I love the colours that show at this time of the year. Lady Autumn is stunning , her eye is amazing.
    Yvonne x

  15. I was so involved in looking at the details and layering that it took a moment for me to see it was a lady! She's awesome!

  16. I love your pictures Valerie and how wonderful it sounds to walk along the Rhine. What a beautiful river. I do love your Autumn leaves and the lady's face - Outstanding and the quote - could not be better - I agree 100%!!

  17. Love your Fall photos and art this week!

  18. Wonderful autumnal photography and your face is creative and fun:)

  19. Her eye is stunning- love how you built it and the person- with leaves and scraps! Happy PPF!

  20. Beautiful autumn photos. Very creative autumn lady!

  21. Excellent compositions! I love those fall colors!

  22. Very nice job Valerie. Love those autumn colors and she looks great!

  23. Beautiful photos, Valerie. Even the one with the moldy apple. Hope your hand is better soon.


  24. Deine Herbstlady ist richtig klasse, Valerie! Besonders ihre Frisur hat es mir angetan! Ich liebe den Herbst ebenfalls, das sind "meine" Farben.

    1. Ja, danke, ich überlege mir auch die Haare so zu frisieren!

  25. Oh, Valerie, your autumnal lady is gorgeous. I love the bee and I think the Donne quote is simply perfect!

    1. Thanks, I love reading Donne, he had a great way of putting things!

  26. Wonderful photos and Journal page, you have such fantastic ideas! Hugs, Barb

  27. How gorgeous..lady autumn is most magical and beautiful..very soul-stirring..meditational beauty! And love your autumn pictures..fantastic images!

  28. Pretty faces with Autumn leaves!

  29. A very fun face indeed! But I have to say - that apple captivated me! Excellent shot. I mean really - when was the last time I stopped to admire the mold no a rotten apple? Ahhh, never? And so I missed just how fascinating fungus can be! Also the way the water's reflection divides the picture in light and dark - almost a before and after, a healthy and sick, a known and forgotten... I know, reading too much into it, but so works my weird eyes and brain:-)Methinks your apple rocks.

    1. Yes, I stood with my feet in the puddle looking at it for a long time, I loved it too!

  30. Wonderful photographs and I love Lady Autumn. Hope your hand is better very soon :)

  31. Love your autumnal photos and pieces

  32. beautiful photography and journal page. I love the poetry!

  33. Wonderful colors and paintings, photos, too.
    You have coutch the summer with You and keep it in some segret plase to admire when You want.
    Happy PPF Uuna 56

  34. Wonderful Autumn photos Valerie! I love your artwork!
    Alison x

  35. Oh, i'm with you Valerie - I love this time of year. The textures and colors are so beautiful and inspiring. Love your autumn page.

  36. love how you layered the flowers for added depth

  37. Loved your photographs - wonder what stories the apple could tell us of how he ended up like that? Am sure there could be a book written for children which would be fun along those lines. I digress!
    Thanks for entering Artful Times challenge again and this time with a beautiful autumnal lady. Very inspired.
    Hope your hand is soon much much better.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  38. Gorgeous autumnal photographs, and your John Donne painting is unusual and lovely.

  39. Your work is beautiful. Certainly caught the autumn feeling. Lovely photos too. hugs, Donna

  40. A lovely challenge for using your scraps, great idea.

  41. Ach der Herbst :-) Düfte und Farben, alle Sinne werden angesprochen. Und das hast du auf deiner journal Seite verewigt. Das Gedicht dazu gefällt mir auch sehr!
    Herzliche Grüsse

  42. Found it! (And I stand corrected)... Love your Lady Autumn, and your beautiful photos too! Clearly you are enjoying the Fall season as much as I am!.. Have a great week ahead! ~tina


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