Saturday, 3 August 2024

Wild for the weekend

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good weekend. I'm looking forward to a quiet one, with time for painting, reading and going for walks. 

Today I have another A3 piece made with lots of paint and it is really wild. I started it some time back, and now I have finished it and used up lots of paint that was getting dry. The writing round the edge says:

The ever turning circle of life and colour -  always changing, never stopping, regulating life and death:

I hope this piece is wild enough to join Jo's 'beautifully wild' challenge  at AJJ:

And as always I have some photos, funnies, thinkies and Zinnis:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your wild piece. And also that coffee maker 🤪

    1. Oh yesssss, I would definitely love to have that coffee maker!

  2. I love the controlled chaos in your piece -CJ

    1. Thanks CJ, I wish I could control the rest of my chaos!

  3. It's always fun to see your artwork and read all your funnies and inspiration! I think It's wild enough for sure.

    1. Thanks Judee, wild is my style! Have a great weekend!

  4. Love your photos, funnies, and thinkies! Enjoy your weekend. Our writer's group meeting topic tomorrow is "Writer's Block" but I don't think it is a problem for bloggers!

    1. I always have so much in my head which I want to write and then, when I start - it's all gone, or been shaken into some unrecognisable puzzle. Yes, lfe is sometimes hard! Enjoy your group meeting!

  5. I love your wild piece! -Christine

  6. I'm not sure what the name is for the phenomenon but that photo of the sun in a circle of light is awesome indeed. Hope you get a peaceful weekend of restorative energy. Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, it is indeed awesome, a wonderful photo! Hugs

  7. Hi Val, your colour wheel is fabulous, so full of wild energy, I love it. We are off to Leah's in a few minutes, so I'm looking forward to some. Good cooking! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I wish I was full of wild energy, that would be great! But I could go to bed and sleep right now! Hugs!

  8. Such a vibrant and wild painting! The crazy colours and textures that you created are fabulous - love it 😊. Your thinkies and funnies made me smile, the elephant in the pool is super cute and the circular rainbow of light is amazing. Thanks so much for the inspiration for our Wonderfully Wild challenge at Art Journal Journey this month ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

    1. Happy weekend too, enjoy and relax! Hugs, Jo x

    2. Thanks Jo, I really love going wild from time to time, so will be having fun this month! Have a happy weekend, take care, hugs!

  9. I have been studying fungi of late, Valerie - studying is probably far too grand a term, but enhancing and adding to my knowledge - and part of this exploration has been those with psilocybin, popularly referred to as magic mushrooms, with their potential for healing in addition to their psychedelic properties. Your picture leads me to believe that you have been dabbling. Surely no one of sound mind, rational and going about the business of drinking coffee and snacking on toast, could come up with this! Such a swirl of colours and hidden meaning, subliminal anger, repression, fury, resentment - and that’s just for starters! See I have become an analyst too. If you would like further sessions we will have to set up a zoom connection and you will need regular counselling. As a dear friend there will be no charge, and you may even invite Heike. I shall look forward to it. Hugs and kisses - Dr. David.

    1. Now, wouldn't that be fun. Zooming through the universe with David, being councelled and getting my head put right - yessssssssssssssssss! But I do occasionally love making a mess, just playing, banging all of my dark desires and wicked thoughts into the swirly colours and feeling better afterwards! Have a great weekend, hugs! xxxxxxx

  10. That is definitely a wild piece, and I love it. A lot. Those colors really catch my eye for certain. That is one piece you need to frame and hang up on the wall. I hope you have a great weekend, and get some art time to maybe make another piece as stunning as this one. Take care and hugs-Erika

    1. Glad you like it, David wants to psychoanalize me after seeing my coloured piece. Might be good, who knows. By the time we were finished I would have leant bird talk! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  11. Beautiful art Valerie! I hope you have a fun and arty weekend.
    Where can I get one of those coffee makers?! 😁

    1. You have to look around, they're not easy to find!

  12. That's a beautiful 3-D painting with the bits of string. Just love it. Very interesting and eye catching.

    1. Thanks so much. It's not string, it's paint pressed out of a tube. Happy weekend!

    2. Looks like string. So realistic.

  13. That IS wild! And full of fun and energy -- I definitely see much more life in this than death so may the circle continue!

  14. Just wondering if you could let me know where I can get a coffee maker like that, I tried Briscoes but no luck..mmmm, love coffee, and your wild and wonderful art piece..have a fabulous weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Coffee makers like this are hard to come by! Put an ad in the newspaper! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  15. I have question about the first three photos. What material did you use to make that raised light blue paint?

    1. I used acrylic paints in tubes. They were all old and dry. I squeezed them directly from the tubes onto the painting, going round in circles. As the paints were rather dry they kept their shape. Hope you can visualise this now. Thanks for asking, Dora, have a great day!

  16. That is one incredibly wild and amazing circle. It is glorious and vibrant. I absolutely LOVE it. It is so full of energy and I want to rny hands over it. It's definitely a great entry for Jo's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me.

    Great thinkies and funnies. I need that coffee maker, too! Have a super weekend, dear Valerie.

    Another "failed to publish." Not sure when it will show up on your blog.

    1. Your comment was waiting for me this morning when I woke up. Thanks, glad you like this crazy piece! Have a great Sunday! Hugs!

  17. Your circle of life art is intriguing and so is that outstanding photograph of the circle of light! Great post with so many interesting and fun things to see. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Carol, enjoy your Sunday, and have a great, new week!

  18. "Freedom" is the word that hit my head when I saw your painting and read what you wrote. I love how you just let it go and used the paint in this wild abandoned way. Colourful and textural - I like what I see. It has made me want to do something similar Valerie. Unfortunately I am away and not with my paints. Later maybe.
    Love the funnies and thinkies - especially the Zinnis and the one about snuggling.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Sometimes we just need to let go of the controls we place on ourselves! And there are a few neighbours here with whom snuggling wouldn't be bad - alas, I have no keys for their doors! ! Hugs!

  19. You artwork looks so tactile and incredibly vibrant definitely a wonderful and wild creation Valerie.. I hope you had a peaceful and creative weekend Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S I NEED a coffee maker like that too :D

    1. Thanks Tracey! I think we would all like a coffee maker like that! Have a great week, hugs!


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