Wednesday 20 March 2013

Trying to find spring feelings in the pouring rain....

Hi everybody! Tomorrow is the first day of spring, and we are still shivering by cold and rain and dismal, grey skies. In other parts of Germany it's much worse, as some places it is still like a Siberian winter, but I think we are all just longing for spring, sunshine and flowers. I have a pot of hyacinths on my kitchen window ledge which I planted  last year. I wanted to put them out on the balcony, but I think they are better off inside just now, and they have such a wonderful perfume. My kitchen windows look a trifle 'cloudy', I think I forgot them when I was doing the H*******K....

And as I am trying to get some spring feelings, I thought Miss Araminta would like to come out and show off her new Easter bonnet. She has been stamped with archival black and then coloured with Prismalo pencils and gel-pen. Her hat has been trimmed with lots of flowers and beads, she wanted one to really show off. I have made her a custom-built bird house with flowers climbing round the door, so she can enjoy the garden.

I am linking to Try it on Tuesday (Easter bonnets), ABAC (Spring or Alice),  Craftroom Challenge (In the garden) and Out of a Hat (Easter Bonnets)

I forgot to show my Tag Tuesday tag yesterday, so here it is. I chose K for KITE and KNOT this time. I found some scraps in neutral shades and used them.

Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Just love the natural textures on your tag Valerie and I can smell the hyacinths from here-delicious.

    How nice of Miss Araminta to don her Easter bonnet to join us at Out of a Hat for the challenge.She'll need her winter coat and wellies as well if she is coming to visit me--we have the same weather as you so far--can't imagine it is the first day of Spring tomorrow.

    Hope your day is going well-have you eaten all the cake yet?

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Me? Eat all that cake? I'm not even going to answer this one!

  3. du verspieltes Valeriechen!

    die Hyazinthen kann ich direkt riechen und Deine Araminta schaut betörend schön aus mit ihrem Hut ganz zu schweigen von dem schönen Tag !

    einen wunderschönen Mittwoch noch!

    lg Susi

  4. What a gorgeous bird house, and little Missy B looks great! She must have been jealous of your hat! Lovely hyacinths and tag, too! Hugs, Sarah

  5. I hope you have some proper Spring weather soon Valerie.... I'm sending you some of our sunshine but I'm not sure how long its going to take to get to you ok?

    Love your bird house - so pretty and your hyacinths are gorgeous and of course a tag featuring K whats not too like ;)

    Have a great day!

    Karen x

  6. What a wonderful birdhouse and you have certainly created your own Spring feeling with this project. Thanks for joining in with the Easter bonnet challenge at Out of a hat creations. Tracey x

  7. lovely Spring projects!!!
    Would you please contact me-check my latest blog post -you won one of my giveaways and I need your snail mail addy :)

  8. I love your birdhouse and Miss Araminta in her Easter bonnet. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. How lovely is Miss Araminta in her Easter Bonnet and I love her little home :)

  10. Miss Araminta's so cute, lol. Love you hyacinths too. Happy Spring regardless, it's freezing here but it was sunny this morning.

  11. Those spring flowers really brighten the mood. Cute little bird and great K! Hey, I'm a "K"!


    It's got to come sooner rather than later, surely?!

    I can just imagine how beautiful your hyacinths smell - I've got some white ones in my sitting room and they're heavenly :)

    Cute little birdie house!


  13. Your bird house is so creative and Miss Araminta's hat is to die for!!!!
    Your tag is wonderful too - I love all the texture and the way you designed it - great work!

  14. With that lovely birdhouse, which is so cool and the flowers, there is hope for spring! Beautiful projects! Parts of the US is also getting hit with some nasty weather. Hugs!

