Tuesday 3 September 2013

A Tag and some Photos

Hi everybody!
The theme at Tag Tuesday this week is eyes, so I decided to use this image from Gecko Galz, as I love these owls and their funky eyes. I was going to call it 'Owl be seeing you', but decided against it as I didn't want everybody shouting at me....

We have had very changeable weather with blue skies, clouds and rain chasing after each other, which gave me some lovely pics....

And I noticed on my walk yesterday that the summer flowers are on the way out and the Autumn colours on their way in....

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous Tag Valerie and lovely photos. Autumn is showing itself here now with plants changing and fruit ripening also misty mornings with warm days and much cooler nights.

    1. Same here Maggie, I love to watch the changes.

  2. Beautiful tag, I love how you use canvas for printing. Lovely photos, too, it's good to see the colours turning. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love those sketchy eyes Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  4. Great tag and I love your photos. Those owls are so sweet.

    Karen x

  5. Love your alternative title, the eyes are fantastic. Super photos, it turning autumn here as well.
    Yvonne x

  6. ein tolles Tag und wunderbare Fotos Valerie!

    xxx Susi

  7. Oh I do love owls Valerie, that's a super image. Lovely pics too, the weather is so nice with us just now but apparently getting much cooler by the end of the week. Xx

  8. Lovely tag with these sweet owls, and the two sky pictures are superb. We've gone very autumny here too, but it may have been hastened by the astonishingly dry summer.

    1. Same here, the trees have already lost a lot of leaves.

  9. Lovely tag and those are the most gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing I really enjoyed them.

  10. You just have to love those owls!! Who? The owls! I enjoyed all of your pictures - are those wild blueberries? When our leaves have peaked, I will have to take a picture.

    1. I love owls too! I have no idea if those are blueberries, I just took pictures because of the lovely colours. But the apples are real! There's a whole row of apple trees growing along the path.

  11. Cute little owls! Your photos are beautiful! We have had such a weird weather summer that the flowers are all starting to bloom now!

  12. Love the owls printed onto canvas, looks gorgeous like that! Beautiful pictures, the fruits are all so beautiful, sad reminder that the cold will soon be with us. Great feature on you and your work over at Gecko Galz, congrats! ~Diane

  13. The owls look amazing on the canvas fabic! Love this! The pictures are so relaxing and I thought what a wonderful way to start or end the day with such a beautiful walk! Hugs!

  14. Beautiful tag and fantastic photos! Hugs, Barb

  15. Love your tag Valerie! I adore the owls...they are beautifully printed onto canvas :)

  16. Love the little owl, they are so cute. Love the photo's as well... and they remind me to pick the fruit in my garden and make jam =)
    xx Monique

  17. It looks all the world as though you sketched the owls yourself. Is it canvas you printed onto or did you do an image transfer?
    I've been playing with lots of corrugated cardboard myself, in fact one of my GG projects uses it, the one I haven't decided if it will be a hanging or left as is, still dithering!!!
    Bedsocks are on and nearly ready for bed!

    1. I have some sheet canvas, which I cut to A4 size, and put through the printer like paper.

  18. Hi Valerie, WOW your owl sketches are gorgeous. What a gorgeous piece.
    Love your pics too. You are so good with the camera. Also just love your red English phone booths to the side background.

    Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. My time away went all too fast. I am back from our anniversary trip and so ready for fall and a break from our extreme heat. See you soon.

  19. Love the tag. I want to bring all three of those little owls home - although I fear Habibi may object. The first photo of the clouds is spectacular. Wonderful to see the abundance of the fruit. Do you pick the berries? Hope you are having a good day. hugs, Donna

  20. Your tag here looks amazing. Those owls are the cutest. Lots of wonderful photos as well. Looks so lush and green where you are.


  21. Great idea to stamp the owls on fabric. Perfect for the texture. Your photos are outstanding, Valerie.


  22. A brilliant tag, as you know I love this owl image.
    xxx Hazel.


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