Saturday 13 April 2013

The face of the night

Hi you all! It's hard to believe, but today the temps soared to 15°, and we saw the sun. Tomorrow should be even better, so I am really hoping that the loooong winter is over and that spring is springing.

I have made another journal page today. I started this a couple of years back. I used half of the painted sheet then, and decided to finish the second half today. I did my usual dripology outlining, this time with a silver Edding pen, which I also used for my profile, the stars and to outline the silhouette.The black parts have been given some sparkle with soot black stickles, but you can't see it here.

I am linking to   Art Journal Journey, the landscape within me.

I baked a lemon cake yesterday, onto which I squeezed more juice while it was hot, so had to spend some time eating cake and drinking coffee. Sorry, it didn't survive long enough to have its picture taken!

I saw this beautiful rainbow yesterday evening and had to take a picture through the trees. I did my best to damage the table while diving to the balcony, but don't worry - no damage done; wish I could say the same for me toe!

Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing impact and such depth to the sky.

  2. This is another wonderful piece, Val - love the colours you have used! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Another gorgeous project, love the vibrant colours and awesome composition. Great cats on the roof top as well.
    Yvonne x

  4. very dramatic piece and a beautiful capture of the rainbow at the sacrifice of your poor toe! Glad it's warming up finally for you.

  5. Love you finished journal page and the outlined head!!! Gorgeous, as is that Rainbow! The lemon cake with extra lemon sounds so delicious! I am one that when I order lemonade, I asked for extra lemon and not just one slice! Enjoy your nicer weather!

  6. Gorgeous photo and I do hope the rainbow promises spring weather. Your new journal pages are gorgeous too.


  7. Beautiful page Valerie--love the bright colour.

    Nice to know you had sun and warmer weather yesterday but even better that it has come our way today-so good to be able to go outside without a scarf and hat lol.

    I can smell your wonderful cake from here--yummy.

    enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Good morning Valerie :) Lemon cake sounds yummy!! Beautiful picture of the rainbow, spring is already here and it's pretty hot today so hopefully it will come your way soon :)
    Love your journal page!

  9. großartig! Das ist ja wieder wudnerschön! schwärm!
    schönen Sonntag!

  10. So pretty. Love the colours. x

  11. It looks wonderful and effortless Valerie but I'm sure it wasn't :)
    fab photo the rainbow has such colour !
    Von ♥

  12. It's such a beautiful painting, Valerie, with the combination of orange and black. I like the cat on the wall - hope you meant it to be a cat! That's a superb photograph of the rainbow even if your poor toe had to suffer for art.

  13. Great concept and beautifully done!

  14. Another beautiful page Valerie! I love the face image and the moon in your eyes is so appropriate! Beautiful rainbow, hope your toe is OK. The lemon cake sounds delicious! ~Diane

  15. Completely amazing journal page Valerie - so clever I think. And the rainbow picture is beautifully captured. Hope your toe isn't too sore. But worth a little pain I think, :0) Mo x

  16. Beautiful journal page, very impressive, and love that photo. Hope your toe isn't still hurting!
    Hugs, Barb

  17. I've got a picture in my mind of you now, hobbling about with a big throbbing toe! I do love your outline paintings Valerie, they're so clever. Enjoy the warmer weather. Xx

  18. A stunning work of art Val - the outline technique is amazing.
    The photo is beautiful too - I LOVE rainbows - there is something magical about them. I have just watched a glorious sunset from my craft room (AKA spare bedroom!) - isn't nature wonderful.

    Hope your poor toe is on the mend by the way.
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  19. "... so had to spend some time eating cake and drinking coffee." That's a girl after my own heart!

    Love the warm colours of your journal page - do you think Spring has finally arrived? I do hope so.

    ps ouch, your poor toe! Worth it for that gorgeous photo of the rainbow though ;)

  20. Beautiful journal page! That is an awesome rainbow--I've seen many, but none as intense in color as this one! Thanks for sharing the photo.

  21. SO beautiful. I've just obtained a silhouette head stencil that made me think of you. Can't wait to play with it.

  22. What a beautiful piece Valerie, and the rainbow looks wonderful, I'm sure Spring must be on it's way xx

  23. This is fabulous - what a great idea. Love your rainbow photo too. Been warm again here today, think Spring may now be starting - hopefully... Gill x

  24. Wow,das ist ja großartig und wunderschöööön,ich liebe diese creation,fabelhaft.

    GLg Jeannette

  25. Fabulous rainbow photo ... you were nice to sacrifice your toe (OUCH!) for us ... hope it feels better soon!

    Your page is super...

    wishing you a nice weekend from Virginia where spring is popping all around


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