Sunday 14 April 2013

Moos on Mo(o)nday and other stuff

Hi you all! Over at Moo-Mania the theme is numbers. When I was standing in my bathroom this morning, I saw the little perfume bottles on the shelf - all empty, unfortunately - and decided to take my inspiration from Chanel, a perfume I love and which I would love to be able to buy again. I used some of the old advertisements, and my perfume bottles as props.  My printer is not behaving itself just now, and printing everything with stripes, sorry about that. 

Chanel No 19

Chanel No 5

Chanel Love Potion No 5

And sometimes Carolyn sends out an 'art-spark' - a little piece of a painting to play with. Here is what she sent out:

I turned it and doodled on it and this is what came out:

The colour difference is probably because of printing it out and taking a new photo.

Have a sweet-smelling day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous Moos and doodles Val. I love Chanel too, and sometimes get some for Christmas! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great Moos Valerie, but I particularly like your doodles. Such clever ideas you've had for it :0) Mo

  3. Fabulous moos and I love your doodling, Valerie!

  4. Love your Moos. Very colorful. Chanel No.5 is my favorite and I have 3/4 of a bottle left. I love it. It makes me feel so like a woman when I rub some on my ears, neck and wrists. I want another bottle, soon.:) Have a grat week. Guess you are in Monday already.

  5. cute doodle and very nice take on the numbers!

  6. Very creative work on both. Great inspiration to use the bottle image. I love Chanel Number 5 though I don't use it these days

    Have a great day Valerie--we have sunshine again so I hope you have

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Doodling is the best kind of therapy. :) Looks great!

  8. great moos and am loving your doodles. Hugs Annette x

  9. Hammer Idee mit den Chanel Fläschchen Valerie ..danke für diese duften MOOs

    und Deine "finde Formen und Doodle" Seite find ich genial!

    hab einen schöne Woche.. hab heute schon mal ne Ladung Fenster geputzt...
    wenigstens hat frau bei schönem Wetter etwas mehr Laune zur Hausarbeit!

    lg Susi

  10. Nein Sue - diese Frau hat auch bei schönem Wetter Null Lust zur Haus*****t! Es war eben seeeehr dringend!

  11. Fabulous Moos,Chanel perfume for inspiration. Love the doodling on the vibrant background.
    Yvonne x

  12. What a very good idea to make the Chanel numbers into Moos, nice work. I also like your doodling on your art spark, that must have been good fun. I like the little man with his washing on the line.

  13. I love Chanel too Valerie, when I was younger I used to wear Chanel Cristalle and now I am lucky enough to have some No 5. Mind you, I use it so sparingly I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone off by now! Lovely moos and fabulous doodling. xx

  14. Love your Chanel Moos, it's my fave too! The doodling is lovely! Hugs, Barb

  15. Lovely moos and doodles. x

  16. I just love where you got your inspiration for your Moos.. And your doodling looks fabulous my friend. How fun...


  17. Love your Moos, and the Chanel inspiration! I never owned Chanel, I used to love Elizabeth Arden Red Door but alas, that too is out of my price point now too, ha ha! Your art spark is awesome, you always have such enchanted ideas! ~Diane

  18. great moos and like your colourful doodles

  19. Doodling is so much fun--you did a great job.

  20. Love the Chanel piece Valerie, I know I have a bit left in a drawer somewhere, and your doodlings are such fun xx

  21. I love what you did the with the spark- your doodling rocks!

  22. eine Superidee fuer deine Moos und deine doodles sind fantastisch

  23. love both the Chanel collages & the doodles- favorite perfume is nocturnes de caron - not sold in this country anymore!


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