Monday 27 June 2016

The Road to Happiness

Hi Everybody!

Have a good start in the new week! I'm hoping here that the weather
will not be quite as chaotic as in the last one, but 
I suppose we have to take what we get.

For Art Journal Journey, maps,  I have another piece made at the beginning of the month,  although I am convinced that the vote for the Brexit in England is NOT the way to happiness, and seems to have split the country. I was pleased to see that the Scots and Londoners all voted to stay.

On Sunday we had a few hours of dry weather in the morning, so I walked along the Rhine, still very full, and then through our little town, where some events were taking place. At the thrift shop 'One World' there was a flea market, with lots of things to look at and finger and buy....

Here they were selling coffee, cakes, drinks and fresh waffles. I had a coffee,
so a big hello to all of the T Gang here, as I am linking to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday tomorrow. The smell of the waffles made me really hungry!

And I bought myself this lovely handbag/ rucksack for 4,50€,
almost new, and with strong leather clasps and decorations, so I was very happy
with my 'find'.

 Raincoats and wellies here are the correct Sunday clothes for all who 
move about on foot. The orthopedic hospital is in the background - the thrift shop is in the hospital grounds:

 Bunting is hanging everywhere, as it is 'Schützen Fest' -
Marksmen's Festival, and the 'Schützen' were marching  with loud music to their 'bandstand':

This is the little square where they congregate, along with all who want to drink a beer, enjoy a grilled sausage, or just have a coffee and listen to the music:

The musicians were playing good music:

I walked back along the quieter streets:

St George and the Dragon are up on what used to be the 'Ritter' Pub - Ritter means 'Knight':

And it looks like Saint Swidbert is joining in the festivities, holding up the bunting and giving his blessing:

And my quote for today:

'People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do' (Isaac Asimov)

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 26 June 2016

Trying to make the best of bad weather

Hi Everybody!

I'd better not say this too loud, but it isn't raining (yet) today. We had heavy storms again in the night from Friday to Saturday, and yesterday it poured all day, so I decided to stay home and hibernate, which gave me a day of painting, reading and  crafting. In the afternoon I watched a DVD of Jane Austin's 'Sense and Sensibility', and turned the catastrophic weather into a relaxing day.

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I made a hybrid piece showing a map of England and Shakespeare. The image was made with a stencil from Stencilry. The background is one of my old documents written on animal skin.

I am glad that my flowers survived the rain:

The view out of the window was depressing, so I closed the curtains:

These photos were taken on Friday along the Rhine:

I love the houses round about the Basilica:

And my quote for today:

'I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade....And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party'
Ron White

Have a great Sunday!
Take care, and thanks for coming by!

Friday 24 June 2016

Where do I belong?

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Maps, I have another journal page, which for me is very relevant just now, as the majority of the British  decided in their referendum to leave the EU.
This decision has left me feeling rather shell shocked, and it is  one which I think is very wrong. For my page I used a map of the corner of London, where I was born, and one of my photos of the castle ruins here in Kaiserswerth. When I made it, I was hoping that the 'Brexit'  vote would bring a different decision.
Now at least  I know that I don't belong in Great Britain any more.

I have a sunflower on my balcony, evidently planted by one of my winged visitors, and have been taking progress shots over the past couple of weeks:

And I love my blue balloon flowers, and watching them pop open:

This is the seed capsule from a horn violet, which is really beautifully 'designed':

We had very heavy storms again last night, with non-stop lightning and thunder
over a coupe of hours, and it's not over yet - the never ending summer storm story.

My quote for today:

'A good decision is based on knowledge and not
on numbers'. Plato

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!