Monday 2 October 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday once again

Hi Everybody!

Time flies, and October is here already - have a great month. We had a great first of the month, warm and sunny, and I was out nearly all day with Heike, we sort of wandered from one restaurant to the next, and enjoyed ourselves very much. I forgot to take my smartphone so have no photos, But I do have some from our visit last week. This evening we will begin celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink meeting, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

I love this photos, it just makes me happy!

This week there was an article in our local newspaper about coffee, and it explained why sometimes a pinch of salt or some sugar makes the coffee taste better. I've never tried it with salt!

And after my x-rays I sat here and enjoyed a large cappuccino to revive me:

And on Wednesday Heike and I went to our fave Pizzeriaa Roma for some food:

Heike ate a spinach and broccoli cheese-bake:

And I had Penne with salmon in creamy tomato sauce:

As always we drank our non-alcoholic wheat beer:

Some funnies:

Another coffee cup:

Early morning from my balcony - always so beautiful:

And early morning at the Rhine:

Have a happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 1 October 2023

In Gear

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this time the lovely
 Neet  from Hickydorums is hosting. Welcome Neet, I am looking forward to seeing what delights you will be showing us this month in your journal pages.

Her challenge is  'In Gear', and although she has started off with a steampunk page, on the AJJ Blog, she explains all of the other possible meanings and ideas for this topic, which makes it very versatile.

I love steampunking, so have started off with this topic. I used various images and  photos to create my image, which I assembled in my graphics programme. The strange, rusty machinery on the left is at our tram stop. But I don't know its purpose:

On Friday I had to go for x-rays at our local hospital. This was part of the waiting area and the doors you go through  to get to the various machines. I think I had the privilege of trying them all in the past couple of years!

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great Sunday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 29 September 2023


Hi Everybody!

Today I have some faces to share for Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFF.

I have had a chaotic  week again with lots of appointments here and there and am just showing some faces today, all from long, long ago:

Have a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend.
Take care, have fun, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your week. Time is flying by as always, and there are never enough hours in the day. And to top it all the Lifebook Taster Sessions are keeping me extra occupied, so many great ideas and inspiration!
Today I have another tag for Michele's silhouettes challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And I have one more piece for Elle's Books, cats, tea challenge at AJJ. I love this vintage picture of the children learning, and the school cat is looking after them! I added a colourful overlay in my digital programme:

And some thinkies / funnies and photos:

I love to watch the dawn:

And in the evening the sun often shines over the rooftops and illuminates the tops of the trees:

I thought this photo from FB fits wsell to  Elle's challenge:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!