Monday 15 August 2016

T Day this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT - book pages. I started out with a photo I took of one of my old books from the 18th century, a bound copy of the 'Thespian', a theatre magazine, which I placed onto an old indenture. Reading, or being between the pages of a book has always been my greatest pleasure since I learnt to read at the age of 3. I added some  figures (Mischief Circus), and my  flower painting. I made the images partly transparent, as the images we get when we are reading grow out of the words themselves  in our imagination.
Projects of all formats are allowed, and as always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, so I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, I made a page using 2 photos taken recently - the clouds shown 2 days ago, and an angel that has recently been replaced onto the roof of Schloss Kalkum:

Clouds, skies, rain and sunshine are great wonders, and I can happily do nothing except watch the skies for hours:

Love the blue flowers they have put in the window-boxes here:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all of the T gang. Here a photo taken from my seat at 'my' ice parlour:

And this is a cafe where I drank a 'coffee' last week when I was in town:

It looked good - but although it was rather expensive, it was tasteless, and the cookie tasted like it had been made from play-dough!

The spice bar cookies I made for my visitors were definitely better - go on, try one!

Sunday 14 August 2016

Monday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, have a great start in the new week.
I did a lot of housew**k today, as some long lost relations are coming
to visit me tomorrow, and I didn't want things to be as messy 
as they sometimes are....
And I baked some cookies, so I was busy.

For Art Journal Journey, Gill's lovely theme of Nature's wonders,
I have a hybrid piece. The background is from Gecko Galz, and I added a butterfly, some colour and some paper scraps and crackle to give more interest. Then I digitally added the photo of the young crow that I took recently:

And I have some more photos from my walk along the Rhine last week. Here I am looking back towards the Altstadt and bridges of Düsseldorf, you can see the wonky Church spire and the Post Office Tower in the background, and some of the party and restaurant ships.

This is taken looking towards where I live, which is not yet in sight - there's still a long way to go:

I loved these rusty pylons where ships can dock:

This ship is named after Heinrich Heine, the great German poet who was born in Düsseldorf's Altstadt. We also have an Avenue and a university named after him. But he left Germany to live in France, can't say I blame him....

This is the Yacht Club, there are lots of nice boats moored here. But my fave has to be the boat selling Döner (Kebabs)

I took a short cut through the North Park, as it is less far to walk that way than along the Rhine, and it was looking more and more like rain....
I used to work near here, so it was nice to have a quick visit:

After that I walked as quickly as I could over the last couple of miles, and just 
got back as the rain started.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 13 August 2016

I want to be under the sea....

Hi Everyone!

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, I have an underwater scene, made with some children's stencils, stamping, drawing and doodling. I used black ink and gelatos on a painted and textured background. I found the whole piece a bit pale, so added a digital mask and a few extras:

This was before the digital treatment:

While I was out and about last Thursday I visited an old cemetery near the Rhine. There are lots of familiar names there, many streets and places here are named after them:

Love the snake and dragonfly on this one:

This is the grave of a sculptor:

I wonder how the angel lost it's head?

And to get back to fluffy, living creatures, here are some more pics of the duck and ducklings I showed last week - they have grown, but there are now only six little ones....

And a wave from the cormorant:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!