Thursday 11 October 2012

Sunrise and a hoopoe

Yesterday was one of the first days in a long time that I haven't sat down to craft anything, but I was not lazy, as I am having a fit of the tidy-it-ups and clean-it-outs just now - don't worry; it won't last long!
I was up early, in time to see the sunrise - I just love this transit from dark sky to light!

The sky had such a lovely colour as I got up, that I grabbed my camera and threw a blanket over my nightdress, and sat in the freezing cold on the balcony, holding on to my cup of coffee for some warmth. But I enjoyed it so much, it was worth it.

After that I made some lemon muffins, as there were some people coming to help my neighbour  carry the heavy things, and I thought they might be hungry. I did not even get a chance to take a picture before they were gone!

An hour later, I heard something scratching about in the corner of my balcony, where there is a pot of dead plants that once were petunias. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a hoopoe digging into the earth looking for whatever they find there! I know this bird from Israel and the Mediterranean lands, but have never seen one here in Germany. I didn't dare move to get my camera, but this is what it looked like:

(Hoopoe by courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

Hope your day will also have some pleasant surprises in store for you! Take care of yourselves, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Sounds like you are having a beautiful day already and hope the rest of the day is just as good for you.

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures.

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Simply BEAUTIFUL, Valerie!! ~xx
    Such an incredible way to start the day... thank you for sharing. Enjoy. :]

  3. What absolutely beautiful photos Valerie, well worth the freeze in your nightie too.
    Funny to see a hoopoe too, I remember this bird which I've never seen from a Happy Families card game when I was a child and instead of the usual grocer, baker etc we had different groups of birds. The hoopoe was among them along with the golden oriole - funny what we remember.
    Have a lovely day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. "Oh what a beautiful morning" - Well done Valerie for being up early enough to see the sunrise - I'm finding it a real struggle to get up now that the mornings are getting darker.We have had such clear skies too - it's the starry nights I love. I have never seen, or indeed, heard of a Hoopoe. What a fabulous bird. Hope your day is as beautiful as yesterdays. Take care. Suze xx

  5. Lovely pictures, Val, but perhaps next time you could wear something warm....The hoopoe is a very pretty bird indeed. hUgs, Sarah

  6. Lovely, lovely photos...shame about the muffins though!
    How exciting to see the Hoopoe too.
    Hugs xx

  7. What a lovely day you have had so far. I too adore that time just before dawn, and suddenly watching the world come alight. Beautiful photographs, Valerie. That Hoopoe is one beautiful bird. I have never seen one - even when I was in the Mediterranean. Must mean good luck for sure. I would come over for a muffin - but -- too late. hugs, Donna

  8. thanks for sharing your beautiful sunrise, love that exotic looking bird!

  9. Gorgeous pics and what an unusal looking bird. I've never heard of it before, Valerie! Hope you get rid of your H _ _ _K bug soon :)

  10. Gorgeous pictures, I can see why you enjoy your place. What a glorious view you have! I have never seen a hoopoe, they are beautiful, how amazing that you saw one that far from it's home! It must be a sign of good luck. Take care and have fun organizing.

  11. Fantastic photos, it looks well worth being up soon to see such a beautiful new day dawning.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Beautiful photos of the sky. x

  13. what a wonderful day, we all need those once in a while, my blog was hacked again, I will keep up with yours though and keep up with all your wonderful creations!!

  14. Hi Valerie. What a beautiful catch and how lucky you were able to capture all these pics for us to see. Cleaning house isn't too bad, but it does hurt. tee hee. Love your pix and sorry I haven't been around too much but been busy lately with other things outside of the home. Hope you are doing well and glad you got to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of the day or are you already in tomorrow? :)

  15. Beautiful way to start the day and even a surprise visitor! What a gorgeous bird and I don't blame you for not wanting to move to get your camera! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  16. At my house we call it getting a bug and when I get the cleaning bug the whole family prepares for lots of trips to Goodwill for donations and the trash. Nothing is safe when I have that bug. When I am done I find myself so inspired to be creative. Fabulous fall photos & the leaves are such fun!

  17. I love that beautiful time of morning, too, but don't often make it up to enjoy it. Thank you for sharing your photos. I have never seen that bird before--it is stunning! What a treat to see.

  18. What a lovely way to start the day... great pictures.

    What an amazing bird! I have never seen anything remotely like it.

    I am so glad you are having a sort out because I know you are sure to find lots of crafting goodies you forgot you had and then you will be busy again playing!

    Grateful for lack of muffin picures... I am trying to be good!!!

    Love Karenx

  19. Love the sequence of sunrise shots... thanks for sharing!

  20. Beautiful photos!. I can imagined your excitement when you saw such exotic bird!. Brings me of the story of King Solomon :). Just yesterday, a Green Leafbird came to my window & sang so loud for a minute. My cats and I were so excited!!


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