Saturday 18 May 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
Here's wishing us all a good weekend!

Today I have a piece for our poetry challenge at AJJ. Okay, the poetry here is bad, but as long as there's coffee in it I like it! The collage was put together digitally using collage pieces made at various times:

And I have a swinging cat tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday. The tag was made with some lovely, decorated card from my bit-box:

And as always I have an assortment of cuties, funnies, thinkies. David Zinn's etc, enjoy:

This one speaks to me!

In Memory to those who died on 9-11. The hands are made of small steel birds of peace, one for each person who died:

Photos from here:

These are so gorgeous, but not from me:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 16 May 2024

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Another week is flying by and I never seem to get enough done - same old story every time! 
Today I have some faces to share from 2018, using ideas from a book from Jane Davenport:

And some thinkies / funnies / photos and art from David Zinn:

Photos from National Geographic:

These were taken on Wednesday between 5 and 6 a.m. as I was watching the sunrise:

I will be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week is going well! 

Today I have  pieces to share - one for our poetry challenge at AJJ and one for Michele's cat challenge at Tag Tuesday.  But before I carry on I would like to say how thankful I am to Sandie, who keeps the blog running and has given it a nice, new look. Heartfelt thanksđź’–đź’–đź’–!

This first piece is a semi-abstract piece I made whilst on a coach journey some years ago in southern Germany. I found the sketch recently, and worked on it with gouache to give it somed form and colour. I can see hills, mountains, rivers .... Can you see more? And the poem is from William Blake, another favourite from my school days so long ago.

And this happy and successful cat is for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And a few funnies and pics from David Zinn:

The one about waking up when nothing hurts is too true for my liking these days!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 13 May 2024

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday!

 Hi Everybody!

Another week is beginning, let's hope it will be a good one for everbody! On Monday evening Elizabeth's TsfT link party begins, and then we chat about this and that and show what we have been drinking. My drink is always coffee and this week I got 2 new coffee mugs given to me:

And some more from David Zinn:

I made these tags from a collaged piece I made long ago. I turned them into tags. Please feel free to copy and print them out if you like them.

That's all for today, I can't do much just now, my pains are getting worse so I am not very active at the moment.

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!