Monday 24 August 2009

Another Award - it's not manic Monday

I can't believe it - 2 awards on one day! This week has started better than the last one did.
Thank you CRAFTYTRACY, for thinking of me.And also for all those lovely doggy pics that you put up each day for me!

And now to the Conditions of the award:

I must thank the person who gave me the award, list their blog and link to it.(done!)
I must list ten honest things about myself.
I must put a copy of the Honest Scrap logo on my blog.
I must select at least seven other worthy bloggers and list their links.
I must notify bloggers of their award

I'll start with 10 honest things about myself:
1: I'm addicted to scrapping!
2: I hate housework and ironing!
3: I love craft-shopping
4: I'm addicted to coffee.
5: I don't have a lot of friends, but those I have I love with my whole heart
6: I love reading, and I'm addicted to the books of Peter Ackroyd
7: I love dogs , and am very sad that dogs aren't allowed in my flat.
8; I love music, good music of all sorts, but especially classical music.
9: I like spending time on my own and being quiet
10:I like walking along the Rhine and just watching the water.

The seven worthy bloggers will be chosen as soon as possible!
Thanks again Tracy, you are a darling!


  1. congratulations vall, it is a lovely start to your new week. well done. gina xxxxxxxx

  2. well done Valerie, best wishes and new week, Jan x

  3. congratulations valerie on another award,

    great 10 answers...

    maria x


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