Monday 18 March 2013

Of Easter Bonnets and cakes....

Hi you all! Hope your week has started well. I had a busy day today - had to go to the doctor this morning for my acupuncture and an injection, then did the shopping, and baked a cake when I got home. I had time to do some crafting while the cake was in the oven, too! I used a recipe for a boiled fruit cake from Neesie Natters Blog. It's very easy to make and bake and   tastes delicious. Neesie was wrong in one point, though - she said the cake would keep well! Not here! My neighbour loved it, and I am taking a piece to my friend tomorrow, so I'm afraid it will not have a long shelf life!
Here the photo was taken as it came fresh out of the oven...

The text on the napkin says 'It wasn't me'

These are the photos of the Easter Bonnet I made on Sunday. I used a plain, white straw hat, and threw all the flowers and decorations I could find at it. The eggs have been painted with metallic paints, and the green one sprinkled with glitter as well. I used my hot glue gun to fix all the bits  to the hat.

One of my ladies wanted to try the hat on....

And now it's hanging from the bookcase in the hall as an Easter decoration.

I am linking to the challenges at 'Out of a Hat' Creations' and 'Try it on Tuesday',  where the theme is Easter bonnets.

Have a nice day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The hat looks gorgeous, and I definitely wouldn't say no to a piece of that cake! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Yum yum and the bonnet is wonderful, Valerie!

  3. All doctor visits should be followed up with cake! yum!
    Love your Easter bonnet---so many fun things on there. Whenever I see one I sing the song "in her easter bonnet...with all the frills upon it....." I love old movies!
    Take care val!

  4. Beautiful Easter bonnet. Your boiled fruit cake looks delicious!

  5. Love the butterflies! Great take on the challenge. Thanks for playing with us at TIOT.
    ♥Hugz,, Z

  6. You had me there for a minute...I wondered what I'd got wrong...tummy even did a quick flip, but then I realised yep that was a BIG mistake to say that the cake lasts!
    Maybe if you hide it perhaps? (lol) ;D

    Your Easter bonnet is beautiful and just bursting with springyness (not sure that's a word but I like it anyway)
    Here in Australia hats are very popular and worn for any occasion, even walking the dog, so I think I'm going to decorate a similar hat that I have...just because!
    Thanks so much for giving me a shout out and the idea for the hat :D
    A slice of cake would just have made my visit perfect because guess's all gone from my house!!!
    Have a wonderful week...I'm about to post another recipe this afternoon, so may see you over at my place. Have fun ;D

  7. Meine Güte Valerie! Bei Dir würd ich gern mal ein , zwei Wochen verbringen...

    Du bist eine KREATIVNUDEL, oder?


    und bitte ein Stückchen zum Probieren heb mir auf, wenn ich komm um den Hut zu probieren! LOL!

  8. What a scrumptious looking cake Valerie no wonder it will soon all be eaten.

    The hat is wonderful and wouls brighten any day. So pleased you shared it with us at the Hatters for the challenge this weel my friend

    Have a beautiful day
    Love Chrissie xxxx

  9. Aww... A delightful post, indeed!! :)
    Love your Spring hat, very creative.
    That cake... "YUMMY!"
    Thank ou for sharing. ~xx

  10. Beautiful Easter bonnet love those eggs,your lady looks gogeous in it. Can I have a piece of cake please :) fruit cake is a weakness of mine LOL. I Must try it out. Thnaks for joining the easter bonnet fun at Out of A Hat. Hugs Sandra XXX

  11. What a glorious easter bonnet Valerie, reminds me of the film Easter Parade! And that cake looks scrummy, I'm going to check out the recipe. Have a lovely day. Xx

  12. A beautiful Easter bonet and what a yummy looking cake.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. LOVE your Easter bonnet, so festive! It's always so much fun to play with the glue gun!
    I'm trying to get caught up again in blogland...maybe this time it will stick ;)
    P.S. The cake looks so good!

  14. Your Easter bonnet is perfect for our challenge at Out of a hat creations. I love the addition of the eggs too, thanks for playing along. Tracey x

  15. That cake looks delicious! I am sure it won't last long. Your Easter Bonnet is beautiful, I love the eggs, butterflies and pretty Spring flowers! Such a productive day too! ~Diane

  16. Since it is morning here and seeing that yummy cake, I am so hungry! Valerie, this Easter Bonnet is adorable! I love the decorations and those eggs! So pretty! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  17. The cake looks so delicious, I hoe there's plenty for all of us Valerie ;) Remember when teacher's used to say something like that if you got caught with a sneaky sweetie or gum? Haha
    Your bonnet is gorgeous! I agree with Neesie about it's Springyness, lol :0) Mo x

  18. Love the bonnet with all it's trimmings! and the cake looks yummy!!

  19. Very fun! I wonder how she communicated her desire to wear the hat.... hmmmmm...

  20. Sweet bonnet. I like that butterfly perched on it. The cake sounds yummy. You'd have even less of it if I lived nearby!

  21. I'm normally not a fan of the fruit cake we see here around the holidays because it tends to be very heavy. That one looks delicious and much lighter! Your Easter bonnet decorations is pretty and spring-like!

  22. Your bonnet looks so fun and your cake looks so delish! I'm not surprised it hasn't lasted long. x

  23. That cake looks scrummy no wonder it didn't last long. The Easter bonnet is a riot of colours, I would have loved to have seen you modelling it though !


  24. Your cake looks so delicious and I am soooo very hungry.
    Your Easter Bonnet is perfect - what a glorious piece of art work to wear.

  25. First of all, the cake looks delicious, can see how it wouldn't stay long in the tine.
    The bonnet is gorgeous, love how you decorated it.
    Yvonne x
    p,s, Thank you for sharing it with us at TioT's

  26. Val you made my heart sing looking at your beautiful Easter Bonnet and yummy cake. Daisy and I decorated the lovely eggs you sent me tonight. Hers were much better than mine though. She really enjoyed it, thamk you so much for the brilliant box of goodies. xx

  27. Fabulous Easter Bonnet, Valerie,the cake looks yummy
    Thanks for joining us at Out of a Hat
    Janet x

  28. that cake looks so yummy.....

    you should wear your bonnet out it would certainly brighten everyones day! It's so pretty :)

    Karen x

  29. mmm nice, likeing the hat! thank you for joining us at TIOT.EE

  30. Ooh your cakes looks delicious! It's a fabulous hat, but just how many 'models' do you have visiting your appartment :-) xx

  31. Gorgeous cake and a fabulous hat - love the colourful embellishments.
    Sylvia x

  32. LOVELY!

    Thanks for joining us at TIOT!

    xxx Ellie xxx


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