Wednesday 27 March 2013

Me and my shadow

Hi you all! Hope you are managing to keep warm if it's still winter where you are. We have had sunshine for 2 days, but it is still extremely cold and windy. It was wonderful to see the sun, though! And this evening, as I write, the sky is cloudless and a large, full moon with an ice-halo is sailing over the sky.

My card today is for the challenge over at Simon Says Stamp and Show, where the DT wants to see something using a quote, or saying or something similar. I chose a line from a song which has been going round in my head for the past few days - me and my shadow. I have printed the song-text onto the card, and then added an umbrella man, cut from an old book cover, and his shadow, made using the waste as a template. I matted it onto some printed brown card that was part of some packaging, and tied it all together with some string. I added a TH token as embellishment.  I used vintage photo DI for the shading.

The light was on when I took the second pic, and it looks all washed out - sorry!

And I forgot to post my Tag Tuesday tag again, so here it is. We have arrived at 'L' in our ABC, and I chose ladders, so made my tag with a snakes and ladders game.

That's all for today! Take care, have a good day, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Well, you've got me singing now Valerie! I love how you've done the shadow and I do love a game of snakes and ladders! Suze xx

  2. Love both of these Valerie and especially the really clever shadow one.
    You've got me singing too lol
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Both pieces are lovely, and the umbrella man card is very cleverly done! Hugs, Sarah

  4. lovely card and tag today! That moon sounds pretty!

  5. Both projects are absolutely genius! My favourite is the shadow one, so clever.

  6. Why did you mention that tune, its in my head now, an old one but a good one. Great projects, loving Mr umbrella man.
    Yvonne x

  7. Lovely cards! That is such a happy song & Mr. Umbrella Man looks happy, too!

  8. Hi Val! I love the shadow!
    And how fun with the game! ***

  9. Love that card. So cool with the shadow. Your game is so adorable! I haven't been able to be on much - I've missed seeing all your wonderful projects.

  10. Love what you've done with 'Me and my Shadow' - very effective and lots of fun. Where on earth did you find that little snakes and ladders board? Is there nothing you can't did out of that bit box of yours. Fabulous! hugs, Donna

  11. Clever ideas on both of these makes Valerie.

    I'll be singing the song all day Valerie and even hearing the crackles that were on my Gran's very old copy of the song.

    Have a good day even if it is icy

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Oh my! Your shadow card is just terrific. Love them both but the first one..of course has us all singing! Hugs

  13. OH MY GOSH, Valerie, you've amazed me AGAIN! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Me And My Shadow card you made!!!.. The snakes and ladders game is so much fun; love that too! ~tina

  14. Love that quote and what a cool way to use the Umbrella guy! Well I am hoping it will start to warm up for you soon! Have a lovely day!

  15. Love both pieces, they are very cleverly done! Your umbrella man is always a star! Hugs, Barb

  16. Great project Valerie now the song me and my shadow is buzzing around in my head for the evening lol :) love your snakes and ladders too. Very cold here too had a little bit of sun but only 3c brrrrrrrrrrrrr.


  17. Oh my gosh, the shadow is FABULOUS!

  18. fantastisch gemacht mit dem Umbrella Mann! und auch Deine Worträstlekarte gefällt mir sehr gut!

    alles äusserst raffiniert!

    sei lieb gegrüßt!

  19. Val I love how you made the shadow on your card and the song lyrics are so beautiful. When you know a song so well you forget to concentrate on what they're actually saying. The snakes and ladders is so inspired too. Brilliant job. xx

  20. Love the shadow Umbrella Man is making here, and the song is perfect! Great card! Thank you for using your words with us this week here at Simon Says Stamp & Show!

  21. Fun and games!

    I love umbrella man...

    Karen x

  22. These are both awesome Valerie! I love the shadow! So clever and original, and the snakes and ladders is just too, too cool! ~Diane

  23. I keep expecting the umberella guy to kick his heels to the side. There's also a look of Charlie Chaplin about him.
    The snakes and ladders look like you really had fun.
    You've been really busy. ;D


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