Thursday 18 July 2019

Weekend wind up

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing 2 pieces made with a combination of  painting, digital elements and photos. I love making things where I can include my photography in my art:

The centre piece is an altered photo of the Altstadt of Düsseldorf, placed on a distressed and stamped background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's 'wandering camera'

As usual, I have been walking a lot, and here are some of my pics.
Loved these tiny flowers peeking out of a garden wall:

I'm always thankful to those who decorate their houses so beautifully:

Giant teasels, well over 8 feet tall:

Time to come clean:

This lady often feeds the water-fowl in Hofgarten with lettuce, which they love:

This one helped himself out of her shopping bag:

The goslings are growing:

In front of the wonderful Daniel Liebeskind building there are 2 sort-of-pyramids covered with distorting mirrors and I have been having fun there this week taking some wacky photos:

Okay, one day I might grow up. But definitely not yet!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Going round in circles

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We're still having cool and cloudy weather here, but up till now no rain, pity. And next week it is supposed to hot up again, oh dear!
For Wendy's 'circles' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another hybrid tag. The background is cut from an old canvas which I have re-purposed to use for other things. The circles were cut from some tangle patterns (Serif), and the text was added digitally:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

As a person who spends a lot of time outside observing nature, the circles of life and the changing seasons and weather are things which fascinate me daily, so I love this theme. Hope to see you joining in, too!

This cheeky crow is often in Hofgarten, and loves sitting here:

The swans always glide by so majestically:

The crow again:

Lots of wild geese, always feeding:

Stormy weather on its way:

This rabbit was hiding under a bush:

More of my fave animals:

 And more geese:

And last night as I went to close the curtains I saw that the lunar eclipse had started, which I had forgotten about, shame on me! So I nipped onto the balcony in my pyjamas and got some pics with my small camera. They are a bit grainy, but I didn't have time to get out the big one and tripod etc. It was great to watch, though, and I had bats swirling around me while I was outside. Sorry, they didn't stay to have their photos taken!

That's all for today!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 15 July 2019

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend went well! I did a lot of walking. The weather was cool and cloudy, but I loved it. We did get a little rain, but not as much as is necessary, so I'm hoping for more, as the ground is dry and parched.

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday
Our lovely Wendy is hosting, and has chosen 'Circles' as her theme. She made some beautiful tags for inspiration, which you can see on our blog when it goes live Monday evening. Hope to see YOU joining in. Thanks to all who joined us last time!  I used an image from Gecko Gals placed on a hand-painted background. The quote is from John Hartford:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday linky party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. And it is also the 6th birthday of Elizabeth's event, so happy birthday from me!
My drink was cappuccino, once again, and sometimes accompanied by ice or other food:

I did lots of walking as always, which makes me thirsty and hungry. I always take a bottle of water with me, but I need something more substantial in between.
Here is a selection of photos from the past week.

The young Nile geese have grown enormously:

Mother goose keeping her beady eye on me:

More window photos:

Fun murals:

An armless model:

Water-fowl in Hofgarten. Elizabeth asked about the nesting black swans. They got moved to the 'bird house'  in the park to keep them safe, when I know more I will inform you:

We saw a 42 yesterday for the hitchhikers:

Peaceful evening scenes:

A busy bee:

Love this statue:

The ancient 'Heiligenhäuschen' (Little holy house) in Oberkassel. It really is a very tiny chapel, about 2 yards wide and 2 1/2 long:

Colourful graffiti:

That's enough for today! Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!