Wednesday 3 February 2016

Dance to the music....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, If music be the food of love, I have 
a hybrid page today, made from a mix of a dancer, music and a photo of one of the lakes near here as background.

I discovered these wonderful fungi growing on a tree stump. Last week there was nothing there, on Monday they were visible as little yellow spots, and today they are growing really big - a variation on Jack and the Beanstalk?

Fairy steps:

Sorry, just a short post as it was a hard day  today,

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Life, love, hope

Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already, where does the time go?

For Art Journal Journey I have an A3 mixed media page. The central part is a photo from the early 1940's, which I enlarged and digitally altered. I love the way they are both looking hopeful, but somehow serious, perhaps wondering what their future would be. They were Jewish, and lived in Hungary, and from there they fled through various countries, trying to find a safe haven from the Nazis. I asked Leah what happened to her husband, she just said, 'They took him'. And he never came back. Lea survived, married again after the war and lived here. I looked after her for her last couple of years in the old people's home. She never wanted to speak of her terrible experiences, but always smuggled food into her room and hid it in a suitcase in her wardrobe, together with a few essentials, so she would have something if she ever needed to flee again. 

For Wen's neutrals I altered a photo:

This is the tag made for Tag Tuesday, where our theme  was shadows/reflections:

I think the blackbird was trying to pretend that he wasn't interested in the food:

But then he thought better of it:

And the pigeons were sitting on their branch this morning waiting for me to put out their food:

We've had a lot of rain, so the Rhine is full:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 1 February 2016

music, romance and more

Hi Everybody!

Today is multiple challenge day - Art Journal Journey, TIOT, Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd and Elizabeth's Tea Stands for Tuesday. It's Tag Tuesday, too, but I will show my tag another time.

At TIOT our new challenge is 'a fine romance' - Hmm, Valentine's Day seems to be coming nearer.....Projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to start thinking of romance and to join in our theme. You can find more inspiration on our blog. I have made a hybrid piece using a photo of the Rhine at sunset, with an added frame and some digital images from Freubel's Freebies. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey - if music be the food of love.

For Elizabeth's TSFT and 2nd on the 2nd I am re-showing a journal page made last year, all about chocolate, as that fits the TSFT theme. Here a big hello to all the T Gang. The page was made with a magazine cut out - Milka is a famous brand of choccie over here - a stenciled clock and quote, and some fine colour spray.

And to keep in theme, here is my drink today - cappuccino, served this time in one of my Mum's precious bone-china cups. As kids we were never allowed to use them, perhaps that's why they survived, and I very rarely use them either.

And here is my fave chocolate biscuit, with lots of delicious, creamy chocolate:

Here it is undressed - go on, take a bite, you know you want to!

The photos show the Rhine at sundown:

This cutie visited me again:

And I love this winter-flowering tree:

And I always have fun playing with my long legged shadow, who likes to stick with me when the weather is fine, but always stays home when it rains.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at

'If Music be the food of love....'

Our hostess for the month is the lovely Hazel.

This theme gives you a wide scope - music, love, things you love and cherish,
or of course, a combination of all of them. Let your imagination run riot, think of something that makes you want to burst into song, 
and then link your creations to us.

I have made an A3 mixed media page, pasted with vintage book pages, hand-written texts and some tissue tape, and then washed over with gesso. I drew the face with a permanent marker, and then coloured her with water colours and gelatos. Her ear looks like the dog chewed it, but never mind, I gave her bright and colorful hair to make up for it.  I am also linking to 99 faces.

Yesterday morning:

Today -  what a difference a day makes!

Hope your day is great, whatever the weather!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!