Thursday 15 July 2010

More weather antics....

After the enormous heat wave of the last few days, with temperatures up to 40° and high humidity, everybody was looking forward to some cool relief in the form of rain and wind.
On Monday, as I left the house, large raindrops started falling thick and fast. By the time I got into the car, hail stones were rattling on the roof, making a scary noise, and within minutes the road was under water, branches, twigs and leaves were flying everywhere, and I had to turn back because the road was impassable. I tried 2 other turnings, but no chance, same story, so I was happy to get back home safely. The little lane at the back of the house - which is on cellar level - was also full, so I had to paddle home. 2o minutes later it was all over. No more rain, the sun was shining, and I decided to go to my frined's after all. The water was steaming off the streets, and apart from a bit of paddling to get to the car and a nasty and very muddy puddle at the post office, exactly THERE where I got out of the car, it was a journey with no problems. Tuesday and Wednesday the weather heated us up again enormously, and then, yesterday afternoon, the clouds started to build up again. In a few minutes, the trees were bending in the wind, the sky went from greeny-grey to lilac to dark purple, and then it started - thunder, lightning, strong gusts of wind, rain and hail stones, and it was as dark as night. Really spooky! It lasted all in all for about an hour, and caused a lot of damage throught the county - trees and roofs blown down, the airports here and in Frankfurt had to close, and trains and trams were blocked for hours because of trees and branches on the tracks and / or damage to the overhead cables. Lots of roads were under water again, a lot of people got injured, one got killed. A man from the fire brigade said it was the worst storm he had experienced here in his 30 years as fire-man.
Today it's a bit cooler, but will be heating up again today and tomorrow, and the weather men have predicted more storms for Saturday....are all those people right with their visions of global warming?

The photos were taken from my balcony, except for the last 2 which were taken from the internet.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Hot days and nights....

Here in Düsseldorf it is once again too hot to do anything. I wouldn't mind if it would cool off in the evening, but hot and steamy nights are not conducive to sweet sleep. The weather experts have forecast big storms for tomorrow, and hopefully some cooler air after that.
It has been sooooooooo hot that I have hardly been able to craft, I need an air-conditioned craft room. Well, I can dream about it....
I managed to get Gina's challenge LO for this month done. I didn't have any bird photos for it, as my printer is *on strike* just now (too warm??), so used lots of die cut birds and bird cages (TH Alterations), some die cut flowers and some transfers. The leafy background paper was in a packet I got from my best friend B. Gina, hope you are satisfied with my attempt. The second LO was made in May for Alma's challenge, which was supposed to have a song title in it and... and...? Can't remember the specifications any more. I used black magic paper from coredinations and a photo which Gina sent me. Tried to keep the colours simple. I hope Alma will forgive me that I didn't get round to putting up pics till now....

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Rose fairies, grunge and hot weather....

After the very long, cold winter and a long wait for spring, and then summer, it seems to be here - with a vengeance! Temperatures of good 30°, & even more in my apartment, seem to be addling my grey cells, especially the ones responsible for creativity, cooking, cleaning and doing anything else apart from languishing near the ventilator with one eye on the computer, one on the TV and one on a book - oops, was that one too many?? But I did manage to get some crafting done this afternoon, thanks to litres of iced tea, a generous portion of ice, ventilators right and left and a bowl of cold water to stop my feet from sizzling.
Used some old fashioned rose and fairy pics, tags distressed with TH inks, and decorated with hearts and wings cut with a TH *alterations* die.
Thanks for looking!

Thursday 17 June 2010

Back home and already on the receiving end....

