Wednesday 24 February 2010

....And even more distressed tags

I don't know what it is that is so fascinating making tags at the moment. Perhaps the fact that I get to play with all my lovely distress inks, and stickles and gem-stones and crackle-varnish and glossy varnish and...and...and. There are not many things in this size which can be decorated and played with so satisfyingly. On some I have added mini film strips of old family photos, on others I have distressed the photos with alcohol inks and stuck them behind TH fragments. It gives lots of possiblities to try things out. All of the tags are in remebrance of different members of my family, some of whom I think of gladly and others who I would rather forget. But family cannot be chosen, you have to live with it and get to grips with it or, as a last resort, just turn your back on it. Oh, and the owl tag was just for fun.


  1. Beautiful tags again! Sarah

  2. Fabulous tags Val!
    Being the proud owner of Tim's new book (not from QVC btw!) and most of the materials I am planning on joining the world of tags myself.
    Sue xx

  3. Then welcome, I hope you will have as much fun as I do!!

  4. Beautiful tags, well done, T

  5. wow such amazing tags My favourite as you know is the bird cage one :) hugs alma its just so good

  6. Thanks Alma. I think you must alter your title to *Tassels, tea-bags birdcages and buttons*

  7. WOW val, another batch of stunning tags, well done...

    I just love your work... and will be asking questions when I get round to using my TSV... (at least I got round to opening the box today, lol)...

    maria x

  8. Maria, once i've opened the box, it's a good as finished, so hoping it will be the same for you!

  9. Wonderful, as always with you Val, you're such an inspiration, I love it all!
    Suzie xxxx :)


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