Thursday 18 April 2013

It gets greener day by day....

Hi you all! It hardly seems possible that another week has passed and it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted,  as always, by Eva and Kristin.
I published a photo on my blog yesterday that showed the first green leaves on the tree in front of my window. Today when I got up, everything was green - I could hardly believe my eyes. I am so glad that we have spring!

I am sharing a painting this week that I did a couple of weeks back, using an old canvas that I found in the paper recycling bin. It had different bits of paper and some cardboard circles clinging to it. I decided not to remove the bits, but just to paint over them. I used lots of layers of paint, scraping some of them off, stamping into them, heating and bubbling the paint in some parts -just experimenting to give a grungy look. I wanted it to look like old walls where frescoes are still visible under many layers of more modern stuff. It didn't turn out quite as I would have liked it, but this is the result.

I certainly had fun with it, especially as it was a canvas 'sent' to me for nothing, so to say. 
I also got some happy mail today - 2 postcards from 'Liberate Your Art', which I will blog when I have received them all, and some nice post from Katie and Debbie, which I will share tomorrow.
Till then, have a good day, take care and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Lovely texture in this Valerie! Beautiful view from your window too! ~Diane

  2. Beautiful photo, and I love your canvas, the effects are wonderful. I think you were very successful with this one! Hugs, Sarah

  3. The canvas was a great find Valerie and love the layers you have achieved. Happy PPF, hugs Annette x

  4. That's a lot of texture there. Awesome layers, great effects you've created. Happy PPF! Take care.

  5. Love the textures, layers and super colours. It sure was a great find. for free.
    Yvonne x

  6. amazing how the leaves went green so quickly. Lovely work on recycling that canvas! Happy PPF!

  7. Love the textures, love the colours, love the composition, love being back in touch with the world, absolutely LOVE how it turned green so fast just for YOU! Hugs, Donna

  8. Love the textures, love the colours, love the composition, love being back in touch with the world, absolutely LOVE how it turned green so fast just for YOU! Hugs, Donna

  9. Fantastic colours and textures and the intrigue of the figure on the left as well.

    I noticed the same as you from one day to the next suddenly everything looked greener--isn't nature amazing how it can wait until just the right moment to come into bloom.

    Have a beautiful weekend Valerie

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Wow, seeing those pictures up close really shows the great texture in there. Wonderful work!

  11. I love this texture and color so awesome from a recycled go girl!!!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. Boah, das ist ein Farbenrausch und es sieht so plastisch aus, ich bin echt begeistert, Valerie.

    HPPF und schönes Wochenende.

    Das Foto ist natürlich auch super

  13. That is awesome texture, beautiful work.

  14. Great colours and textures, I love that grungy style

  15. I love your painting, the colours and textures are great.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. I know what you mean about the Spring suddenly arriving. There's a green glow about everything this week!

    Love the textures on your piece.

  17. i love the texture and colour on this piece. stunning work. x

  18. ich find ihn großartig! Sei nicht unzufrieden!

    hab ein schönes Wochenende Valerie! Jo Du hast so recht es ist so schön endlich den Frühling begrüßen zu dürfen!
    Nun gut heut regnet es bei uns zwar..aber es ist trotzdem da..
    das Frühlingslied der Natur!

  19. Gorgeous canvas Valerie - beautiful colours and textures.
    Spring finally seems to be happening here last!
    Hugs xx

  20. Oh gosh Valerie - this is just gorgeous! Love the colors, the texture, all of it. Glad spring has "sprung" in your neck of the woods. HPPF

  21. Wow fabulous textures and colours happening here.

  22. i love the textures in this piece and the colours are wonderful!

  23. Yea for green! Love the way the colors are darker near the figure and brighter near the edge! Great canvas!

  24. Gorgeous Spring view, Valerie! I sure hope it warms up for you! The canvas is gorgeous and I love that bubbly paint effect! I do that on metal for a old rusty look, but it looks amazing on a canvas! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  25. Lots of wonderful colors and textures in your art work and do think I see a giraffe? maybe it is just me.
    Enjoy ^_^

  26. Marvelous upcycle of the trash canvas. All that yummy texture and the mystery of the painting is quite wonderful. Happy PPF xox

  27. A lovely painting, I like the details where you can see colors and textures!

  28. Lovely recycling and gorgeous resulting painting. We've had a sunny here too. Even got some washing out. x

  29. So super beautiful..i love the metallic feel of the texture..quite an entrancing color must feel amazing to run your fingers across very sensory..a map of beautiful visually and in feeling as well!
    Wonderful image too..nature is so inspiring!
    Happy PF

  30. such fantastic colors and textures-wow!!! Isn't it so uplifting when Spring arrives and the greens come alive again? Happy PPF!

  31. It IS very textural...and love the colors too! isn't it fun to just experiment sometimes? great work! happy PPF!

  32. What fun this very textural piece is! Have a great weekend Valerie!

  33. Oh I love all the color and texture! HPPF!

  34. love the textures and earthiness of this happy ppf

  35. yah for spring! Love the colors and the way the paint bubbled up!

  36. so jealous of your green landscape! we just got more snow!! very cool collage. love all the texture and layers.

  37. I totally love your painting. All the colours and obvious textures. Looks like it was great fun to play with and the result is very interesting :0) Mo

  38. Lovely textures! At first I thought you had gotten into encaustic :)

  39. These canvases are great. So colorful and expressive!

  40. Awesome color and texture! Love it!
    We still have no green, but the snow has melted a lot! :)

  41. I think it's a modern take on frescoes, so I would rate it a success! Happy PPF,

  42. That texture and all those rich colors are both dreamy and captivating. I love the faint impression of the person, too. Really cool.

  43. Isn't it amazing how the green just suddenly appear over night? Such a happy fresh scene. Love the textures on this piece. I agree with Marji that it has an encoustic feel to it.

  44. I always look forward to your seeing your art. You have a real talent with the texture and colors.

  45. Oooh, Texture galore! LOVE the color too - so cool - and I love those tags above - the accordion fold is so clever! xoxo

  46. Those closeups show the gorgeous textures you have created... they are artworks in themselves... and that green outlook is wonderful;... glad that spring has arrived...xx

  47. What gorgeous textures and colours Valerie and how wonderful that spring has finally arrived.

    We actually sat out in the garden yesterday afternoon and it was very warm.... so it's dull and overcast today but maybe it will be lovely again tomorrow!

    Karen x

  48. We had some sunshine today too, I could definitely get to like it! This is amazing Valerie, all those wonderful layers and texure - I love it! xx

  49. I think you did a wonderful job on creating a fresco feeling, it works. Spring is sweet : ) luv your view of the forest.


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