Friday 27 October 2023


Hi Everybody!

Thanks God it's Friday! Why?  Why not!?

I made this face this week, and showed it a couple of days ago, but now it is finished:

The view from my window this week:

This is a butterfly face, I'm sure they have faces....

I used my old water colours. These are from Winsor and Newton, I have had them for about 20 years:

And these are Schminke colours which I had when I went to school, and before that my big sister had used them, so they must have been bought at the end of the 1940s The round pans aren't made anymore, so I have to buy the little square ones when I need new ones:

The cat was also made some years back:

A journal page:

These figures are all printed from lino cuts I made:

Another cat:

And an owl:

These faces are large, a bit larger than a real face:

I love these chirpy birds:

And the last 2 are just painted faces:

I am linking to Nicoles FFO and

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Midweek post

Hi everybody!
Hope you are all doing well!
At the moment I am joining in a free 5 day course from Sue Young from Sujatti Studio. This was our lesson yesterday - an autumn face. I need to do a few tweaks still, but I had fun with this:

And I have a tag for Sandie's 'A form of Transport' challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And some autumn photos from previous years:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 23 October 2023

T sTands for tired and Too much To do

Hi Everybody!

This evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Drink party, where we share our drinks and news. So Here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.  So what did I do this week?









And so on.....

We have a lot of herons here, in the stream next to the house and in the Rhine. and I love to watch them:

Have a great T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!