Tuesday 19 January 2016

Wednesday this and that

Hi Everybody!
It's the middle of the week already - where does the time go?

Today I have a hybrid piece in which I have layered Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian man, his portrait and one of his wonderful anatomical sketches. I pulled it all together with a frame. I am linking to Moo Mania and More, famous people. 

For 99 faces I am showing the last of my 'old fashioned girls' - this time in spring green, drawn and painted over a floral DP background. I needed to see some spring colours!

Down at the Rhine I met the usual ducks, geese, gulls  and Mr Heron. Here he still has a fish in his beak:

And he didn't bother to wipe his beak afterwards!

I am sure the ships get bigger and bigger:

The water is not so high as it was:

But still seems to be rather chilly:

And I was happy to find lots of beautiful, frosted leaves:

Have a good day, keep warm, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Frosty weather

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -
Projects of all formats are allowed, as long as you keep to the theme.
You have two weeks to join us, so hope to see you on our blog!

I made a hybrid collage using various photos . The background is the morning sky in winter,  the herons are always standing at the Rhine fishing, and the wild ducks are also a familiar sight here. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland.

For Wen's Simply Neutrals I digitally altered a photo of the entrance to the Basilica here. I added the beautiful statue which Wen allowed us to use some weeks back. I changed the background, layering my photo with one of my old documents. The stones were photographed at the Rhine, the little cherub usually sits on my window ledge, and the other piece is from one of the windows here.
I am also linking to 'famous people' at Moo Mania and More.

 Today is also T stands for Tuesday over at Elizabeth's blog, so a big hello to all the T Gang.

Today I am sharing my creamed tomato soup embellished with a splodge of sour cream:

And we are not finished yet....
This is known as a 'pig's ear' here, and you can really make a pig of yourself with them.

And to wash it down, cappuccino - what else?

After an icy night the day dawned with lots of beautiful colours:

When it was light I could see the frost sparkling on the trees and bushes:

My morning walk took me first along the stream, through the frosty fields:

And I just loved the frosted leaves:

I felt frosted myself by the time I came home, and was happy to drink a large mug of hot coffee.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 17 January 2016

Snow and birds

Hi Everybody!
Hope you have all enjoyed the weekend.
Here it was cold and frosty, but we did have some sun today, so that was good.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid collage. The background is a photo taken at the Rhine a few years back, when we had lots of snow and sunshine. I added a frosty frame, the face and the shadows of some people - the ones further back are real people, I like to mix!

This bird gets the prize this week for being the best and quickest eater on my balcony:

Her husband was the 2nd quickest:

The Rhine was not quite as high today, looks like the water is receding again.
The heron was scowling, as always:

The cormorant looked cold and fed up, too:

The wild geese were having a ball:

And the gulls were once again the noisiest ones:

Have a good start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 16 January 2016

Water birds galore

Hi Everybody!
Hope your weekend is going well!

For 99 faces I have 2 faces drawn on an A3 page which was painted, sprayed and patterned. I added some bits and bobs from a collage box that I wanted to empty out, and that was that.

And this piece was just for fun, fiddling around with this and that on a painted and dripped background. 

The water in the Rhine has risen again, so we had quite an invasion of water fowl. I think they know that they can find a rich bounty when the meadows are covered with water, so as well as the usual birds there were 2 swans a swanning, hundreds of wild geese making a heck of a noise, and dozens of gulls and crows who were also swooping about noisily. I had fun watching them and taking photos, although it was bitterly cold. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!