Saturday 16 December 2017

Saturday This and That and Happy Mail

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
We are enjoying some (relatively) mild
weather and sunshine today, a real treat
after the strident winds, snow, rain and frosty
temps of the past days.

Some time back my buddy H gifted me this colouring
canvas, (in black and white) and the cold weather outside
gave me enough indoor time to colour it.
I used spectrum noir pens in a limited
colour palette, and am quite happy with the results:

I digitally cut out the image and placed it onto a 
water-colour background, this will make a nice 
card. The quote is from William Blake:

I like to sit in my armchair and watch the 
birds outside - and sometimes they seem
to be watching me:

I went round the market on Friday:

The ice parlour is closed in December and January:

Always good to see flowers and plants:

This stall was offering wooden boxes of clementines
for just 1€, so I had to take some home with me:


And this beautiful purse arrived in a parcel from
Sandra - thanks so much, I will enjoying using it
and thinking about you!

Apart from that, nothing new. I'm having an easy 
weekend, and need to do some baking next week,
so I will be thumbing through some recipes.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 15 December 2017


Hi Everybody!

This has been a busy week, so I'm ready for the
weekend - TGIF!

For Tag Tuesday, Joan's lovely theme of Christmas memories,
I made a tag  with various scraps of paper from DCWV. 
The 'lights' are red gemstones, and I used a red pearl-pen
for the red noses. As a kid I was always hoping to see a
real reindeer, especially one with a red nose,
but alas, it never happened!

Some early morning photos:

My balcony visitors - a flock of
hungry starlings:

Down by the Rhine:

Mr Heron, looking grumpy, as usual:

Bad hair day?

And a little robin I captured on my phone:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Wintry days

Hi Everybody!

Hello from  cold, wet and windy Rhineland.
Streams and rivers are running high water
due to the snow and rain we have had, and the only
nice thing about being outside today was
coming home to a warm place and hot coffee!

For Joan's challenge, Christmas memories,
at Tag Tuesday I have a piece with my fave
penguins. I printed out a whole pile of these cheery
guys some years back, and in the past couple of years
they have been made into journal pages and cards.
This is the last pair today, mounted onto a tag
and ready to go out into the cold. The BG is
blue mirror card, the snow was made with Stickles, 
the paper lace was cut with a punch.
When I was small my great auntie took me to an ice
 revue  with lots of skaters dressed as penguins, but I
was convinced they were real - until they removed
their heads to take a bow at the end of the

For Paint Party Friday I am re-showing a piece made a 
couple of years back. It is an A3 mixed media piece,
 painted with acrylics. The houses were stenciled.

I have received several gifts of poinsettias. 
These were from a neighbour as a thank-you
for taking in his parcels when he wasn't home:

This one, in the fun, snowman pot, was a gift from
my buddy H:

And this one, which is a really huge specimen,
is from another neighbour, also as a thank-you
for taking in parcels!

 Today we had a nice early-morning sky,
but it clouded over very quickly:

And I just caught the moon before she went
off duty:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

T stands for Snow

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday.
Our lovely Joan is hosting and has chosen
Christmas Memories as her theme.
As always, tags of all formats are welcome.
This time the challenge will be running for 3 weeks
instead of the usual 2, and the next one will start on 
January 2nd 2018.

I made a simple tag, which reminds me of my
childhood. At school I loved singing carols,
and when we went singing to collect
money for charity we wore old fashioned
coats and bonnets, which inspired my
tag today. I used DP for the BG and the little
girl is vintage German scrap:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday
so I would like to welcome all the nice ladies of the T Gang.
My drink is, as always, cappuccino,
served today with lemon cake:

Yesterday we had a snow blizzard which lasted for
5 hours, so I had to stay home again. I took the photos 
through the window:

Somebody didn't put the sunshade away!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!