Saturday 26 August 2017

More play time

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

 I made another mixed media collage (8 x 8"), using a photo
of my Mum on a DP background, and adding sewing, peeled
and painted cardboard, and some natural materials as
embellishments. The quote was added digitally to be able to
link it to Jo's 'Poetry in Motion' challenge at Art Journal Journey.
The photo was added as a turpentine decal, which makes it so
wonderfully transparent, I like this technique! But you do
need to work outside because of the fumes:

The originals without the quote:

The tag is for Michele's 'Back to School' challenge at
Tag Tuesday. The sweet image is from Gecko Galz, and it
was coloured with some brush pens. I added some felt butterflies
around her hem, and some washi tapes. As always, I sewed it all 
together and added some pink embellishments.
Hope to see YOUR tag at Tag Tuesday!

Some photos taken from the window of a room last week:

My walk home by the lakes and stream:

I have gathered teasels again:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 25 August 2017

Butterfly child in orbit

Hi Everybody!

Another week is racing by, and it's Friday already.
So, I'll ask again, 'Where does the time go?'
My head is still spinning from my wonderful museum day
this week, and the adventure in Tomas Saraceno's
'Orbit' installation. I think I need to go there again!

The winners of my Tuesday postcard this week are CJ and Chrissie,
so please send me your contact details! Congratulations!

I have an A5 mixed media piece, using a turpentine/lazertran
decal over some printed DP.  These decals are transparent so you 
can see the paper underneath. As usual, I sewed it all together.
The baby is me at about 1 year old.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin

And I made a hybrid version with a little verse so it fits to Jo's 'poetry in 
motion' at Art Journal Journey:

And now I have more pics from Saraceno's wonderful 
installation. Some people asked yesterday if the people are real -
yes, they are the visitors. If you ant to get into the net you
queue up, have to lock all your bits and bobs in a locker,
and then put on an overall and hiking boots, so you have a good grip.
If you wear glasses you get a binder which prevents them from falling 
off. There are cushions in the net, so you can laze around or
walk about as you like. No more than 10 are allowed in at
a time. I so want to go there again. You have to leave your telephone
and camera outside in the locker, too! I just loved the feeling of light, 
and dimension and movement, as well as the great reflections.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 24 August 2017

In orbit

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I met up here with my 2 cousins who live in Wales
and Holland respectively and we spent most of the day
visiting the various big
art Museums in Düsseldorf. I was completely knocked out
by the end of the day, but it was worth it!

For Jo's 'Poetry in motion' theme at Art Journal Journey I have another
mixed-media owl piece, (just over A5) once again using fabric, cardboard,
 painting, stamping, embossing and lots of stitching. The canvas was
dyed and stamped using my home-made vintage ink. The beading 
was ironed on. I am also linking to Paint  Party Friday:

For Michele's 'Back to school' theme at Tag Tuesday
I have a digital tag. I'm there, as well as Erika and my mum:

Yesterday started off with a wonderful sunrise:

 In the K21 museum there is a wonderful installation, 'In orbit'
from Tomas Saraceno. You can see more here

This is the view from the entrance hall looking up to
this madness under the glass roof, wow:

People were enjoying climbing around in the net, like being in space:

Here we are upstairs and next to the installation:

It was very exciting and totally surreal:

More photos to follow, I need time to process them!
It was such an exciting place to visit!

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!