Last Thursday I left Bad Honnef after a very pleasant stay of nearly 3 months and came back home. Managed to find a parking lot directly in front of the door - a big help, considering all my luggage! My mail box was full to the brim, partly with nice letters from England, and partly with the usual a-b-c mixture - adverts, bills and crap! When I reached my front door, I found a *welcome home* banner hanging there, put up by my friend B. More surprises from her were waiting for me on the table and in the fridge; a lovely card, flowers, coffee, brownies, bread, cheeses, meat, milk salad and butter, so I did not need to run out and go shopping straightaway. Thanks B for the very kind thought! Then the sporting part of the day started - carting all my luggage up 2 flights of stairs and getting it unpacked and sorted and the cases away. When I saw all those piles of luggage in my bedroom, I wondered how it had all fitted in my little *Panda*. After resting for a couple of hours, I opened my post and found lots of goodies waiting for me. An album page from *Dippy Dog*, complete with frog and prince, and in addition one of her beautiful wallets stuffed full of lovely papers, stamped images and nostalgic pics. And last but not least, a beautiful tag with 2 wonderful sides to it. Thanks Dippy! And another little parcel from Doodles Dumpkins was waiting for me, too, with a wonderful ATC, a card and an assortment of goodies for crafting - lucky me!! And the flow continued. This week I receieved another ATC from Carol G , together with a lovely doggy tag. I think if I were a dog, I would want to be adopted by Carol, too, and enjoy all those lovely walks in the New Forest and on the beach! And both Doodles and Carol used brown and blue, one of my fave colour combis. And that was not the I found a parcel from Alma waiting for me to welcome me home, with a beautiful star-card, an altered wooden tag, and a lovely hand-made cushion - and ....AND.... A BOX OF MALTESERS!!! I haven't seen - or tasted- them for years, so that was a real treat. Thanks, all of you, for your kindness. It's nice to know that people care. I still think a lot about all the new friends I met in Bad Honnef, and I am missing them, too, and hope to be able to meet up with some of them soon.

Saturday 5 June 2010

The birds....or Hitchcock revisited.

Do you remember that scary film with all those nasty birds? At the moment it seems to be happening here....They showed us on TV that crows are attacking pedestrians and cyclists who come too near to their nests and their fledglings. Some parks and leafy paths have had to be blocked for a few days to protect people from the aggressive birds. There are a lot of birds in the park round the house here, they wake me up in the morning and chatter and sing all day, but no attacks up till now.... But actually I wanted to tell about my *word-birds*. Sue Bubbles sent me a template for making pretty little paper birdies some time ago, and as I am heading home next week, I decided to make birds with little sayings or verses written in tiny letters around the edges- hence the name, *word-birds*- to give to all the people I have got to know here as a little farewell present. At first I wanted to make ten, but the first ones *flew off* very quickly, so I had to make more, and they just kept multiplying, inspite of those who left the nest earlier than expected. I used papers from Anna Griffin, from the *Bridgeport* Stack from SEI, and from Sarapapers *Flea Market Fabrics*, all liberally decorated with bling and stickles, and each with a heart on the right spot, like the people I have met here.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

More altered tags....

The weather has not been favouring us here in Bad Honnef the past few days. It was cold, wet and windy, and the mountains have hidden behind clouds and mist, so it was a wonderful opportunity to read, watch some old *Simon and Simon* videos to get a bit of Eighties feeling again, and of course, to do some crafting. Made some more tags - what else? but tried to change the style and colours a bit. This is the first time I have used some red - barn door - to distress, not really my colour, but blended with the other colours it makes a nice, warm tone. As usual, I decorated them with everything I could find, after distressing and stamping the backgrounds. The black gauze I have used on 2 of them was part of a cosmetic packaging, and the little bells were on my Easter bunny. It's fun mixing the embellishments!

Tuesday 25 May 2010

3 more tags and another canvas....

Wow, it was nice having a three-day weekend here, the weather was good, and I had plenty of time for crafting. Made some more distressed tags - what else? and another canvas to display them. Used all my favourite Tim Holtz colours again - wild honey, forest green, stormy skies, victorian velvet, crushed sage and brushed corduroy. After distressing, I stamped the backgrounds and then ran riot with all the embellies I could find. The wings have been stamped, cut out, painted with clear rock candy crackle varnish and then inked before doing the edges with a gold-leaf pen. The canvas was distressed with the same colours and then glazed with mod-podge. Was great fun to make, as usual!