Saturday 13 July 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

 Here's wishing us all a great weekend. It's raining just now, but better than this humid heat we've had the past days. However, we have to take it as it comes and be thankful that it isn't worse!

Today I have another piece for Halle's challenge at AJJ. Buttons and bows are often very necessary when sewing:

And for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a tag. Her theme is celestial. I have used a painting of Stonehenge made some years ago as a birthday present for myself. My birthday is on the day of the moon solstice, the shortest day and longest night in the year. Many 'Druids' and others gather there to celebrate, so this was my celebration. The tag has been cut from a copy and placed on another copy as background. Hope you like it:

Some photos taken here:

Photos from my kitchen:

Just before the storm:

David, do you know the name of this lovely bird?

Some thinkies/funnies:

A huge butterfly / moth:

And some David Zinn's:

My fave:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 11 July 2024

Thursday/Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to all who sent good wishes, just knowing that other people care is a big help! Today I was out for the first time with Heike and we had a meal out, all very delicious. It's good to be getting back to normal again, but I must still take things very easy.

For Halle's 'I've got a notion' challenge at AJJ I have another sewing themed piece, very simple, but I like it, and hope that you do, too!

And of course I have more of David Zinn'e beautiful work:

And some thinkies and funnies:

Especially for Erika:

The owl with his keeper:

Beautiful reflection:


I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Tuesday -Wednesday post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece for Halle's 'I've got a notion' challenge at AJJ, and it's all about sewing and sewing accoutrements. 

And I have a mystery picture. I have no idea what I accidently clicked  while going past - any suggestions? It must have been taken at home, as I haven't been out, but I am clueless!


And now a mix of David Zinn's lovely images, funnies and thinkies:

Time to relax.....

Having a joke together:

And as today is Elizabeth's TsfT party, I have some drinks on offer - I hope there's enough to go round! And just now I'm not allowed to drink coffee!!

After this week I will be taking a break from TsfT as I am trying to cut back on things to stay healthy for a little bit longer. I need to cut down on posts and do more for myself - sad but true!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 8 July 2024

Monday Post

Hi Everybody!

A new week has started - enjoy!
I am feeling a bit better but still having a lot of problems and no energy. I need to be patient - Not my thing!

This is the piece I should have posted at the beginning of the new challenge at AJJ, where Halle is hosting. Her theme is 'I've got a notion', and it's about sewing.  Here my head is filled with all the things I need to get started!

And I have a last tag for Pinky's flower challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And I have a mix of photos, thinkies and funnies for you:

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 4 July 2024

Thursday/ Friday / weekend post

Hi Everybody!

As some of you may have noticed , I disapeared last Sunday and just got home again. I had been boasting of being able to enjoy a free weekend in my last post, but somehow things don't always turn out as they should.....On Saturday I was trying to rest and had really bad abdominal cramps, better known as belly ache. And did it ache. The I got a temperature and couldn't stop shivering, so I went to bed and hoped it would be gone by the next day. Alas and alack - oh no, it got worse. I had awful pains and diarrhea, and decided to press my emergency button which I have to wear all the time. And then I got taken to hospital, as I have already had a lot of operations on my stomach and pancreas etc. I had a nice room, all on my own, which was great!

  There I was put on various tablets, drips and drops and on the day afterwards was rolled off to the surgical dept. There I met up with the same team of nice doctors who have treated me there each time. I don't want to go into too much detail, but they went in  through my stomach, cleared all the stuff out which was causing me problems, checked my pancreas and a few more things, and by the time I woke up it was all over - I always miss the best films! 

Then I had a few days of drinking liquid, and yesterday (Thursday) I got a slice of dry bread with a mini portion of jam, yessssss! And I'm glad I had my smartphone with me, as I was able to spend a lot of time on FB to keep myself occupied. Today I was able to come home, and need to rest, so won't be writing any posts over this weekend, either.

And happy Independence day to all friends in the USA

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!