Friday 22 April 2011

Paint Party Friday, Simplicity and some tags....

Good morning you all! Here is Rhineland is really hot and sunny, like summer weather. So I will be taking a walk through the fields or along the Rhine later.
I have been searching the net for *ceramic paper* that I described yesterday, and found that the manufacturer I buy it from, LaBlanche, sells it in England under the name of *Speciality paper* by Sir Stampalot. It may be available from other firms and places, too, but hope that helps to answer some of the inquiries and mails I got yesterday. It is a wonderful paper for stamping and blending.
Today is Paint Party Friday, so welcome, come along and join in the fun!
I have some lino cut prints to show today. I made the lino cut some years back, and printed a few heads off yesterday to show you.

I have printed these using some scrap paper and acrylic colours, you get better results using special colours for lino-printing, but they are somewhere at the back of my bottomless pit AKA the hall closet, and if I had started to dig them out I wouldn't yet be sitting here writing about it....
I like the way that the picture - which was supposed to be a self portrait! (well, I did have long, permed hair back then!) - looks different with the different colours and backgrounds. A paint lighter than the background almost looks like a negative. And by using a light layer of paint you get a rather ghostly effect.
Anyway, I enjoyed doing the prints yesterday, and I will do some more in the -hopefully - near future.

And I still have a card to show you, a bit of a contrast programme.
It's a very simple card I made for *Simplicity*, where the challenge this week is to use an old stamp to make a thank-you card:

And here are three tags made, all using the same image, and the same background stamping, but using a different colour scheme each time. I printed the images out in blue, green and sepia, and fitted them behind a computer generated film strip that I printed onto acetate. I tried to find embellies for each tag in a fitting colour scheme, and like the effect of having just one main colour on each atg.

That was it for today, have a great day, thanks for looking, and take care!


  1. Wow! You certainly have been busy and I don't know where too start here! The lino prints look fabulous and the perm bit struck a chord as I had a permed bob cut in the 80s and early 90s.
    The simple card is fabulous and the tags are to die for - just stunning.
    Hope you have a lovely Easter.
    Fliss xx
    PS: Will be away from Easter Sunday as we're off to Jersey for a few days.

  2. Happy Easter Valerie and just to say loving your lino cuts and other makes, ooh you have been busy. Annette x

  3. Hi Val, hello from me, love your work, as always! Now I'd better sneak out of here before my OH finds me at the computer again! Hugs, Sarah

  4. the lino cuts are fabulous. I find hand carving interesting and have delved into the world of hand carved stamps, (dick blick block material) however have never tried lino. May have to check it out. Great face, by the way ... but then ... it's yours! :o) You are the Queen of tags - have it down pat and just know how to make them look smashing. Take care .. have a very Happy Easter. PS. Your hall closet must be HUGE. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  5. Donna, thanks for the compliment about my face ;). My hall closet is quite big, but things you put into it disappear, and only turn up when you are NOT looking for them. I am re-reading Harry Potter to try and find a suitable spell to cure it.... But seriously, lino cutting is good, doesn't cost much, and is very effective!

  6. I love the lino prints...Happy Easter.

  7. WOW where to start as fast as one wonder ends another completely different one starts! Sir Stampalot will soon sell out of their stock of paper thanks to you :)

    Lino printing love your image and all the different effects with the different colours. Then your stunning elegant thank you card so pretty. Then you cap it all off with fabulous dreamy tags.

    And now you have gone for a walk by the river hope the sun is shining and the breeze is gentle. Happy Easter XOXO Zoe

  8. I love the bright colors of the lino prints! sweet thank you note, too! you are one talented artist! enjoy the day

  9. My goodness Val, you seem to get so much done in a day, I'm lucky if I make one card! The only time I've done lino printing was at school, great fun. Beautiful card and beautiful tags. Have a lovely weekend. Suze x

  10. I love those prints! I love how you indicated the hair and the tags are just gorgeous! :-)

  11. I love all the work here. The thank you card is gorgeous, I love that bee. The tags are beautiful and I love the way the lino cut looks so different with just the different colors, they would make an awesome art work all together on one canvas.