  15. Love the tag, and you know my heart belongs to that little bird of yours, her hat is stunning and I love her house! Your flowers are so pretty I can almost smell them here! ~Diane

  16. The weather in the UK is icy cold and we have had snow again today....brrr bring out the sunshine and let these old bones enjoy some natural warmth... Loving all your beautiful makes Valerie. Hugs Annette x

  17. Herzallerliebst das kleine Blumenhäuschen und das Kleid...da kann der Frühling kommen ;) Der Tag ist auch ganz besonders mit diesen zwei genialen Anhängern (K) und dem süssen Drachen...den könnte ich tatsächlich steigen lassen, bei dem Wind da draussen ;) LG Conny

  18. Hello! yep I'm beginning to find my way back around our crafting world! As always you have given us so much to take in! Love Miss Araminta and her glamorous head gear, what a delightful little house she has. thank you for sharing her with us at Craft-Room Challenge.

    Your tag is lovely on a completely different vain, love it. XOXO Zoe

  19. How wonderful that Miss A has donned her easter bonnet and taken a stroll to smell those beautiful hyacinths. A lovely neutral natural tag too. Still bloomin' freezing here too! (Btw your lovely cake inspired me to do a bit of baking myself yesterday - banana bread - it was yum) xx

  20. Its a very fetching hat that Miss Araminta is wearing, a fabulous project. Love the tag as well.
    Yvonne x

  21. Lovely bird house for your super dressed bird. Lovely natural tag too. x

  22. thank you for your marvelous entry to the challenge, I love the bird in the hat and the dress!thank you for joining us at TIOT.EE

  23. Miss Araminta is looking fabulous in her Easter finery, I just hope she has her wellies and life jacket nearby lol xx

  24. Love those beautiful Hyacinths and that Easter bonnet is perfect. We had rain, but it's over now. Have a wonderful rest of the week Val. Take care.

  25. Well, Miss Ariminta takes the cake. She always does for me - she's simply incredible! She must be very proud and happy in her bonnet. Great Tag - love all the natural materials you used - works so well together. And your hyacinths - how beautiful. I'd forgotten how much I missed them. Enjoy. hugs, Donna

  26. Those hyacinths are just beautiful! They don't do that well here as we don't get cold enough in winter for the bulbs. Your art continues to inspire with its whimsy. It always makes me smile coming to visit your page! x Julie

  27. Just look at those beautiful flowers. I hope they bring you a little sense of spring during cold months. Both your project look amazing. I always love seeing your creations.


  28. You'll be pleased to know I made one of the cakes as well and I could have eaten all of mine lol

    I have put a piccie of it on my blog Valerie

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  29. I can virtually smell those hyacinths all the way over here in the land of Oz!
    Miss Araminta is so stylish in her Easter bonnet...and your tag is gorgeous. I love the neutral shades.
    Oh my you have been busy!
    Keep cosy until spring comes can't be long now. I'm heading into mid autumn here so you should be feeling the springyness soon :D

  30. Your Hyacinths are just beautiful--your kitchen must smell so good! Very cute tag, too! I agree it is hard to get Spring fever when it is so cold!

  31. Such a sweet little bird house and beautiful tag. Longing for the white stuff to go away here.

  32. Mir gefallen Miss Araminthas Hut UND Kleid! Beides sehr apart!

    Eine herrlich verspielte Arbeit! Lieben Dank fürs Zeigen auf TioT!

    die amelie x

  33. LOVELY!

    Thanks for joining us at TIOT!

    xxx Ellie xxx

  34. I love your birdie! Soo soo very cute! Thank you for joining us at Anything But a Card this time

  35. your birdie made me smile, love how this is so whimsey and colourful, thanks for sharing with us at Craft Room Challenge, Debi x

  36. Awesomeness! :)Thanks for joining us at Anything But A Card!! :) :) :)

  37. Such a creative project Valerie! Miss Araminta looks rather sassy there dressed up in her finest! Lovely details on this house too. Those hyacinths are beautiful; they do make me sneeze though!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Anything But A Card this time.

  38. such a delightful project for the Craft Room challenge!


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