Saturday 5 August 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody! 

Hope you all have a great weekend  with good weather and lots of fun!
Thanks for all the good wishes, I am feeling a bit better, but it will take some time before I'm hopping and jumping again!

I'm glad to say I found the journal page for Chris'  'where in the world challenge' at AJJ. It is a mixed media collage filled with many people and places:

And I painted a big eyed girl, but I'm not really happy with her, I haven't even given her a name! Any suggestions?

Some photos from my balcony garden:

The succulents are growing really quickly, I never thught they would get so huge in a couple of weeks. The 2 'babies' in the middle were broken off, I put them on the soil, and now they have roots and are also geting bigger:

Gilly is the boss of the garden:

Beautiful evening pics:

Snd the flowers again:

So now it's time for some funnies and thinkies - enjoy!

I will be resting, reading and painting at the weekend, I'm sure you all have good things planned.

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 3 August 2023

Thursday/Friday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all the good wishes. I am feeling a little better and can move more easily, even if I'm walking like a snail with sore feet. There's still room for improvement! I am doing my best to take things easy, and hope to be able to get more done soon.

Today I have one more tag for my book challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used recycled corrugated cardboard again, painted the background with cream and sprinkled some gold and white embossing powder onto it. I did the same with the smaller piece, which I fixed with the sewing machine.I pasted the book page pieces into the crevices of the cardboard. The faces are from my bit-bag, as are the other decorations. It's always good to use up some odds and sods:

I also have another page for Chris'  Where in the world? challenge at AJJ, this time a hybrid piece:

And I have some faces for Nicoles's FFO. I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF.

Here are the faces for Nicole - a mix of paintings, journal pages and photos, all made by me:

The top one is my mum and I am the other one:

My husband as a child and my grandson fishing:

Clocks also have faces:

Just one thinky today:

And  one funny today:


That's all for today, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 1 August 2023

New challenge at AJJ - Where in the world?

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, and this time our lovely Chris is hosting. Chris travels a lot, and is almost always  somewhere else, so I think that was the inspiration for her theme - where in the world?! At AJJ we accept journal pages  or paintings of all sizes, real or digital, but NO cards or tags unless they are part of a journal page. And I would like to thank dear Alison who hosted our last challenge,'come fly with me', and who inspired us with many , beautiful journal pages.

The page I wanted to show you today has disappeared, I hope I find it before the challenge is over..... Anyway I have a painting made some time back when I was visiting Bodensee, or Lake Constance as it is called in English. Bodensee is in Germany. I enjoyed sitting by the lake and painting with watercolours while I was there. I mounted the picture on some matting. The bike, dog and flowers were added digitally:

I look forward to seeing your entries for our challenge!

A few thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!