Thursday 8 February 2024


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday again - well it will be in a few hours- which brings us another day closer to the weekend! I had a lot to do these past 2 days, once again with appointments, bad weather and a general feeling of ' When will it be spring'? I have seen the first few flowers trying to poke out their little heads, and the buds on the trees are getting bigger, so I'm trying to keep hopeful.

Today I have another piece for Vicki's 'light' challenge at AJJ. It has been put together digitally from 3 of my photos, as I was thinking about the quote 'There is no darkness without light'. That's me in the photo:

Today is Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF, so I have some faces for you! They were all made  a few years back during a free weekend class, where we were encouraged to make strange faces on scraps of newspaper - this was great fun! I can't remember who organised that weekend, but it was wonderful!

Then I used each of the faces as part of a collage:

And of course, I have some funnies / thinkies for you!

So, breathe out, I'm finished!

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by

Tuesday 6 February 2024

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time it's my turn to post and I have chosen Valentine's Day as my challenge. As always, you  have 2 weeks to join us and link your tag(s), and tags of all formats and styles are welcome. But it must be a tag!

Today I have had to more or less duplicate my Tag Tuesday post, as my crappy internet is really driving me mad and I need to get this done before the it collapses again, or before I fall off my chair, something like that!

I painted 2 large sheets of watercolour paper with a mix of purple, dark pink, white and some splatters  in silver and gold, and used them to die cut hearts, strips and other bits and bods, and then set to work to put them together. I used all sorts of tag shapes and just had fun. I am showing three today and will be back in the course of the week to add some more. And I am very much looking forward to seeing your tags!

The first one is a sort of 'Victorian' valentine with lace, flowers and hearts:

Gold card from a choclolate box (I ate them specially for you so I could use the card!), some paint, feathers, stars, a heart and wings and some flowers:

A gifted tag, to which I added silver stars with a stencil, and once again hearts and wings cut from my painted paper: 

I am very much looking forward to seeing your tags and visiting your blogs, so keep spreading love and be kind to one another! 

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 5 February 2024

Monday Post / TsfT

Hi Everybody!

I took some time out over the weekend and just did things I like, such as painting, crafting, and lots of reading - wonderful. And on Saturday I went for a meal with Heike, and I was so hungry I didn't take any photos, sorry! I had  a sort of brunch - fried eggs, sunny side up, fried potatoes with bacon and onions, and a delicious mixed salad. And of course a giant cup of cappuccino to round things off. Heike had spinach, potatoes and scrambled eggs, which also looked great. So we enjoyed our  trip into our little town.

Today I have another piece for Vicki's  'keeping it light' theme at AJJ. In case you are wondering, it's a sort of abstract vase of flowers - A3 with acrylics. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I used lots of yellow, the colour of light ,and blues, greens and pinks for the flowers and sky, all added using a brayer!  I added the extra flowers using my little flower stamp. It was the first stamp I ever had, back in the distant past when the world was still young and fresh... I stamped the flowers with black ink and added yellow dots when it was dry!

And I have some funnies / thinkies and lots of coffee for you, as this evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party. Here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Even the cat is getting a drink!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 2 February 2024

TGIF - 2nd on the 2nd, FFO, AFFF etc

Hi Everybody!

Hi everybody!
Today I have pulled some old pieces out of my vaults as Elizabeth is celebrating her 2nd on the 2nd again, where we shows things which have already been posted on our blogs. Nicole wants to see faces -  plenty of those here! Gillena wants fun art for Fridays - got some of that, too! And I am happy that it's Friday, this week was too much again!

Here I had fun chopping up modern art - I am sure you will know who made the originals!

And I always have fun playing with my heads:

I like this one, too, just having fun:

Some bookmarks:

A collage:

And another head:

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!
Take care, have fun,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 1 February 2024

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

First of all, thanks to Erika for her beautiful challenge last month, and then welcome to Vicki Parson, who is our new host for the month of February. Vicki has chosen the theme of 'keeping it light', and on the AJJ blog as well as on Vicki's blog  you will find lots of helpful information and suggestions.

I made an 8 x 8" piece using some bits and bobs  (Yes, David, once again!!) of older pieces, as I am trying to use up as many old things as possible:

Got a cough??

My posts seem to be getting shorter and shorter this week, I really have a lot on my plate just now. 

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!