Monday 27 September 2010

Home sweet home.....

Just a short post today to say that I am happy to be back home after being in hospital last week to have various parts of my interior operatively removed. The staff in the *Florence Nightingale* hospital here were all very friendly and caring, and I always had the feeling that I was in competent hands. I will not describe any details of the Op or the pains and discomfort afterwards, suffice to say that it all went without complications, and it's a good feeling to be back in my own four walls. Came home with a taxi yesterday, and the driver was very grumbly that it was such a short drive - about one mile - and dumped me and my case unceremoniously in front of the door, and refused to carry my case up the stairs. So I dragged it up to the second floor with my last vestige of strength and draped myself on the couch to recover! Hope to be able to get back to doing some crafting in the course of the week when I can sit and move with less discomfort and fatigue, but just now it's rest that I need. The picture of Florence Nightingale - who did her nursing training here at the hospital in Kaiserswerth - visiting her patients does NOT show the ward I was on; I had a large, quiet room just for me. But hats off to a great lady who revolutionised caring for the sick in her day.
Thanks to all my friends, especially Sue B,Gina, Alma, Maria & Netty, who sent me encouraging texts and mails containing lots of healing sparkles. So, here's hoping we all stay healthy.
Have a good week you all!


  1. Glad you are on the way to recovery, take care of yourself! Big hugs, Sarah & Kids

  2. Hi Val, hope you get back to crafting soon. Take good care of yourself. xx

  3. Thanks for the kind comments and good wishes!

  4. Happy to see you home safe and sound Val.
    Hugs and sparkles,
    Sue xx

  5. Thanks Sue, hope you are OK, too!

  6. Am so glad you are home Val and everything went well. Am sure you are still a bit weak from it all. That taxi driver needs a good kick up the you know where......just makes me spit blood thinking about it........ Just rest Val and allow plenty of time for healing.
    Sending you zills of hugs, Annette x

  7. Thanks Netty, I wish I had had the strength to lift my leg enough to carry out your suggestion!!

  8. Hello Val, sending you lots of healing sparkles, take good care of yourself. Sorry to hear about the meanie taxi driver though.
    Jackie x

  9. Thanks a lot Jackie. Hope all is well with you and yours!

  10. Sorry to hear you were in hospital, hope you soon feel really better and can get back to crafting. I'm sure we all miss your lovely things. Hugs, T

  11. pleased your home safe and sound val, sending you tons of sparkles...

    maria x

  12. Hi Val
    I'm sorry to hear that you have been in hospital but very glad to hear that you are now home and hopefully on the mend. Just let us know if you need us to come armed with our pokey tools to sort out that taxi driver!
    Lots of hugs and sparkles
    Carole xxx

  13. Thanks Ladies! Good idea with the pokey tools, perhaps I should keep one in my handbag, just in case!!!


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