Monday 25 April 2011

A Mini Book and sunny days

I am almost ashamed to say *good morning* as it is getting on for midday here! Went to bed late, read even later, and then slept and slept and slept....I am sure it does me good, mostly I get too little sleep, but somehow I always have a bad conscience when I sleep so late!
Had a nice day yesterday. Had breakfast with Inge, then we played skipbo for an hour or two, and then we went to B's, where we were invited to an Easter Sunday Coffee Party. The weather was great, so we were able to help ourselves from a table groaning under the weight of piles of home-baked cakes, Rabbit biscuits and Strawberries and cream, and then sit outside in the garden, eating, chatting and drinkin loads of coffee - always my fave!
When I came home I had to get some work done on some secret projects, which cannot yet be shown, and then I made another little album from one sheet of 12x12 paper. I have used *Rye* from Seven Gypsies.

I love the warm greeny-browny colour of the paper, and have just stamped some flourishes onto each page in Stazon black to deepen the pattern a bit. Then I threw all the bits and pieces I could find in the muddle on my table at it, layering pictures over each other and putting together things which do not really belong together, but I love this eclectic mix and the rather surreal effect it gives. The album has been sewn together with black ribbon, as one side of the paper is black. I have arranged the pages so that I always have 2 of the same together, and have just put a small flower on each of the black ones, so that the recipient will have some space for own notes or pictures. I made the charm for the front cover from beads hung onto a swivel pin with jump rings, and that was it.

Had a fun time making the little book, as always, but now I need do something rather sad - I have to go into my arty kitchen, and put all my mini-book *ingredients* back into their boxes, and then put them away into the *Bottomless pit*, which will then be sealed with a magic charm like the Chamber of Secrets in Harry Potter. The charm is necessary to prevent it all jumping out at me every time I open the door....

Have a nice Easter Monday, happy crafting, painting and happy whatever, take care, and thanks for dropping in today!


  1. This is so beautiful. You have got such a great 'eye' for colour and composition. Very inspirational!

  2. Beautiful Valerie. Gorgeous images and love the cover charm. xx

  3. Love this little book, too, you know I love darker colours, and this one is sooooooo good! Hugs, Barb

  4. Beautiful Valerie! I do love your eclectic mixes.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I'm not long up myself - for exactly the same reasons as you.

  5. YUM! Delicious, delightful, delovely. My mom said you could come over and play and make me one of those too. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  6. Its good to have a lie in and just go with the flow. Sounds like and idyllic Easter Sunday. Then your book so pretty how nice to leave space for someone else to add to it. But now you have hidden it all away wonder why could it be the 'secret' projects? XOXO Zoe

  7. Glad you're having lots of fun and crafting away, love your little books, gorgeous;0) xxx

  8. This just gets better every time I visit! I adore the charm on the cover and all the delightful scenes inside have me in awe.

  9. Great little book again, Val. Are you enjoying the lovely weather today, too? We are all in the park today, so I'm on my netbook while P and the kids are swinging from the trees. (Darwin?) Hugs, Sarah

  10. OMG I love this mini book, Valerie! Such eye candy to see.

    Glad you had a fab day yesterday. What are rabbit biscuits?


  11. Absolutely gorgeous mini love all the papers and elements used ........fabulous job!

  12. Fantastic book, your pieces are so inspirational. Yvonne xx

  13. Rabbit biscuits are sort of *die-cut* with a rabbit shaped cutter! They would taste nice in any shape, though - sweet and buttery!

  14. Hi Valerie--WOW!!! This is totally gorgeous! I LOVE it!
    And I haven't played Skipbo in years, but oh, it is so much fun!!

  15. oh this is gorgeous, Valerie, every page is a treat. I like how you make the elements overlap the edge of the page, that always looks so good. cob

  16. lovely book you have made, such a treasure. Your lunch yesterday sounds perfect, my idea of a good time...fabulous food, good coffee and of course, great company.

  17. Beautiful book and as usual an inspiration.


  18. You are funny! I hope the magic charm wears off so you create some more mini books soon! Sounds like you had a lovely day - I know what you mean about feeling guilty when sleeping in, I can't help but feel I've wasted part of the day and it is so precious. Sometimes that extra sleep is just what is needed though:0)

    Love the book, lots of work has gone into it any you look like you had great fun putting it together.


  19. Lovely little album, so pretty! Hugs, T

  20. What a beautiful book! Congratulations on your visiting artist spot at gingersnaps!

  21. What an amazing book. I love yr details especilly the first picture. Your colors are beautiful in a grungy way too!Ive never made a book...might have too now.take care, gerri

  22. I think this may be for our Little Book swap??
    I can't wait to see what you have made, thank you so much for letting me know you have mailed them. I will let you know when they are here!! lenna


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