Monday 30 January 2017

Changing my mind....

Hi Everybody!

There's lots going on today, so I'd better  get started
straightaway. It's Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday today. so
I would like to give a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies
of the T Gang.
We are also starting a new challenge at TIOT 
💝💖Hearts and flowers💖💝
As always you have 2 weeks to join in and projects of all
formats are welcome.

My piece was made with a collage onto corrugated
cardboard, using scraps of serviettes etc., and stitched with a heart. 
I placed it inside a photographer's paper frame, 
embossed with pearl structure paste and with added flowers:

The only problem was, I decided that I didn't like it. So I took the
corrugated piece out and used it as a cover on my second new journal:

This means that I have 2 journals with more or less matching covers:

And what about the paper frame?
I found another vintage photo from my dear Erika (taken in 1916), and
put her into it. I think the vintage style fits better:

I added some stitching and some natural flowers,
picked here from a tree in the front garden. I went over the stitching and round the photo with some gold chameleon way from Pentart:

And we're still not finished! I have my last piece
for Erika's lovely theme at AJJ. A HUGE thank you to Erika for all the lovely pages she made, and to all the lovely ladies who have supported 
us there.
I am leaving AJJ in order to have more time for myself. 
I will also be teaching two art classes each week at a 
local art school, for the next 8 weeks,
 and am looking forward to that very much.

And you can help yourselves to oat cookies,
extra delicious with molasses, cinnamon and ginger:

I went for a coffee last week at the Einhorn, (unicorn) and it was good:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 29 January 2017

Peaceful Sunday

Hi Everybody!

I am having a quiet Sunday at home -
time for a long soak in the bath, crafting, baking
and reading - what could be better?

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of
'Tell me a story' I have a hybrid piece, using family photos
and vintage illustrations- I think if all the characters could get
together they would have a lot to tell:

This mixed media tag was actually intended to be something different. But after I had stamped and embossed the pattern on the left,  I thought
of Oscar Wilde's wonderful wallpaper quote, and made the tag using one of 'my' men:

The second shoot on my amaryllis is growing apace, and has
FIVE buds:

These are Friday's photos from my walk through town-
mostly looking up:

The lantern on the old town hall:

Somebody must have got cold ears going home:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 28 January 2017

Birds of a feather....

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!
The weather is not quite as sunny as it was the past 2 days,
but it's a bit milder, so that makes up for it. I was able to have a short
walk again. I wanted to pick up some lovely shells and feathers
I saw, but can't bend down yet because of my ribs.
 I will find some another time!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's theme of 'tell me a story',
I have 2 pages in my 2nd new journal,
which is already 'old' and nearly full!
The first page is a heap of words, you have to make 
the story yourself! The 2nd page is about childhood
 memories, I used to love watching my aunt cook 
and bake, and being able to 'help', and
lick the spoon....

I am in a tag phase just now. This one is about 10", and once again
made of recycled cardboard, partly peeled. I covered it with a mix of Golden crackle paste mixed with sky blue paint. The Euro shop recently 
had a variety of expensive brand names in crafty stuff for 1€ each, 
which was great. I roughed it up with a palette knife and 
added some Frantage EP. The other colours were added with
Gelatos and a water-brush. The birds are from a serviette,
which I pasted onto thin card and then fussy cut. 
The red berries were made from small balls (Pentart),
painted red, and the eggs are larger balls painted egg-shell blue
and then crackled. The nest was embellished with a remnant
of Christmas decoration band and some feathers.Then
I sewed it to an old calendar page.

I am linking to Simon Monday challenge, spread your wings

We once again had a wonderful sunrise, enhanced by
dark clouds:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!