Thursday 17 June 2010

Back home and already on the receiving end....

Last Thursday I left Bad Honnef after a very pleasant stay of nearly 3 months and came back home. Managed to find a parking lot directly in front of the door - a big help, considering all my luggage! My mail box was full to the brim, partly with nice letters from England, and partly with the usual a-b-c mixture - adverts, bills and crap! When I reached my front door, I found a *welcome home* banner hanging there, put up by my friend B. More surprises from her were waiting for me on the table and in the fridge; a lovely card, flowers, coffee, brownies, bread, cheeses, meat, milk salad and butter, so I did not need to run out and go shopping straightaway. Thanks B for the very kind thought! Then the sporting part of the day started - carting all my luggage up 2 flights of stairs and getting it unpacked and sorted and the cases away. When I saw all those piles of luggage in my bedroom, I wondered how it had all fitted in my little *Panda*. After resting for a couple of hours, I opened my post and found lots of goodies waiting for me. An album page from *Dippy Dog*, complete with frog and prince, and in addition one of her beautiful wallets stuffed full of lovely papers, stamped images and nostalgic pics. And last but not least, a beautiful tag with 2 wonderful sides to it. Thanks Dippy! And another little parcel from Doodles Dumpkins was waiting for me, too, with a wonderful ATC, a card and an assortment of goodies for crafting - lucky me!! And the flow continued. This week I receieved another ATC from Carol G , together with a lovely doggy tag. I think if I were a dog, I would want to be adopted by Carol, too, and enjoy all those lovely walks in the New Forest and on the beach! And both Doodles and Carol used brown and blue, one of my fave colour combis. And that was not the I found a parcel from Alma waiting for me to welcome me home, with a beautiful star-card, an altered wooden tag, and a lovely hand-made cushion - and ....AND.... A BOX OF MALTESERS!!! I haven't seen - or tasted- them for years, so that was a real treat. Thanks, all of you, for your kindness. It's nice to know that people care. I still think a lot about all the new friends I met in Bad Honnef, and I am missing them, too, and hope to be able to meet up with some of them soon.


  1. Glas you are back home! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Glad you're home again Val. I've been playing with tags - don't know if they're ready to show yet.
    Sue xx

  3. Thanks girls, it's good to be home!

  4. welcome home val, I cannot believe it's been 3 months, but so pleased you came home to a lovely lot of goodies...

    maria x

  5. Thanks Maria, it was nice being away but it's good to be back home!!

  6. I wondered why I hadn't seen you for so long.... so now I know... welcome home. Look forward to seeing some more your great makes. Annette x

  7. Thanks Netty! I will soon be back to normal and filling up my gallery, too!

  8. So pleased you home again Val I had to laught at your description of your mail A-B-C lol now whenever I sort my mail I will think of you. I have never heard that expression before love it. I look forward to seeing some of your wonderful creations. I am so glad you like your gifts and also pleased the maltesers went down well i seem to remember you saying some time back you not had any for ages. Will be eagerly awaiting new arrivals on your blog hugs alma xxx

  9. Hi Valerie
    I'm so glad that my little package arrived safe and sound and in record time too! If you were a dog I would be happy to adopt you and take you for a nice walk every day!!!
    Glad all is well back at home.
    Hugs Carole xxx

  10. OK, if I reincarnate as a dog, I will start barking in front of your door!!

  11. What lovely treats for a lovely lady!
    Sue x

  12. Welcome home Val!!!!!
    It's lovely to see you back blogging :)
    And as usual, everything you make is just amazing!
    Suzie xxxxx :)


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