Wednesday 21 September 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hybrid piece for Neet's fur or feathers challenge, and I'm happy to say that this time I have both on my page. The background is hand painted, the ladies are both lino cuts I made a couple of years back. The animals and tree are from Serif. The text is a hymn we used to sing in morning assembly at primary school, I'm sure others who went to school back in those times will know it, too:

I'm also linking to Rain'sTADD -harvest and food.

Some thinkies and funnies:

I will be back on Friday!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 20 September 2022

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is
As usual you can use any medium you choose, as long as you follow the challenge theme.
 I made 2 mixed media tags and the flowers were embossed with structure paste through a stencil. I did a lot of sewing on the tags, my machine has been repaired! The sentiments are from Tim Holz:

If you put them together it looks almost like one piece!

As always you have 2 weeks to link to us and
We are looking forward to seeing what you make!

And we are also starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time our lovely and talented Pinky is hosting and her theme is books/ bookpages. Pinky has made some wonderful tags for ispiration, do take a look, and I hope to see you joining in! This is my tag:

Some thinkies / funnies

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 17 September 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good weekend. We're still enjoying cool and rainy weather here, so lovely! 

Today I have the last (for now!) of my moon ladies, I need to start on new themes! This was once again hard to photograph because of the metallic paint I used. As always, it's an A3 sheet painted with acrylics:

When I showed this baby owl on my blog recently, Neet asked me if I could make one of my hybrid pieces using it. So here, specially for Neet, a journal page assembled from 2 photos, a mouse image and a digital frame. I am linking to Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ:

Some thinkies/funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 15 September 2022

Thursday /Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

The week is flying by again. It's cool and rainy here now, I'm enjoying it very much! Today I had a nice day with two friends, we had fun, ate too much cake and enjoyed a lovely meal this evening - wonderful!

Today I have an A3 piece to share that I made for Melanie Rivers lessson in Ida Andersen Lang's Art-Soul gathering. I am linking to Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ, to Rain's Thursday Art Date, to Nicole's Friday Face Off, and Gillena's Friday Art Fun :

Some Thinkies / Funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Roses, birds and stars

Hi Everybody!

Today I have an A3 mixed media piece to share. The background was a brush-wipe page to which I added some scraps of book paper etc that were flying about on my workdesk. I'm not sure if the lady is wearing a scarf of if it's her hair, you'll have to ask her. I stenciled and painted some dots and stars, as well as the quote, and painted the swallows with black paint. I am linking to Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ. Sorry that some pics are fuzzy, blame my fuzzy fingers:

And for Wendy's roses challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag, using some Victorian scraps:



Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!