Friday 1 April 2011

IKEA, Vintage Images to download, and good news!

Good morning you all! First of all, the image is not a photo of my friend and me getting ready to go to IKEA!
Now the good news: This month I will be playing at Gingersnaps as a Visiting Artist, hope I manage to do the themes justice. The focus will be on the orient this month, so watch out there for lots of great ideas from the DT!
Here the sun is trying to force its way though the clouds again, still looking a bit watery, but the birds are singing with all their might and it looks like it will be a nice day, which means I will be able to take a good walk along the Rhine again. The hedgerows and trees are all turning green, the cherry trees, magnolias and forsythe bushes are all blossoming, so it looks really pretty. We had a great day out at IKEA yesterday. It's about half an hour's drive from here, the journey was uneventful, and we enjoyed looking at all their stuff. I bought 2 or 3 (or 4 or 5 or 6? - maths was never my strong subject! -)frames to alter and paint, and a few mirrors to alter, as they make nice presents. It's my friend's birthday next week, and she chose some storage jars and tins for her kitchen, which I paid for as a present for her. And there were quite a few little things in the basket by the time we got to the checkout, pity my memory is sooooooo bad today or I would tell you what!
After the checkout I found the giant rolls of packing paper - lovely stuff for crafting! - and I packed it very carefully. I even used my jacket to wrap up the wrapping paper so that the rain didn't touch it, how's that for crazy? Then we strengthened ourselves with coke and Daim before heading for the car. On the way back home our road led us past a Turkish take-away,(What a coincidence!) so we bought ourselves kebabs from the lovely people there. It's just a small snack-bar, but with a wonderful service, they are always so friendly, and make you feel like you are really someone special. And the food is good!!
So, all in all a great day, and goodies to gloat over in the evening.

Some people asked about the images I used yesterday on my LO. So here they are, and a few more, please feel free to download and use them. Enjoy!

Thanks for looking and have a great day!


  1. Thanks for sharing all the lovely images! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Well spring's not quite so far on in north east Scotland (but we do have plenty of crocus and daffies). Sounds like you had a lovely day out, enjoy your ikea goodies! x

  3. PS, can't wait to see your gingersnap creations - I love all things oriental.

  4. Sounds like a terrific and fruitful day. So happy you are a visiting artist Valerie, welcome aboard and have fun. Annette x

  5. Thanks so much for the pictures Valerie and congrats on being a guest artist. Can't wait ti see your creations.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. the trip to IKEA sounds very successful!

  6. Congrats on being a visiting artist at GS, Valerie!

    Your trip to IKEA sounds like it was wonderful!

    Thanks so much for sharing these images, they are priceless to people in other countries.

  7. Love these images, thanks a lot for sharing! Hugs, Barb

  8. Thanks for the images they are lovely. Enjoy your day.

  9. A big congratulations on being selected to be guest artist at GP. You will have a lovely adventure of giving and receiving. I know you will have FUN. Thanks for the downloads, Valerie. As usual ... enjoy your sense of humour! hugs from Mexico, Donna

  10. Congratulations Valerie! I will have to visit you over at Gingersnaps often! Thanks for the images, fun for me to have some different ones. Love your tale of Ikea Adventure! Nothing beats getting a day out with a friend.
    You are such a dedicated follower of my blog - I so appreciate your many visits! Have a lovely sweet day!

  11. Sandi, I love visiting your blog, because you have such a lot of things which remind me of my childhood. And thanks you all for your good wishes!

  12. Congratulations, Valerie!!!

    Thank you for sharing your fun day with us, and the great images, too!


  13. Hi Valerie

    Great to hear about your day out and about wrapping up the wrapping!!! Must be my dinner time as your kebab sounded rather good!

    Thanks for the images, and congratulations on your guest spot!

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  14. Congrats Valerie on being a guest artist @ Gingersnaps! Cool! Can't wait to see your creations!
    Sounds like you had a good day! I haven't had a Kabob in a long time! (And I got the sticks). But what is IKEA?

    Hugs Tee

  15. congrats val and well done on your visit to ikea...

    maria xx

  16. Hi Valerie, glad you had a good day yesterday and I had to smile at you taking your coat off to keep the brown paper dry, hope you didnt get too wet yourself! coB

  17. Hi Cobbly, I did get wet, but the lovely paper stayed dry!!!

  18. Well, that's the main thing, lol. CoB

  19. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!

  20. Ohhh thanks my lovely friend. i have saved them all. Congrats on being a guest artist too.
    hugs June xxxx


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