Wednesday 24 April 2013

Inventors and inventions

Hi you all! It's been a gorgeous day, with lots of sun and really warm, and I enjoyed my walk along the Rhine - everything looks so much nicer when the sun shines!
Over at Try it on Tuesday the challenge is inventions, inventors and /or steampunk. I made a concertina album. The cover has been made using structure paste with various objects pressed into it, sprayed silver, and toned down a bit with Inka Gold gun-metal polish.  All the things on the cover are everyday objects which somebody invented at some time or other - even humble things like buttons and coins, which we always take for granted, were invented by somebody.

I stamped the pages with various background stamps using London fog, just to give a faint impression. The images are vintage cigarette cards from the 1930s, and show different inventions which have influenced the life of people through the centuries. I have written a short description for each image, and have used the inserts to write lists of inventions and inventors. Some inventions - like writing, books, medicine, methods of communication, radio and television have altered our lives in a good sense. Others, like weapons and methods of mass destruction, are not things we like thinking about, but they are, unfortunately, a part of our lives too.

I have room to add more notes on the pages. I am not showing them all so as not to make the post tooooooo long!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie, so loving your little booklet! The texture and pressed in objects are fabulous! The car reminds me to times stuck in the snow! Love this! Glad you are having a sunny and warm day! Hugs!

  2. It was such fun to make, like making mud pies on the beach!

  3. So interesting to see these old cards Valerie, you've made a super book. The sun has been shining here today too but there's still a chilly breeze. Xx

  4. Gorgeous album Val, love the cover, and the cards you have used and great! Hugs, Sarah

  5. wow - this is an absolutely beautiful and intricate work - there's outside and inside so much to discover! Great!

  6. Boah, das ist der Ober-Ober-Hammer, Valerie. Traumhaft schön gewerkelt

  7. Incredible! I'd love to get my little hands on your 'bit box' - ah, the treasures you find. A beautiful wee book well done! hugs, Donna

  8. My internet problems appear to be solved so I'm back!
    This is a wonderfully tactile piece and I love how you've embedded those items in your cover. What makes this truly fab is the way you've included the pages inside and they can built up over time - great project you can go back to.
    Good to hear you have been out enjoying the Spring weather.

  9. Really lovely album Valerie and an amazing textured cover.
    Glad you had a lovely walk, no sun here today, just foggy!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  10. lovely book, lovely work and thanks for the slide show!

  11. Wow, a stunning project. The covers have so much detail and great texture. The inside looks so interesting as well. Fabulous.
    Yvonne x

  12. What a wonderful book Valerie, the cover is fab - are those Monopoly tokens that I spy lol. The inside is brilliant, I love these cigarette cards. We had a bit of sunshine today (a bit of rain too) but the Spring flowers look so good out in the sun xx

  13. You spy right with your little eye!

  14. What a lovely little book. Great pictures too. Love the cover =)

  15. Love the little book and it's 3D effect. Well done. You don't like olives Valerie? I love them.:) Have a great rest of the week.

  16. das ist ein tolles Album! Das Cover ist grenzgenial schön!

  17. Ein geniales Album!! So herrlich schöne Strukturen und Details im Cover! Und das Innenleben ist auch toll! Ich kann mich gar nicht sattsehen - danke also auch für die schönen Nah-Ansichten!!!

    Herzlichen Dank fürs Zeigen und Mitmachen bei uns auf TioT!!!

    Claudia xx

  18. Just had a lovely catch up Val with all your beautiful work. You must work so fast to get all this done! Love it all but my favourite is the Inventors and Inventions. Such a brilliant keepsake and the cover is so clever.

  19. Such a lot of work has gone into this super little book!

    Glad you got to see some sunshine, so did we - make the most of it though, colder weather is on it's way!


  20. Beautiful book and aren't you so very clever adding the video to your post too, great idea! ~Diane

  21. The book is really nice--I like the way you did the cover. The video came out great, too. Glad to hear the sun is shining! Beautiful here, but a bit windy today.

  22. The cover is absolutely fabulous Valerie! I'd love to play in your craft room; you have, and do, some amazing things! Those cards are incredibly colourful. Great way you've made your book Valerie and the video is very clever too.
    Funnily enough, my wee boy & I were looking through his 'Inventors & Inventions' book yesterday. :0) Mo x

  23. Pop over and we would have fun playing!

  24. I love this amazing piece of art...the silver with all the pieces modern steam punk look!

    Hugs Giggles

  25. Hi Valerie, Fabulous book - love the textured cover and fabulous pages.
    Thats a great take on the 'inventors' of everyday things!
    Thanks for sharing at TioT
    Avril xx

  26. Fabulous album love the cover and what you have done inside . X

  27. Goodness such a lot of work Valerie!! Loving your little book with it's wonderfully textural cover and all the info inside! Thank you for joining us at TioT!! Cindy


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