Wednesday 11 November 2009

The ancient mariner and bungee jumping

Yesterday evening I really was a busy bee. Made 10 (ten!!) post-it note holders, chatted to a friend on DC, baked a batch of shortbread, talked to my friend on the phone and switched on the dishwasher, wanted to get everything cleared away for once. Then I went back into the kitchen to get something and got wet feet -
*Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink ;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.*
Well, actually there was still water in the tap , and the (laminated) boards were not shrinking but puffing up, and the water was trickling like a silver stream out of the dish-washer - eeek! Panic, help, why me again??? Switched the machine off and grabbed all the towels I could find to mop up the water, took the skirting off the kitchen cupboards and mopped underneath, moved the dresser and mopped there, too, reached under the fridge as far as I could get and removed the water there. After an hour the kitchen was more or less dry, the space under and behind all my cupboards was clean - yuk, where did all that dirt come from? and I had enough washing to fill two machines. Thank goodness that the washing machine is in the cellar and can't leak all over my kitchen. Anyway, as we should think positive, I want to say that my kitchen is now gleaming like it never did before, and the laminated flooring does not look so boring now that the edges are puffing up, looks really different. *Always look on the bright side of life....* Then I went into the living room and sat at my computer, where I saw something moving on my left side, outside the balcony window. It was Freddie. Freddie is a spider who has been bungee jumping outside my window for a week now, and always there where I sit and can see it out of the corner of my eye. I felt like it was observing me. I don't like spiders at the best of times, and this was NOT the best of the times after Noah's flood in my kitchen. Well I did warn Freddie. I banged on the window and told him to spin off, but he didn't. As I said, it had been a hard evening for me, and that after a long day at work. And then it happened. Sorry all of you who like spiders. I don't. So I shot out and splat! That was the end of Freddie - *Always look on the bright side of death....* But now I have to clean the windows, too. Oh well, tomorrow is another day!


  1. as im not a big fan of spiders, i would have splattered him too.
    what a drama in your kitchen. i hope you can get someone to unblock it. we cant have you washing dishes now can we? lol
    gina xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. No, but as long as there's a take away and Pizza shops I won't starve....

  3. Poor you - hope you get the dishwasher fixed - that's what I really missed at Dad's.
    Don't blame you for splatting Freddie - he shouldn't have been there!
    Sue xx


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