Saturday 3 September 2016

An art lesson and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!

It was fun that some of you tried to guess who was who in my piece yesterday. The only one who got them all right was SUSI - please go to the top of the class, and take a sweetie from the jar! My Mum is the third from left in the second row, and Erika on the left of that row. I was standing at the front behind the blackboard. The others who tried can each take a sweetie, too!

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's lovely theme of 'back to school' I have a hybrid page using photos taken at my art class way back at the end of the 1970s. We  had made heads from paper maché - the wine bottles were just for support! We had a fun few weeks creating, painting and decorating the heads. The photos are Polaroids, and seem to have got a bit darker in the course of the years.

Here are the originals:

And here are the sweeties, help yourselves!

These photos are from the last part of my long walk home on Thursday. After leaving Old Niederkassel I walked up the ramp onto the bridge:

It was very loud and the air full of fumes!

This saddened me , a man had thrown himself off the bridge here:

The wild geese off for a paddle:

Looking back to the town:

The spiral leading down makes it easy for cyclists, pedestrians, wheelchairs etc:

As I got nearer to home the clouds were piling up:

I was happy to be back by the horses:

The clouds were most impressive:

Today I visited a neighbouring town, I will tell you about it in another post!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 2 September 2016

Saturday Mix

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Back to school, I have another
hybrid piece.  I placed lots of figures on a water coloured background, all from a Gecko Galz collage sheet. The fence at the front was added digitally, as was the blackboard.. I also popped in some little girls from my family - My mum, Erika and me - who's who?

On Thursday I started my little outing at the tram stop down the road:

In Oberkassel they had very interesting containers for recycling old glass, paper etc - the stuff gets stored underground, so no unsightly huge containers to see. Great idea!

I walked down to the Rhine - Oberkassel is opposite the Altstadt - old town - of Düsseldorf:

The connecting bridge:

The post office tower:

Beautiful, old houses from the beginning of the 20th century along the Rhine:

The round building used to be a planetarium and is now
 concert hall:

I kept walking:

I was heading for this bridge to cross the river again, but made a detour to Old Niederkassel first (The photos I showed yesterday)

 The sheep were dozing in the shade:

There are more photos to come, but I think it's enough for today!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 1 September 2016

This and that for Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend again, so time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and for Elizabeth's Second on the Second and it's always time for 

For the Second on the Second we re-show posts from previous times,
and I am showing some Van Gogh rip-offs I made last year, showing 2 members of the family Roulin, with whom Van Gogh was friends:

And for Art Journal Journey, back to school, hosted by Elizabeth, a have a hybrid page, using an image from Gecko Galz, with some additions and alterations, and starring my balcony starling :

 Yesterday started off bright and sunny again:

I made a little outing by tram and bus to the other side of the Rhine, where I used to live and work before my husband died. This is a little village where there are lots of pubs, cafes etc, near to the Rhine, and very popular for a stopover.
There was building work going on, so there was a lot of traffic, which got in the way of my photos:

This is the old village pub:

This is how the barges were moved in the old days:

Here they make and sell beer and spirits, and more recently wine:

This pub is famous for it's bacon pancakes - they are sooooooo good!

One view (almost) without traffic:

Hope you enjoyed your tour today!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!