Sunday 8 July 2012

Grungy Postcards and Salvaged Plants

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend. Here it has been quiet, and I have been rather lazy, couldn't get myself to do much today. I wanted to show you the pics of my 'salvaged plants'. At the supermarket where I mostly shop, they often put plants at the front which have definitely passed their sell-by date, and which you can take for nothing. These were all specimens which looked totally the worse for wear, dried up, drooping and sad. But I took them home, planted them in my flower box, or in pots , and here they are after a couple of weeks of TLC, looking fit and well.

Yesterday I made some grungy postcards for this weeks challenge over at *Out of a Hat* creations, where the theme is to make a travel postcard. I used the blended paper technique to make the background, and then made a collage of little vintage London images. The 'backsides' have been distressed and stamped using images from Artemio and Chocolate Baroque. I have placed the cards on one of my fave books to take the photos, *London Living* from Lisa Lovatt-Smith. The quotes on the second and third cards are  from Samuel Johnson, and the rather original spelling is also from him!

And as I want to send some mail out this week, I have made 2 mail art envelopes, which have been partly printed and partly stamped.

Okay, that was it, time for another coffee. have a good day, take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Hi Val, love your plants, and the London postcards are beautiful! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wonderful that you rescued the plants and they are doing so well for you. Thank you for sharing those.

    The postcards are just amazing--you are the 'postcard queen' for sure. Love that you have stamped images on the backs as well--a really great idea:)

    Lovely to have you join with us at Out of a Hat for the travel postcard challenge

    Chrissie xx

  3. Good morning "Mrs Greenfingers", your blooms are looking fabulous! I've been feeling a tad lethargic too, I'm sure the weather has a lot to do with it, hopefully I can motivate myself to do a bit of crafting today. Your collage postcards and mail art are super. Wishing you a good day. Take care. Suze xx

  4. Green fingers or what!!!

    smashing postcards, and your envelopes get better and better XOXO Zoe

  5. Hi Val
    Fabulous London postcards.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Out of a Hat
    Janet x

  6. Valerie if the supermarket gets wind of what you have done with those plants they will be wanting them back, they look beautiful. Fabulous postcards and so many ..... that's you being lazy is it goodness me. ooh Ive just spotted that fab bird stamp with the frock I love her oh and of course the rest of the mail art is amazing too. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


  7. HI Valerie, Happy Sunday!! Brilliant postcards and mailart! Wonderful images and well done you with the bargain plants, xxx

  8. Well done to you, bringing those plants back to life with some TLC - they look beautiful! Your postcards are great (love those backgrounds!!), I like the London views and quotes.

    It's still raining here, I hope the weather is better where you are.


  9. It's raining, it's pouring....we move from one weather catastrophe to the next!

  10. Fabulous postcards and envelopes Valerie. Your plants are lovely, it's amazing what a little TLC will do.

  11. love the postcards!
    you did a great job with the plants, too! :)
    ill join you, i am off to have another coffee, too!
    happy sunday

  12. well done with your plants, lots of TLC and they look fab..

    love the postcards, hope you're keeping well val...

    maria xx

  13. your new grungy postcards! One of my fave looks!

  14. 'morning from Victoria! Your plants look green thumbs here LOL Your postcards are also are just so darned creative!

  15. Amazing what a little TLC can do Valerie :)and great postcards too :)
    Von ♥

  16. The travel postcards are exquisite! Love all the details! Now those plants are obviously happy with all the TLC you gave them! When I go to stores and see plants in such poor shape, it actually saddens me! In CA, they don't discount of let you have them free!

  17. Wonderful mail art Valerie! I love the travel postcards especially.
    And well done on rescuing the plants...I have a black thumb so they'd probably have expired by now!!
    Hugs xx

  18. Hi Valerie, WOW I love the postcards that is a great background you have used as well as the elements. Boy that mail art is wonderful So happy to see those plants recovered and looking glorious again. Thanks for joining us at Out of A Hat. Hugs Sandra XXX

  19. most impressed with your salvaged plants Ms Greenthumb! Lovely cards and envelopes too.

  20. Wow, you really have a green thumb, those plants are thriving! Love your postcards and love even more how you artistically photographed them using your book as a back drop for them! Your art envelopes are gorgeous, love the little bird gal, she is so cute when you use her!

  21. Lovely postcards! My daughter loves England & I'm thinking of putting together a little handmade book of some sort if I can find enough images.

    Your plants look vibrant & healthy! I'll bet they are happy they came home with you!

  22. Wow Valerie, so having green fingers is another one of your talents lol. Your postcards are wonderful, and the mail art is exquisite - anyone would love to receive one of these x

  23. Your plants are in great shape. Ours are wilting in the heat. Love those creative postcards!

  24. Love your post cards how beautiful ;0)

  25. Hi Valerie. I have only been on holiday for a couple of days and your blog has completely changed! Looks great. I knew you would come up with something special for this challenge. Truly wonderful postcards. So many lovely ideas. Thank you so much for sharing with the Hatters again this week. The plants look beautiful. Just goes to show what a bit of TLC can do.
    Take care,
    Regards Florence xx

  26. Fantastic mail-art!
    Looks like someone has a green thumb. :]


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