Saturday 23 February 2013

More journal pages.

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend! It is very cold here, there's snow on the ground, an icy wind and no blue skies. But in my kitchen it was warm, so I had fun creating a journal spread for the last lesson in Carolyn's course 'Use your words'. There is still time to join up and do the lessons at your leisure, just hop over and sign up! The theme for this lesson was 'Playful tag trios'. I decided to make this page as a thank you to Carolyn for hosting this free and fun course. I started, as (almost) always by spraying my pages, letting them drip, and adding some background stamping using rusty hinge DI, which coordinated wonderfully with the spray inks. The same sprays were used on my tag trio, which were cut from a spare strip of paper, and the same background stamps, this time without using DI, just stamping into the wet colours and moving it around a bit. When they were dry, I stamped them with some words in archival black. I wanted a photo of Carolyn, so used the one on her blog, which I printed onto tissue paper,  before fixing it to my page with golden gel. I added the tags, and the message on the right hand side, a bit of stamping here and there, and a crown for Carolyn for giving us such a great opportunity to join in her course.

Thanks again Carolyn, thanks to you all for visiting, and have fun!

Friday 22 February 2013

Paint Party Friday

Hi you all, another week has flown by and it's party time again! Paint party Friday is hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.
I have been busy this week with journal pages for Carolyn's workshop 'Use Your Words'. This journal spread is for the last lesson we had, laugh and play with fonts.

I masked 'my' head before spraying with my home made inks - made from a mix of food colouring, water, perfect pearls, cheap ink from the Euro shop and a lot of hope and guess work. I let it drip, and splodged some gold ink on to it while it was still wet. Once dry, I stamped the 'filling' for my head, using stamps from Paper Artsy, Artemio and LaBlanche. The words have been stencilled using the 'waste' from a sheet of alphas I used up years ago, it's sometimes quite good to keep things till you need them!

The other pages which I made this week can be seen here.

Here's wishing you all a good day, take care, have fun, and thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Dreaming of London....

Hi you all! After the glorious weather yesterday, today was cold, wet and misty, and there seems to be worse in store for the rest of the week. Oh well, bad walking weather is good crafting weather. I have made this piece for the Vienna Impressions Challenge Blog, where there is a sketch to follow, and a theme of *Reisen* - travel, and you must use a book page or writing in a foreign language. Here in Germany, English IS a foreign language.  I used cardboard, painted with gesso and inked for the background. The printed paper is part of an indenture I have here, which I photographed and printed. I chose London for my journey, as that is where I would like to be. The stamps in the centre panel are from  Artemio, the London script with bus and the London Eye from Stampendous. I love the London stamps, as they remind me of home, especially Tower Bridge, as I was born just a stone's throw from there.
I used some scraps, string and home made paper beads as embellies.

Tomorrow I really must spend some time doing the dreaded H*******K!
Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Monday 18 February 2013

Sunny Monday, Tag Tuesday and a Pig's Ear

Hi you all! Today we saw the sun again - what a wonderful feeling! It is still very cold, but it just did good to see the blue sky and the sun sparkling on the Rhine. I went for a nice walk, through the park and our little town, and really enjoyed being out in the fresh air without freezing stiff or trying to see through the mist! The weather will be worsening in the course of the week, we have icy winds and snow on its way from the north east, but it felt good to have a nice day today.

But first to Tag Tuesday. Our letter this week is 'G'. I had problems deciding again which word to take, and then I stuck my neck out and chose giraffe. I made a simple tag, long and narrow, using a scrap of printed paper mounted onto cardboard.. I added the giraffe at the bottom, and drew the 'G' at the top, before fitting a giraffe's head onto it. 

These are some of the pics I took here today, showing some of our narrow, cobbled  lanes:

the grammar school:

hazel catkins in the park:
(a sign that spring is on the way?)

a peep through a gate:

and another one:

one of the wider roads:

Another little alley:

Looking down Mill Lane:

And this statue of somebody parked high on the wall of a house:

And last, but definitely not least - When I got home, I met my neighbour, who had just come back from shopping. He had goodies in one of his bags - fresh 'pig's ears' from the baker's. They are giant pieces of very sugary and crispy puff pastry, dipped into chocolate to make sure you eat enough calories.....yummy! This was my reward after a lovely walk! I think it looks as though it is smiling!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Sunday 17 February 2013

