Thursday 18 October 2012

Halloween Pumpkin Knee!!!

Hi you all! First I want to send you all heaps of thanks and hugs for all the good wishes and prayers which have been coming my way! The docs are satisfied with how my knee is looking, and I get good painkillers, so I am not suffering. They just removed the drainage tube, which was rather nasty, but it feels better now it's out!! Although a bottle full of gore hanging from the knee would have been a good Halloween costume!! But my knee is fully tuned to Halloween. Round like a pumpkin, and as they distressed it before the OP with some pretty orange coloured ink or something,  it's just the right colour! And the stitched up sides look real!! (Oops, think they  are!) Later on the physio therapist will be bringing my  crutches (which I will surely be able to dress up as broomsticks) and will practice walking and going up and down stairs with me.  And I should be able to go home tomorrow. But it's a great hospital, I have a lovely room, everyone is really  nice, food is great, and the kitchen ladies keep knocking on my door and persuading me to take a coffee, or a nice plate of fruit or juice or a snack - I mean it would be rude to refuse....
Will visit all your blogs when I get home. Till then, thanks for staying around, take care and have fun!


  1. Good to hear you're feeling well today Valerie and I'm sure you'll soon be whizzing about on your brooms - I mean crutches! take care. xx

  2. Glad everything went well and that you'll soon be home. Take care.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Ugh, scary sounding knee!

    Good to hear the hospital is making your stay bearable but I bet you're looking forward to getting home.

    Take care of yourself,


  4. Take care, Valerie! Wishing you a speedy recovery. :)

  5. Hi Valerie

    Oh I thought there was going to be pictures!!!!!! I'm rather glad there isn't!!!!

    Glad all went well.... and good luck getting used to your broomsticks... I mean crutches.



  6. Didn't realise you were in - sorry! I do hope your'e feeling better and that you'll be home soon. Good that all is well so far. Sounds like a good hotel compared to hospitals I've been in here in UK!!
    Take care,

  7. sending hugs your way!! Thinking of you!!! xoxox

  8. So glad to hear your sense of humour is still there Valerie as your post made me smile.
    Wishing you a pain free day and hope the pumpkin knee starts to go down soon, pretty colour or not!
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Apart from the pumpkin knee it sounds almost like a hotel!
    Good luck with the crutches and hope you're soon back at home.
    Hugs xx

  10. so glad to hear you are recovering nicely! The hospital sounds unbelievable.

  11. Glad it's all over and all is well. Behave yourself with those crutches and don't go poking the good looking Dr's. hus, Donna

  12. And some of them really are pretty guys!!

  13. Hi Val, glad you have not lost your humour! We lost our internet for nearyl 2 days! Hugs, Sarah

  14. They must be treating you well, you are in high spirits, that is so good to hear. I can imagine your knee would look a bit Frankensteinish after the surgery lol. Take care and get better soon!

  15. Nice that the pain meds are keeping you comfortable and pain free! Pumpkin knee, is pretty funny - well you know what I mean! Somehow I believe this experience will make it into one of your Friday stories! Enjoy the food! Hugs!

  16. You just got to love good pain meds. You had me smiling when you where describing your Pumpkin knee. It does sound like you are all ready for Halloween.. Take care my friend.


  17. They sure are looking after you well :) glad it's all gone well and you'll be home soon :)
    Von ♥

  18. Chances are it was Betadine that they painted your knee with before the op--it is a lovely orange color!

    Glad to hear you in such good spirits and so happy you are set to go home already!

  19. Good news about the knee and that you may get home soon.
    I have a picture image in my mind of how you would look with the decorated knee and the crutches with broom ends. Now where will you find your cat, I wonder?
    Take care and get plenty rest.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  20. Pleased that all went ok Valerie and hope you are soon home again.

    Great that you still can laugh about it all :)

    Lots of Love Chrissie xx

  21. Glad everything went well Valerie, it's sounds a nice place to be apart from the obvious gorey knee lol. Carry on being nice to the kitchen ladies, and hope you are allowed home soon (by whatever means of travel you choose lol) Sue x

  22. Hi Valerie. Thanks for letting us know how you are. Been thinking of you. Decorating the crutches did make me giggle but then I thought this is Valerie. This will probably happen!! lol! Sending more hugs.
    Take care my lovely friend.
    Florence xx


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