Monday 27 March 2023

T sTands for coffee

 Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good, new week.

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I have made a journal page, also meant for my anything goes challenge at AJJ, and of course it is all about coffee. The mug and coffee pot were die-cut from photos taken of sunrise as seen from my balcony :

And a nice cup of tea for the tea-drinkers, enjoy!

And so that nobody stays hungry or thirsty I have some more food and drinks:

Lino cuts / prints

Delicious cakes from a Greek friend:

Summer meals:

Have a great T day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 26 March 2023

Sunday / Monday post

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I had some painting time in the afternoon, and this is what I made. It didn't turn out as I wanted, the cat looks bad tempered, but okay, it is as it is! I  think the quote is good - here it is in case you can't read my writing. And I made a spelling mistake!

'I have studied many philosophers and many cats.
The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior'
Hippolyte Taine

I am linking to my challenge at AJJ.

Some thinkies / funnies:

Bad weather;

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 25 March 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a very happy weekend.  Here they have threatened us with lots of rain, so I think that's asking for a lazy weekend at home! My fingers are very shaky again, so they need a rest, too!

I made a hybrid journal page using my photos of the pizza box - in which I brought my left-over pizza home - and the other photos I took of heike, the drinks and food. I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ:

And this time it's a coffee tag - meant for  Sandie's favourite theme challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time I imported the photo of the coffee on the table into my graphics programme and  cut out the tag using a digital punch:

And a few funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 23 March 2023

Thursday Post

Hi Everybody!

This is a sort of 'it just happened' piece. I filled one of my needle-point bottles with gold paint and dribbled some on this piece of  craft paper to try it out. Then I added the threads and the TH boy. It reminded me of a long and winding road, so I added the line underneath It's a song from the time of the 1st World War, and was written by a singer who had lost his son in the fighting:

Keep right on to the end of the road,
Keep right on to the end,
Tho' the way be long, let your heart be strong,
Keep right on round the bend.
Tho' you're tired and weary still journey on,
Till you come to your happy abode,
Where all the love you've been dreaming of
Will be there at the end of the road.
(Harry Lauder)

I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ

Rain's theme is complementary colours and here are some of my tags which fit this colour scheme:

And some funnies / thinkies:

I am also linking toNicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday art  fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have 2 pieces for various challenges to share. First up is an anything goes for my challenge at AJJ. I used a photo of a crumbling stone wall for the background. The bird on the branch is also one of my photos, the rest is assorted ephemera and then some digital additions, all put together in my digital programme:

The second piece is a tag for Sandie's new challenge, my favourite theme, at Tag Tuesday. I have once again used Leda, sorry, she seems to be on my mind just now:

Heike and I went to another café. It was a tiny bit more expensive, but the cups were larger and it tasted great:

The girls of today in 40 years time:

Have a great day,take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!