  12. You are amazing, Valerie! The self portrait lino cuts are fabulous. The simple card, gorgeous and the tags in different colours are so stunning!!

    Happy Easter, hope your weather keeps up :)

  13. Your tags are fabulous!!! Happy PPF!

  14. love these the simplicity....they are beautiful!!! and your tags are lovely too!!!!

    Happy Good Friday and Happy PPF!!!!

  15. Love all your creations. great Lino cuts.

  16. Your tags are beautiful. I am loving the lino prints. I love the way they look on a colored background. Fun, Fun, Fun!

  17. you've been so productive this week with such a great variety, all lovely.

  18. So much to see today! I am really loving the lino prints, especially!

  19. You sure have been busy, but that's a good thing because we got lucky seeing your fab work. Love those lino prints. Lots of variety. Great work. Have a wonderful Easter and PPF.

  20. You are a busy lady! I love your lino cut prints, the color combo's are great! Look forward to seeing more of them :) Happy PPF!

  21. Happy Easter, Valerie!! I love your prints and tags--so gorgeous!!!

  22. your card is charming and lovely for the season.
    lovely lino print too~

  23. I LOVE your lino prints! That entire process is fascinating to me. I would love to try it sometime. Your results are beautiful! I love looking at the effects on different colors. Your card and tags are wonderful, as well! You have been very busy! ;)

  24. Great stuff valerie! I am so in love w/ that lino, really I am LOVING it! so cool!

  25. Such fabulous creations you're sharing today! I love your lino prints... you make me want to rush out and get a block! Fun, fun, fun... The colors are great!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Thanks for sharing all of these prints! It is very interesting to see how the look changes with the color of paint and paper. Lovely tags as well.

  27. You have been so busy! I found your lino cut 'experiments' really interesting with the effect of colours on different backgrounds. Pretty tags - I like the same colour palette in each one too.

    Enjoy your sunshine.


  28. You've done some lovely work this week!! How fun all those prints are. And I love your simplicity card! Just lovely!

  29. You Know I'm loving those Tags!! The last one is gorgeous.. because the colors and orange flower are some of my fave color combinations, besides pink and pink! Of course all your creations rock! Lotsa Hugs ,Tee

  30. Interesting work with the lino prints. You have been a busy gal.All the art work is very Lovely.
    Have a Happy Easter ; )

  31. Love the lino cut prints in all the pretty contrasting colors...and the card is just lovely. Great work!!

  32. Are you sure you're not channeling Andy Worhol? (opps - couldn't help myself) D

  33. Your lino prints are fantastic, it's something I've not tried. I also love your card and tags.
    xxx Hazel.

  34. I love the lino prints- your self portrait looks almost like an ancient figure you'd find on a mayan ruin or something! I love it. Your cards and tags are lovely. Such detailed work and such a creative mind!

  35. Thanks - in the meantime I look like an ancient figure anyway! Old age creeping up with leaps and bounds!;)

  36. hi valerie, your lino prints are very creative, can't imagine how you can print from lino but I like the results anyway! am loving these tags you've been making, the lace along the bottom is such a feminine and pretty touch. Oh and lovely card too, I do like the simplicity of this. CoB

  37. Hello Valerie!!! Wow you have alot of things going on! I love those lino prints. Very cool! Tags and card are also wonderful!!!Beautiful job!

  38. Wow, those lino prints are awesome. The last time I did lino print was back in school, decades ago, thanks to a wonderful art teacher. I loved it a lot. Perhaps I should try it again, your work here is a real inspiration. Frohe Ostern!

  39. Hello there Valerie, wow you're a very creative lady, so much to see on your blog, I'm amazed LOL
    I love your creations, all gorgeous but I especially love the tags you've made here! Have a wonderful Easter:0) xxx

  40. Great Post Valerie! Really interesting reading your blog about your adventurous life along with your artwork. Love the linos in this post and the tags are wonderful too. I've got to head to the Easter post and check out your "smilebox" now!

  41. Wow you have been busy! I love the lino prints. So pretty and different!

  42. Very pretty - the lino prints are really nice - so much difference a colour makes!

    You've really been busy! Lovely work!

  43. Wow! You've really been busy...beautiful, beautiful work!


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