Fun with stamping

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying a restful Sunday. I have been enjoying getting messy and inky again, playing with stamps and colours. My hands are a lot less shaky than they were, but I still have difficulties, and I think it is important that I get plenty of practice.
The first piece is a card made for 2 challenges; the birds and or bees challenge at Out of a Hat Creations, and a second entry for the Fashionable stamping challenge 'Birds'. I was happy that I was chosen to be in the 'Saturday Spotlight' at FSC for my share some love entry which you can see here if you want to.
I stamped a background using my much loved script stamp in vintage photo DI, and the nest and bird - both from Catherine Moore - have been stamped with Adirondack espresso, fussy cut, and popped up with foam squares. I gave them a glint in their eyes with a drop of glossy accents. I used various scraps to cut the background matting, and threaded a ribbon through some slits between the punched paper lace. The little wooden bird is from Crafty emblies. I love doing monochrome stamping, as it reminds me of the prints in old books.

The second piece is also for 2 challenges;  'Eyes' at Try it on Tuesday, and  'Colour technique' at Artful Times.
I masked the middle of the card, and stamped the script, flourishes and leopard with archival black. Then I removed the masking, and added the 'Eyes' stamp in the middle. I used DI in wild honey, forest moss and tumbled glass for the background, and added some highlights with white, yellow and turquoise jelly pens. The eye stamp is from Paper Artsy, the others all from LaBlanche. If you look carefully, you will find more eyes hidden in the picture - can you find them? This is really a bit crazy, definitely not CAS!

I have used this piece to make my April calendar page.

All in all a fun Sunday for me, but I still haven't tidied up my kitchen: Perhaps next week!
Have a great day, whatever you are up to, stay creative, and thanks a lot for visiting!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Playing with words again and love(ly) mail

Hi you all, it's weekend, and I hope you are all finding time to relax and enjoy your weekend. Here it is almost warm today - in comparison - 6°! I went for a rather wet and misty walk, and came home  hungry for my lunch. 

The third part of Carolyn's 'Use your Words' course is 'random letter fun', and this journal spread is my take on the theme. I started by splodging painting the background with metallic blue and yellow, and then stamping into the still wet paint with script and diamond stamps (LaBlanche). I did not use any colour, so sometimes the stamp made a sort of negative print, and sometimes transferred colour to other parts, which was an effect I liked. I then blew a little perfect pearls and copper EP onto it, and heat dried to give some texture

The second layer has been made using 3 stencils from CWS and dark blue distress ink.

Then I used my stencils to draw the figures and letters with a fine black permanent marker. I coloured them all with a turquoise prismalo pencil and painted over them with a water pen. I wanted them to have some colour, but still show the background.

The pictures which I have taken at an angle show more of the texture and sheen.

I had fun making this again - I always do, it's just H*******K I don't like doing!

And on Valentine's Day I got 2 lovely cards, from Donna in Mexico - she knows I love cardboard!

And from Carolyn in the USA.

Both ladies kindly added embellies, too, and I was really happy to get post on Valentine's day!
Thanks a lot Donna and Carolyn!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, reeeeeeeeelax, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Playing with words and colours

Hi you all, warm greetings from freezing Germany! This week has flown by again, and I was busy doing lots of different projects, some of which I even got finished. I am following Carolyn's course 'Use your words' just now. Although I have done my pages differently, and used the stuff I have here, I have concentrated on words. Both journal pages have been painted, sprayed and dripped in many layers - I do like getting messy! - before adding my text.

Here I used metallic paint in yellow and pink as basis, and sprayed and dripped various colours onto it, before giving it a dusting of gold perfect pearls. The shine does not show up well in the photos, it has been a really dark day here, not ideal for taking pics! As I write there is a snow blizzard outside, which makes me happy to be inside! I chose the words aspire, soar, live and fly. Live has been made using the waste from a die-cut, and the other words using a template, the only one I have for large letters. The 'flying' person has been made from a home-made template. I used the sparkly flourishes as templates, too, before sticking them down. I quite like the emptiness on the pages, so I don't know if I will do some more here or not; time will tell!

Here I have used my heads again, in conversation with each other, and a typical dialogue!

Round about the heads I have written a quote from Hillel, a Rabbi who lived about the same time as Jesus. On the left I have written it in English, on the right in Hebrew. It reads: 'If I am not for myself, who will be? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?

I am not sure here whether or not I want to add to these pages. Sometimes I like to have some free space in my head(s)!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Simon Says Stamp and Show, where the theme is to get messy - I did; my kitchen, too!

Have a good weekend you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!